Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    This is why I haven't taught my 4yo son anything about guns. I'm going to wait until he at least has a basic understanding of death and knows that you don't just bounce back up after being shot for real. Very young children watch cartoon after cartoon of 'people' shaking off mortal wounds, and never learn the difference between pretend and real life.

    I know this doesn't happen often at all, but once is enough for me. My son will be perfectly happy playing with legos, match-box cars, etc. He doesn't need to experience how fun shooting a gun can be right now...

    When this boy grows up, he'll have to live with what he did, even though it wasn't his fault.
    Socialist Liberals Suck!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    I disagree. This is exactly why I've been teaching my son about gun safety as soon add he could understan. My soon to be 4 year old can recite the Eddy Eagle program. He knows not to touch just like a stove or scissors. He too loves his toys more than guns and that's good now. He also comes top the range with us but doesn't touch anything yet. We drill this into him almost everyday.
    From the story it sounds like he didn't know any better. This should not have been. Such a shame.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Quote Originally Posted by Armor Snail View Post
    I disagree. This is exactly why I've been teaching my son about gun safety as soon add he could understan. My soon to be 4 year old can recite the Eddy Eagle program. He knows not to touch just like a stove or scissors. He too loves his toys more than guns and that's good now. He also comes top the range with us but doesn't touch anything yet. We drill this into him almost everyday.
    From the story it sounds like he didn't know any better. This should not have been. Such a shame.
    ^^^in my opinion this is the correct course of action^^^^

    ignorance of firearms is what leads to a lot of accidental shootings and then add the natural curiousity of children and you have a disaster waiting to happen. educating children and adults in regards to safe firearm handling will go a lot further towards eliminating accidental shootings than keeping them in the dark.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Yea, I'm with Armor Snail. The three year old in the house knows not to touch real guns, no matter where we are, unless an adult says he can. He understand s the difference between toys and real guns. He only shoots toy guns at targets or pretend "bad guys" now.

    If you don't expose children to something they will be curious and as the saying goes...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    My take away lesson is the complete opposite of yours. If the child was trained and conditioned to understand what the firearm is and it is not a toy, things would have turned out differently. This is the result of curiosity. My Son at 4 yoa would not have been curious about the firearm. He was trained and conditioned in regards to firearms soon after he started to walk. He was shooting by 4, a firearms owner by 5. He is now 14 yoa and at this very moment shooting an NRA High Power Match (while I am working ).

    Also, the article reads that they were visiting the home where this occurred, so I do not know what the child's level of firearm exposure he has. I would wager not much, as a well conditioned child would know not to do what was done.

    Be safe (and gun proof your child).


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    JrFreak, I kind of do understand what you're saying, but something to consider. You don't need to teach your 4yr old how to shoot or anything else, but you can teach them not to touch guns and if they see one to come and tell you. A 4yr old is perfectly capable of understanding that.

    I introduced firearms to my kids at 6, 5 and 3. My daughter was 3, when we decided we had to tell them about firearms in the home. We explained to her very clearly that they're not toys and that they're not to touch them. She understood and we've never had an incident.

    I will say this though, those three kids watched a neighbors cat get hit by a car before we introduced firearms. All three of them were in tears because they saw something die right in front of them. So I think they have a decent understanding of death just because of that. Our cat died the following year after suffering a stroke. I think because of those two incidents they have a decent understanding of death.

    Overall, I think 4 is a good age to teach them to stay away, and understand what death is. That's just my opinion.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Quote Originally Posted by JrFreak View Post

    This is why I haven't taught my 4yo son anything about guns. I'm going to wait until he at least has a basic understanding of death and knows that you don't just bounce back up after being shot for real. Very young children watch cartoon after cartoon of 'people' shaking off mortal wounds, and never learn the difference between pretend and real life.

    I know this doesn't happen often at all, but once is enough for me. My son will be perfectly happy playing with legos, match-box cars, etc. He doesn't need to experience how fun shooting a gun can be right now...

    When this boy grows up, he'll have to live with what he did, even though it wasn't his fault.
    Let me expand on that for you ... Irresponsible parents who let their child "grow-up" without "raising" them let very young children watch cartoon after cartoon of 'people' shaking off mortal wounds, and never learn the difference between pretend and real life.

    I'm with the second poster though, I think children should be exposed to how dangerous a fiream can be, and a healthy respect instilled in them. Of course the exact age is up to the parents to determine.

    After re-reading, I'd like to clarify my comments were not directed to the OP.
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Quote Originally Posted by WVneighbor View Post
    Let me expand on that for you ... Irresponsible parents who let their child "grow-up" without "raising" them let very young children watch cartoon after cartoon of 'people' shaking off mortal wounds, and never learn the difference between pretend and real life.
    We have spoken with our kids so that they understand that cartoons and what they see on TV isn't real, and that imitating what they see on them can cause someone to be hurt. Kids are smarter than what most people give them credit for, if things are explained to them, they'll get it.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    JrFreak, I kind of do understand what you're saying, but something to consider. You don't need to teach your 4yr old how to shoot or anything else, but you can teach them not to touch guns and if they see one to come and tell you. A 4yr old is perfectly capable of understanding that.

    I introduced firearms to my kids at 6, 5 and 3. My daughter was 3, when we decided we had to tell them about firearms in the home. We explained to her very clearly that they're not toys and that they're not to touch them. She understood and we've never had an incident.

    I will say this though, those three kids watched a neighbors cat get hit by a car before we introduced firearms. All three of them were in tears because they saw something die right in front of them. So I think they have a decent understanding of death just because of that. Our cat died the following year after suffering a stroke. I think because of those two incidents they have a decent understanding of death.

    Overall, I think 4 is a good age to teach them to stay away, and understand what death is. That's just my opinion.
    +1 I dont think it could have been said any better.

    Common Sense isnt that common among people

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sad story, 4yo kills his dad...

    Anything I was going to say has already been said.

    Teach your kids.

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