Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    Well of course.....Assault Ban Conspirators

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    New York is almost as bad as New Jersey when it comes to buying a can't just go out and buy one, you need a pistol permit first, although the NY hoops can be jumped through, unlike NJ's.

    At any rate, they are still a hassle to get, and only allow you to possess the gun at home or your place of business. If you want to move it around, let's say for target practice, you must get a carry permit. You first get, with some difficulty, a restricted permit. Depending on the county (Broome is among them), you must take a defensive course, hot fire, before the judge will even consider removing your restrictions.

    Yesterday's shooter was found to have a permit for the two weapons that he had, dating to the mid 1990's; no carry permit.

    Many NY counties limit the number of permits issues (just to purchase a handgun!), so no, gun sales are NOT going crazy in NY.
    "...a REPUBLIC, if you can keep it."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    Quote Originally Posted by wa3ra View Post
    New York is almost as bad as New Jersey when it comes to buying a can't just go out and buy one, you need a pistol permit first, although the NY hoops can be jumped through, unlike NJ's.

    At any rate, they are still a hassle to get, and only allow you to possess the gun at home or your place of business. If you want to move it around, let's say for target practice, you must get a carry permit. You first get, with some difficulty, a restricted permit. Depending on the county (Broome is among them), you must take a defensive course, hot fire, before the judge will even consider removing your restrictions.

    Yesterday's shooter was found to have a permit for the two weapons that he had, dating to the mid 1990's; no carry permit.

    Many NY counties limit the number of permits issues (just to purchase a handgun!), so no, gun sales are NOT going crazy in NY.
    Upstate NY is no problem for me. I just tell the Gander Mountain that I happen to be in to ship it to Dickson City. Works every time. Of course, getting them to admit then that they received it at Dickson City and not having one of their associates try to skeeve my bargain away from me is quite another thing!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    I actually don't think this article is that bad. Anyhow, the 20/20 special "If I Only Had a Gun" is coming out Friday and I'm hopeful it will be mostly positive. Diane Sawyer's doing it but I think John Stossel will be helping out. I think Stossel's a hack journalist, an intellectual lightweight, and subscribes to a pretty shallow vision of Libertarianism, but he's good on the gun issue, no doubt about it.
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    Quote Originally Posted by wa3ra View Post
    New York is almost as bad as New Jersey when it comes to buying a can't just go out and buy one, you need a pistol permit first, although the NY hoops can be jumped through, unlike NJ's.

    At any rate, they are still a hassle to get, and only allow you to possess the gun at home or your place of business. If you want to move it around, let's say for target practice, you must get a carry permit. You first get, with some difficulty, a restricted permit. Depending on the county (Broome is among them), you must take a defensive course, hot fire, before the judge will even consider removing your restrictions.

    Yesterday's shooter was found to have a permit for the two weapons that he had, dating to the mid 1990's; no carry permit.

    Many NY counties limit the number of permits issues (just to purchase a handgun!), so no, gun sales are NOT going crazy in NY.
    You are correct. NY state is close to being the poster child of what the anti's want to accomplish nationwide short of an outright ban, yet this still happened.

    Criminals and nutjobs will always be able to get guns, and if guns are banned, it will be that much easier for a criminal or nutjob to illegally get a gun on the black market as it will explode just like during the prohibition of alcohol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ABC inferring some link between Binghamton massacre and gun sales boom?

    I have heard three different instances where they talk about how Mr. Wong spent about once a week practicing shooting at the range. That pisses me off too. What does that really have to do with anything?
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

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