Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Corbett investigates constitutionality of ObamaCare Boondoggle "Nebraska Provision"

    This is far from a done deal at any level.

    Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett said Wednesday that his office has undertaken a legal analysis to determine if the so-called Nebraska Provision that gained Democratic senators a critical 60th vote for health care reform is constitutional.

    The provision granted Nebraska a permanent exemption from paying Medicaid cost increases that all other states must fund. Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson provided a 60th vote for a health care bill senators passed this morning. The 60th vote was crucial because it blocked a Republican filibuster.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Corbett investigates constitutionality of ObamaCare Boondoggle "Nebraska Provisio

    It should be rudimentary...the clause in question requires that all states be treated equally.

    These assholes were also trying to put into the bill conditions that forbid later congresses to review or rescind the measure, also completely unconstitutional. Those clauses would create a de facto constitutional change in clear violation of the design and intent of the amendment process.

    Additionally, the bill requires every American to obtain healthcare coverage, which, while there isn't caselaw yet, also clearly exceeds the power of the federal government.

    The reset button needs to be pushed NOW. The present government is so far outside of the window of the constitutional intents and purposes that they have effectively gone rogue.
    "...a REPUBLIC, if you can keep it."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Corbett investigates constitutionality of ObamaCare Boondoggle "Nebraska Provisio

    He's gotta do his best to look like a future governor.

    Too bad he didn't put this much time and effort into preemption violations that are happening in his OWN STATE.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Corbett investigates constitutionality of ObamaCare Boondoggle "Nebraska Provisio

    My assessment. The bill is Unconstitutional on many issues and levels.

    The bill will pass, law suits will be filed and injunctions and reverse injunctions issued.

    The bill doesn't take affect until 2013 anyway.

    So, that gives a couple years to work through the legal process and the great one and the Dems will have the, "See, we passed the bill but the Republicans filed suit" etc...or whatever spin crap they come up with for 2012elections. They know its a bogus BS bill and won't pass judicial muster but thats the point.

    Just my opinion....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hazleton, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Corbett investigates constitutionality of ObamaCare Boondoggle "Nebraska Provisio

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    My assessment. The bill is Unconstitutional on many issues and levels.

    The bill will pass, law suits will be filed and injunctions and reverse injunctions issued.

    The bill doesn't take affect until 2013 anyway.

    So, that gives a couple years to work through the legal process and the great one and the Dems will have the, "See, we passed the bill but the Republicans filed suit" etc...or whatever spin crap they come up with for 2012elections. They know its a bogus BS bill and won't pass judicial muster but thats the point.

    Just my opinion....

    Couldn't agree more. This is a BS bill and they know it, but they are going to use it to show the sheeple that they did something for the lazy people.

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