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  1. #1
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    Question SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    This idea for a thread hit me, as I was reading some other preparedness threads on; assuming all of us 'average Joes' here in Allegheny County, do NOT in fact, have a private helipad, chopper, and pilot - ready, fueled, and on standby - to whisk us away to our fully-prepped deluxe hideaway cabin, 7,000ft. up the side of a mountain in western MT, on the day it all goes wrong, what then are some of YOUR plans, for the great Allegheny Co. bug-IN?

    Watching the entire city's traffic snarl this morning, as four trucks collided on the Ft. Pitt bridge, served as ANOTHER vivid reminder, that the possibility of escaping the city by vehicle when the SHTF, is going to be impossible, certainly heightens the awareness of our reality TO be prepared to bug-IN.

    With THAT in mind, what are some folks on here PREPARED to do (don't feel it necessary to give away SPECIFIC preps - I don't CARE what street you live on [unless it's MINE! ], and how many metric tons of Mountain Home butter you currently have socked away in your basement), vis-a-vis the mass of humanity that will inevitably abandon their vehicles and run pell mell through the streets, your neighborhood, and your yard - all in a desperate attempt to 'escape (either a dirty mushroom cloud, 737 in the US Steel building, anthrax attack, terrorists at a Steeler's game, etc.),' to a place they know not where!?!?

    Furthermore, how long CAN you hold out? Have you prepped differently, than say, a James Wesley Rawles has suggested, because you DON'T live in the middle of B-F, Idaho? Because you live next door to a 'Stop 'N' Rob,' are you discounting the need to stockpile water, for instance, in favor of bullets, figuring you can get the water next door FIRST, in the event of total chaos?

    Are there any SPECIFIC attacks you've prepped for, just BECAUSE we're in Allegheny Co.? To throw a softball out for consideration, because we're the headwaters of the Ohio River, I think a biological agent attack is VERY possible, simply because of the panic it would create, as that contaminated water traveled downstream past WV, KY, OH, IN, IL, MO, TN, AR, LA, & MS, on the way to the gulf!

    Any other preps you've thought of because of our terrain, urban landscape, crappy roads, large-scale sporting events, the three rivers, etc.? As most of the survival threads I've read elsewhere, are usually based on some lone ranger, trying to 'survive' the occasional passing stranger out in the hinterlands of WY, it seems only fitting, to ask this of the people who know Pittsburgh BEST - the firearms-owning RESIDENTS! I've only been here 5 years myself, so any advice you can give to me (I'm in the South Hills, FYI) or to any other newb, or even to a crafty old fox who MIGHT not have thought of something from your perspective, is QUITE welcome! Thanks for reading, and hopefully sharing some wisdom!

    Last edited by The_War_Wagon; October 5th, 2007 at 04:47 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o


    Just so I have this're talking about "terrorist attack day" not “zombie day” right?

    Cause I’m thinking that zombie day would be a lot more fun. You could shoot stupid people and use the excuse of “He/She did (XXXXXXX) and no one but a zombie would do something that stupid.”

    For terrorist attack day you have to watch who you are shooting cause they might just be another average American on your side. Unless they are wearing their hotel linens on their heads.

    I think it best that we clarify this. I’m not trying to bust your stones or anything. This should be really good thread. Thank you for getting it going.

    Last edited by GRoPA; September 21st, 2007 at 06:09 PM.
    "Ya only need legs to kick ass baby boy" - Bartender in Feast III

  3. #3
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    Exclamation Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    Just so I have this're talking about "terrorist attack day" not “zombie day” right?

    Cause I’m thinking that zombie day would be a lot more fun. You could shoot stupid people and use the excuse of “He/She did (XXXXXXX) and no one but a zombie would do something that stupid.”

    For terrorist attack day you have to watch who you are shooting cause they might just be another average American on your side. Unless they are wearing their hotel linens on their heads.
    Well, I think you could make posts about EITHER, really! I did ask, that if you had a certain scenario that you thought plausible (say, the Port Authority finally goes under, and urban zombies - upset over the buses disappearing - begin rioting simultaneously in Lincoln-Lemington, Allentown, & Homewood, & surrounding locales - stretching city & county police forces too thin - and with many of our Guardsmen overseas, riots spread beyond the ability of local LEO's to contain - now there's a potential 'urban zombie/Golden Horde' scenario for ya'!), to go ahead and post it, and how you've prepared accordingly, and might respond to the crisis.

    Economic collapse, social upheaval (say, OJ walks again, and whites everywhere riot and burn their neighborhoods ), terrorist strike, North Korean missile strike, Asian Bird Flu outbreak, Biblical flood - you name it, & then tell us how YOU'VE prepared. Hopefully, the rest of us can learn a thing or 12 in the process!

    One thing I DIDN'T mention before though - feel free to name the BEST place in the county to be, as well as the place you wouldn't be caught dead, on a bright sunny day at high noon, come SHTF! My votes for each are:

    Best place - far western part of the county, near the Washington and Beaver Co. lines. Sparsest population, and the roads don't lend themselves to east/west travel in the county, anyway. Most folks will be jammed up on I-79, US19, and Rt.51 going south, I-376 or US 30 going east, Rt.28 going northeast, 19, I-279 & 79 going north, and 30, & Rts.22 & 60 going west/northwest. If you're already OUT that away, say, around Sturgeon or Murdochville, you'll be in excellent bug-IN shape, vis-a-vis the rest of us.

    Worst place - Picking all the 'typical winners (Beltzhoover, Homewood, Mt. Oliver)' is a little too easy here, so I'm going to go with one you MIGHT not immediately think of - Oakland. Think about it for a minute; who lives there? Namby-pamby granola college students, who'd welcome their gangsta rapper executioners with flowers, because they're too stupid to know better, and well-to-do young professionals, who don't have sense enough to come in out of the rain (i.e. - not smart enough to leave the convertible Benz [with the top down, no less...] at home, in the middle of a riot). E-Z pickin's, for the Golden Horde, and they'll overrun it in no time flat. Definitely NOT the place to be without an infantry brigade at your '6.'

    So, with that established, feel free to throw out your own thoughts on the matter - those are some of mine, to get you started/stir the pot!


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    I'd hightail it to the monroeville mall and hunker down.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    TWW, believe it or not, It once came up as s subject one night, mater of fact, the tohread name was "started late one night" at
    This was way back before there where 400 people here at post #19601

    We found out many here did not know much about Mechanics or people. Most people answered "Pending on the situation… I have several plans, Don’t need practice, they are all in my head." and you are very right, most had loner ideas.
    Some thought about family plans, but most thought each to his own was the best way around it.

    Here are some of the things I brought up.
    1. Don’t go to underground transportation.
    2. Don’t go thinking your car/truck will help you much.
    3. We learnt from Louisiana that the Officials might be your enemy.
    4. Your friends might be there to help you, but pending if you have a meeting place or not you might never see them again.
    5. Don’t go running for high tech ideas, many SHTF situations will knock out phones, cells, computers…

    So here you are, like you said a Plane hits the USX, what do you do?
    We already know from NYC and Louisiana that there would be a communication shutdown. The communications you would have would be at best weak, faulty, and in some instances down right wrong.

    If you watched movies like “10” you would know, be it man made of natural, there would be the possibility of contaminants, in the water, in the air… These are things you would need to deal with, maybe even without being prepared to do so.
    Here are some basic things you would need.
    · Transportation, land water air.
    · Communication, mostly older types, am radio, ham, cb, scanner, any thing that has no computer chips.
    · Food, fresh water, enough to get you out of trouble, no further. You can replenish foods and water on the way, of all things water is more important.
    · LIGHT arms, don’t go thinking your lugging all your guns on you, take one long arm, one short arm, bullets.
    · If you have pre planned a bug out tip, see who else is able to make it there, make backup plans. Stick to them.

    This had, and still has the possibility of being a good thread. Have fun.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  6. #6
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    If it really really hits the fan...

    Save one round for you and one for each of your family members

  7. #7
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    Quote Originally Posted by Thaigirl Hunter View Post
    If it really really hits the fan...

    Save one round for you and one for each of your family members
    You DO realize that to some people SHTF means they run out of cigarettes or beer during a party right?

    If you go out dispensing advice like this, I propose we avoid any area you might be in while in possession of a gun.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  8. #8
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    You know what i am saying

    stop thinking like a liberal

    viva france

  9. #9
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    Quote Originally Posted by Thaigirl Hunter View Post
    viva france
    That would be "Vive La France!"

    P.S. I am not from France, I have no affiliation to France, and I have never been to France.

    Does the fact you speak English mean you are from England?

    Where I come from, the Liberals are the only ones who think gun ownership should be legal… And for all its worth, If SHTF in the way you are saying it “seeing I am supposed to know” you wont need to pay your own bullets, just stand still. Some one will notice and take action.

    Now with all respect, you also understand I believe what I meant; SHTF to some is not what it would be to others. I have no doubt there are people who without a SHTF scenario already have thoughts of what you are suggesting. How would you feel if some news paper reported tomorrow that…

    “Joe Blow murdered his family and suicide himself after reading on a popular Pennsylvania website that when things don’t go your way, the solution is to end it this way”

    Originally Posted by Thaigirl Hunter
    If it really really hits the fan...

    Save one round for you and one for each of your family members
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  10. #10
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    Default Re: SHTF Day, & you're STUCK in Pittsburgh! :-o

    Frenchy, sorry about that reference to France, seriously

    that was a low blow

    your name caught me off guard

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