Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    MIA, Pennsylvania
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    Default A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    I'm putting this in General, since I think it is firearm related, even if the topic itself doesn't really involve firearms. Today I had a very exciting and graphic reminder, illustration, whatever, of why I behave in certain ways, and especially why I carry all the time, even at home.

    I am in the midst of teaching a three day class in my shop. For those of you who do not know me, I teach wood turning on a wood lathe. It was the middle of the afternoon, and I was doing a demo to give my student a break, and illustrating how certain cuts were made with the tools. For illumination, I have a high intensity goose necked lamp over the lathe. I have used this lamp for about eight years without incident. As I was working, I began to smell smoke, but only a faint whiff. At first, I thought it was my neighbor trying to burn his garbage in the rain again, but the smell grew stronger quickly, and it was woodsmoke! Just as I started to look up, my student said that he saw smoke coming from the lamp. Sure enough, there was a large curl of smoke wafting up into the shop.

    I moved the lamp to see what I could see, and several glowing embers dropped out of it and into the pile of dry shavings on the floor. Immediately the volume of smoke stepped up. I started stomping into the pile as hard as I could, and yelled for my student to grab the fire extinguisher. Within seconds he had it there from the other side of the room. As it happened, my big fat foot (and the grace of God) was sufficient to extinguish the burgeoning fire. If not though, the fire extinguisher would have been the only thing between continued business and a smoking ruin.

    The illustration driven home to me, and published here for the benefit of those reading along is this. I carry a gun because I do not know when I might need it, just as I keep a fire extinguisher in my shop and home. I have been in business for 17 years now, and today was as close as I have ever gotten to a fire in the shop. If and when that time arises that I need my gun, it is extremely likely that there will be no time to go and get it, just as there would have been no time for me to run and get the fire extinguisher out of the house, or even worse, run to the store and buy one. When trouble appears, you are in it, and if you don't have the means at hand to deal with it, you may be in for the short end of the stick.

    Fortunately, all that was required was the display of the fire extinguisher to deescalate the situation. I did not need to fire it off, and I did not need to call 911 and wait forever for the firemen to appear. They do the best they can, but the response time is just too long for something like this. My shop is safe again, and my fire extinguisher is in its proper place, just like my gun - in its holster on my hip.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Media, Pennsylvania
    (Delaware County)
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    Put a fluorescent lamp in there.
    So many guns, so little money.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    East Rockhill, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    I'm glad everything worked out and you, your student(s) and your shop are safe!

    Quote Originally Posted by PennsyPlinker View Post
    My shop is safe again, and my fire extinguisher is in its proper place, ... in its holster on my hip.
    Please enlighten me about this fire extinguisher holster. I've created embers with my router before*, and would love to be able to have my FE closer than on the wall by the door.

    *trying to cut a dado with a dull bit = lots of friction = heat + lots of pitch in that pine board = ember. Twice. I've now got a sharp bit. One lesson learned.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    Quote Originally Posted by thundrr1 View Post
    Put a fluorescent lamp in there.
    Fluorescent lights are a bad idea on a wood lathe, especially a variable speed one like mine. They pulse, and so at various speeds, the lathe can look like it is going slower than it is, faster, backwards, or standing still. Not only that, the type of light they produce is terrible for examining the surface for scratches while finishing.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Scientist View Post
    I'm glad everything worked out and you, your student(s) and your shop are safe!

    Please enlighten me about this fire extinguisher holster. I've created embers with my router before*, and would love to be able to have my FE closer than on the wall by the door.

    *trying to cut a dado with a dull bit = lots of friction = heat + lots of pitch in that pine board = ember. Twice. I've now got a sharp bit. One lesson learned.
    The fire extinguisher I have in there now is practically a crew served weapon! It replaced a smaller chemical one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    Glad you and everyone/thing else is safe. Your analogy is a good one and one that I've used many times over the last several years since having a very similar experience with the kerosene stove with which we heat our house during the winter.

    Long story short, due to the vagaries of the carburator system which feeds the evaporation pan, about a half of an inch of kerosene had accumulated in the pan while the stove was turned off. When I lit the stove, it ignited the kerosene, which, in turn, caused vaporization and more combustion. Within less than two minutes the whole stove and chimney was vibrating like a semi-truck only louder. Worse still, the kids were only about 8 feet away watching TV.

    I emptied that whole friggen extinquisher into the burn chamber!!!!!! Thankfully, kerosene isn't as explosive as gasoline.

    I had had my LTCF before this but, didn't carry very often. After the first time that I heard the comparison between carrying a firearm and keeping a fire extinguisher it hit me so hard I felt like someone slapped me.

    Call it an epiphany.
    Sed ego sum homo indomitus

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    You could hurt yourself or an innocent bystander with that fire extinguisher.

    You should have called 911.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    This is only one case of a fire extinguisher being potentially useful against a fire. Only firemen are trained to properly use a fire extinguisher, they are there to protect us, and our property!

    You crazy fire extinguisher nuts are just shocking!

    In all seriousness, it is a great analogy. How long has that fire extinguisher sat there, with no use? And, luckily, it wasn't really necesary to get things under control. But, had you guys not noticed the smoke, it could have been bad.

    Good job, and rep sent.
    I'm so fast, I can bump fire a bolt action.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    I'm too new to rep ya but I really like the analogy. I've been a member for a short time but have read some truly great analogy that I hope I can remember to pass on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A graphic reminder of why I carry all the time

    What if this happened at the end of the day? And it wasn't noticed when you turned off the lights and left?

    You might want to consider a very sensitive smoke alarm with a wireless signal to an alarm at your main structure. I haven't checked this one out but it might give you some ideas:

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