Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Not sure if this goes here , or National Politics or General Thread so Im trying here . If incorrect mods please relocate with my apologies .

    So I went to the Gloucster County 4H Fair today , when I found out at noon that he and Lorette Weinberg for Lt Gov would be making a campaign stop . Interesting encounters with some Corzine Kiddies and I was intimidated into leaving !! Dont worry I stood my ground . Read on , WARNING this is a LONG narrative encompassing 6 or 7 hours so .................................

    Ok , phew , its been a LONG day but man was it ever worth it !! I have so much to share with everyone about how it went down so bear with me .

    So , if you didnt see my other thread , I found out at 12 noon today that Jon Corzine and Loretta Weinberg would be making an appearance sometime today at the Gloucster County 4H Fair in Mullica Hill . So I grabbed some old target stakes from the garage , threw on my NJCSD Shirt and empty holster and ran out to Staples to grab some poster board and markers and head over to the fair .

    Got there around 2:00 or so . The entrance to the grounds is a REALLY long driveway but there's a single house set back off the road a bit , so I went up to the door and asked the guy if he minded if I parked on the shoulder/the very back of his property , as I didnt want to pay to get into the actual fair . He said sure no problem , was very enthusiastic and supportive , turns out his deceased brother was a former 7th Special Forces Group Command Sgt Major . So thanks Pete !! ( he was also wearing a t-shirt with the Green Beret motto on the back De Oppresso Liber ( to Free the Oppressed !

    So I park and get everything organized , and start making up signs to plant along the shoulder of the approach road , facing traffic . I had three signs , the wife is working on transferring them from my camera phone so I'll post em as soon as I can . Anyway , one was " 1 Million Gun Owners WONT be voting for Corzine . Number Two said , " NJ DOESNT HAVE A GUN PROBLEM , it has a Criminal Prosecution Problem ( Prosecution underlined in red ) Ask about it !" I had also made up about 30 copies of my latest OpEd Piece about the lack of prosecution and sentencing disparity in NJ , I also attached copies of the NJCSD Gun Rights /CCW Reform Flyer to my Op Ed . Wound up handing out about 20 of them !

    The Third sign said " Corzine/Weinberg's New State Motto , State Mandated VictimHood and You , Perfect Together ! " Traffic was fairly intermittent early in the afternoon , but I was definetly getting noticed , people slowing down to read , beeping and waving , thumbs up , etc . Anytime they asked about anything I took the chance to give them a copy of my Op Ed with our NJCSD Flyer and website attached !

    So after an hour or so , this SUV pulls over with a Mom, Dad and little boy , guy got out gushing about how great it was what I was doing and after talking for a few minutes he asks if he can run back home and get some of his Tea Party /Dont Tread on Me signs and come hang out with me while his wife and kid do the fair thing !! Really cool guy and brother in arms named Greg .

    So sometime around 4:30 or 5:00 we've been out there for three hours , shooting the shit , solving the worlds/State's problems and getting lots of postive response from the people coming in. A couple times some golf carts full of County 4H people drove by slowly giving us the once over but thats about all . Then along comes another golf cart driven by one of the 4Hr's with a stern looking gentleman in a suit riding shotgun . Do the slow roll drive by heading towards the main road , RT 77 , turns back and slows down by us . Starts asking questions about whether or not we have " permits" for our activities ? " No need sir , this is private property we're on " that was basically it and they pulled away headed towards the local LEO doing traffic out on the highway , and talks to him for a few minutes before heading back towards us . By this time I was kinda upset with myself for not thinking to get his name , so I flagged him down as he approached . Ask him his name , and after a pregnant pause he tells me he's Trooper Battaglia , Battalerico , something like that . Obviously a point man for Corzines Security Detail .

    We talked for about 30 seconds about what we were doing when he noticed the holster on my hip and asked if I was " on the job " .
    " No sir , why do you ask ?" , " You have that holster on you " , " Uh huh " , " Do you have a weapon also ?" " No sir , what would give you that idea ?" , " you have that holster on you hip " " Yep , thats the point " LONG Pregnant pause while he's sizing me up , looking at the signs , sizing me up , looking at the signs then he says " Ok I get it , NO Problem !!" Told him " Im one of the good guys , understood he had a job to do for safety and I wasnt trying to make it more difficult for him " Generally a pretty good encounter .

    Now here's where the fun starts !! About twenty minutes later , two reps from the 4H 'rs come down in a golf cart , one old man and one heavy set late 20's guy who would only give me Eric as his name . Started in with the same questions about the property we were on , gave them the same answer , that I was on private property with the owners permission . They then claimed that the house and grounds were actually owned by the 4H Group and they were insisting that we move out to the main road because we were " soliciting " without their permisssion or proper permits . " Really sir ? What exactly are we soliciting ? Cause the State Statute defines soliciting as exchanging goods or services for money and I have neither asked for any money from anyone entering the grounds , nor has anyone offered me anything other then enthusiastic support and agreement with my message "

    That one caught him off guard and he reverted to the claim that the 4H group actually rented the property to the guy in the house . I asked him to show me a copy of the lease , otherwise I only had his claim that was true , and another party had told me he was the owner and had granted permission . Of course he didnt have any proof of his claim and again tried to fall back on just his verbal representation . I never broke my cool and calmly but firmly pointed out that he would then be going on the record publicly , in front of a witness , that the 4H group was for suppression of political speech and or protest and the 1St Ammendment. Of course he tried to sidestep that , and I simply told him , dont explain it to me , we'll move out to the shoulder of the main highway , and tommorrow I'll write an Op Ed to the local newspapers and you can answer the media's questions about your intimidation and suppression of Free Speech and political protest .

    Now I've really got this guy scared and scrambling to cover his ass , his stuttering fumble for anything intelligent to respond with made it obvious . Clearly the guy was sent down by Corzine's Trooper to try and clear us out , the guy even accidently admitted that they didnt want to embarrass the Governor ! After about 15 minutes total , and to the complete frustration of his geriatric companion , the guy conceded that he wasnt going to force the issue , but couldnt say whether the local PD wouldnt have something to say about us violating local ordinances on signs, gave up , got back in his golf cart and drove away ! WIN !!!!!

    I immediately started making phone calls to my contacts , and Greg used his laptop to look up the local ordinances ( he's a resident ) to find out exactly what they said , because I wasnt convinced that they had really given up and fully expected to deal with local LEO's at somepoint . Needless to say , not only was there NO local ordinance that specifically dealt with our activities , one of my political contacts that I got ahold of told me if anyone did try to say something about the signs , to just hold them in my hands and they couldnt say shit about it Didnt matter in the long run , as local PD never said a single word .

    Another twenty minutes or so goes by , LOTS more traffic coming in now , and LOTS of positive responses and horn beeps . I glance up the road and see four teens/early twenty's young men headed towards us carrying Corzine /Weinberg Official Campaign produced signs . Oh goody , the opposition showed up four hours after the party started !

    They stayed about 20 yards or so up the road from us , and we kinda pretty much just traded glances . I eventually wandered towards them and engaged one of them in a civil discusion from across the road . How did he feel about supporting a guy that doesnt believe you have a right to defend yourself ? He thought OGAM was the fantastic , the usual idiotic , uninformed bullshit about no one needs to buy more then one a month. " So , your ok with rationing a protected right ?" No reply . Lets say we ration your right to free speech to one letter a month to the local paper ? Oh thats different ! " Really ? words have started more wars and violence in all of human history then weapons have " . But your 1st Ammendment is restricted , the old cant yell fire in a theater line " Right , because thats creating a public panic . How does my gun collection cause a public panic ? "Anyone with lots of guns is a threat to society !" Uh ok How am I a threat to society if I own 300 guns ? No answer . "If I owned 300 Lamborghini's would that make me a reckless driver and danger to society ? " Thats different your talking about cars ." Right , and 40,000 people a year die in car accidents , and ALL Gun related deaths , Police Shootings , Gang Murders, Accident , Suicide and Self Defense , ALL Gun Deaths in a single year are less then 12,000 , 2/3rds less then car wrecks ."

    He was beat, we both knew it , my final volley as I walked away was " give it ten years or so , you guys will wise up" .

    Another twenty minutes or so and another group of " kids " toting Corzine/Weinberg signs show up . It was laugh out loud funny how they needed to send enough people to outnumber me and Greg 3 to 1 to counter us . Greg spun his SUV around and opened the hatch and gave subjected them to Cam and Co and Mark Levine on Siruis Radio set to volume 10 !!

    Got into it a little more with the lone female who was closest to me , never losing my cool or resorting to their childish antics , she insisted how great Corzine was , how Wayne Bryant was a great man that wouldnt serve all four years . I told her your right , he'll be singing like a canary to get a reduced sentence . She gushed over George Norcross and his greatness as the " Boss of South Jeresy " . Yea your right , I told her , how fitting an unelected guy is a " boss " fits right in with the mob ! " She didnt like that at all.

    The whole time both sides were sparring , we were getting three to four beeps or thumbs up to their one . Sometime around 6:30 or so Corzine's motorcade showed up and went right by us , cutting the line of traffic in the process . Now here's the kicker , after his convoy went by , maybe looking for another guardrail to run into, all his zealots walked away !!! I mean it was like a switch ! The Pied Piper came and they turned on their heels and followed him up the road , leaving us with our conquered territory with hardly a peep .

    Now the epic finish . Traffic into the fair got REALLY heavy after 6:30 or so and we were getting LOADS of positive attention . The guy Pete who's property we were on even came out with two platefuls of food for us and lots of warm thanks for standing up to be counted .

    Sometime around 7:30 or 8pm , I happened to glance up the road leading out of the fair and see Corzine's motorcade heading out , towards us again . So I quickly grabbed the sign about " State Victimhood and You , Perfect Together " and held it up at chest level in his direction. The motorcade approaches and I actually see Corzine in the front seat of the lead Suburban ( sans belt ) hunched over and chowing down on a burger or something . Just as they get to us , he looks RIGHT AT ME , sees the Sign , and I swear to God his eyes went wide as dinner plates and practically popped out of his skull He was NOT expecting that at all .

    We stayed for another hour or so , till just about dusk and the bugs were getting to bad . We got alot more positive reactions from people still coming in and even some people stopping on their way out . ALL of them thanking us profusely for doing what we were doing and how inspiring it was . Every person I gave my Op Ed and our NJCSD flyer to promised they would read it , check out our site and start demanding answers. Im tired , sweaty , hungry and stink to high heaven but the sacrifice of a Saturday afternoon was worth it by a long shot . I can mow the lawn next weekend right ??

    Thank God my wife tolerates and understands me so much .
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    Last edited by son of the revolution; July 26th, 2009 at 12:50 AM.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Robeson, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Rep coming!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Three Points, Arizona
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Absolutely Inspiring!!! One man on a mission. Good Gawd its awesome to see political activism and the response of people who are fed up with "Government."

    REP to you Sir!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Windsor Twsp., Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Very nice, + rep, more comments tomorrow, tired, must sleee...
    While many claim to support the right, precious few support the practice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Looks like someone is giving PennsyPlinker a run for his money. Great day you had there.
    Please help my Baby Kitties and I avoid being homeless.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    My Castle/ Bucks County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Great job standing your ground. I'm suprised the gestapo.. err I mean the state police didn't haul you away.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Williamstown NJ ( Peoples Socialist Republic), New Jersey
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Quote Originally Posted by 7998 View Post
    Great job standing your ground. I'm suprised the gestapo.. err I mean the state police didn't haul you away.
    I was prepared if they tried , had my mini recorder on me , had Greg as a witness and had made arrangements with the husband of my running mate from last years campaign ready to post bail if necessary .
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    My Castle/ Bucks County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Quote Originally Posted by son of the revolution View Post
    I was prepared if they tried , had my mini recorder on me , had Greg as a witness and had made arrangements with the husband of my running mate from last years campaign ready to post bail if necessary .
    Lol, always be prepared, especially when it comes to bail money.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    On your first sign, it's "GUN OWNERS" (no apostrophe).

    Good work, not to knock you, but it's good to have everything spelled right/good grammar when you are making a proper arguement

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    next to my neighbor, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Corzine protest In South Jersey today , and some intimidation !!

    Quote Originally Posted by son of the revolution View Post
    . Lets say we ration your right to free speech to one letter a month to the local paper ?
    THATS PRICELESS!!!! REP TO YOU SIR! p.s. move out of that country, come to the good side.

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