Most of the time in my field of work a contract position is a turd to locate, let alone a company position. In the last 2 weeks I've had two company jobs virtually thrown at me. I've been called by local engineers, their supervisors, and their district(multi-state) manager to take one of 2 jobs that opened due to retirement, or to be aware of another that may open due to the present guy's illness.

Now mind you, I've never sent in a resume ever, but I have contracted to those areas before which is who I contracted with upto 05/07 before Teeny died.. They are now hounding me to come work for them as one of them.

Sadly though, both the positions open for sure are either 70miles away(Meadville), or 150 miles(Waynesburg) away from home. And the minimum starting pay is about $17K less a year than I make now. Minimum starting, I know I would start higher having more experience than 3-4 of the 12 or so in the state, also having trained one of those myself 14-15 years ago. ...but I'd be away from "home" 5 days a week instead of the 4 I am now. And to top off the temptations, the local engineer(the one I trained) at the job 150 miles away offered me one of her vacant houses to stay at. And at the job 70 miles away, an ex-GF who used to contract engineer(I trained too) offered to rent/sell/rent-to-own me her old ranch house with 5-10 acres for dirt cheap compared to market prices.
