Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default I kinda lost it on an anti...

    Ok, so my girlfriend just changed her profile picture to a picture of her that was taken a while ago. And this is the following conversation afterwards....

    Also, I apologize for any typos. It's a pain to edit on my phone and sometimes the copy and paste on here like to delete spaces in-between words.

    Anti: Cuz that's something to be proud of...

    Girlfriend: Why yes, it is something to be proud of.

    Anti: Your photo is a laugh in the face of the movement to ban assult rifles, which in turn is a laugh in the face of all the victims of all the shootings...

    If there wasn't such heat on the issue you know this picture would not be near as "cool" and that's why you posted it.

    Another thing this picture says is, so what if 20 children died, I like having this gun that there is absolutely no fuckin need for... You can't use it to shoot game. You can't use it to kill others,legally. What purpose does it serve???


    Everyone with an assult rifle needs to be given 30 days to surrender it, before legal action is taken. They are all a hazard!

    And all of them are ignorant.

    (Now at this time, I was waiting for my phone to charge so I could reply. I was getting really pissed off during this time, and said a little more than what I wanted. Actually I just wanted to say "fuck you"... but a little more came out.)

    Me: And you are a laugh in the face of every American that has died to secure your rights.

    Seriously, I don't even know where to begin with your post. I haven't seen that much fail in two simple posts in a long time. Do you even know what you're talking about or are you just regurgitating talking points that you've seen on the television?

    First, an assault rifle is arifle capable of select fire. Which mean more than one bullet is fired for every pull of the trigger. For example you could have burst fire (2 or 3 rounds per trigger pull) or full auto (gun doesn't stop firing until it's empty). Now, in case you weren't aware, which I'm guessing you're not because you're too ignorant to know the difference in the rifles, assault rifles have been banned since 1986. No new rifles are allowed for transfer to civilians since then. And before that, they have been HEAVILY regulated since the 1930s. Also, a little tidbit of info for you, only one crime has even been committedwith a legal assault rifle in that time, and it was committed by a cop.

    Now, the rifle that you so ignorantly calling an assault rifle, is actually called amodern sporting rifle. In that category of rifles, you have the AR-15, mini 14, AK-47, FAL, and as pictured, a vz58. Now,I'm sure you're asking yourself what a modern sporting rifle is, well it's pretty much the exact same as any other semi auto rifle out there. Only one round is fired for each trigger pull. Same as any semi auto hunting rifle or semi auto hand gun, or semi auto shotgun. There really isn't anything special about these guns.

    Since we got that out of the way, what does hunting have to do with the second amendment and my right to keep and bear arms? The second amendment isn't there so I can go out in the field for two weeks out of the year so I can shoot Bambi. It's there so that the people can violently overthrow a tyrannical government or stand as the last line of defense against another nation. You've probably never read any of the federalist papers or anything the founding fathers wrote on the subject. If you did, you wouldn't be trying to make the assertion that I should only own guns I can hunt with. In plain black and white, you can read from the people that wrote the second amendment that we preserve the right to keep and bear arms as a fail safe to tyranny. What Erica is holding is the modern equivalent to the musket of the revolution and is without question protected by the second amendment. Another thing, you can use the rifle in the picture to defend yourself just as you can any other firearm and in fact, it spends every night by my bedside because it is the most capable firearm I own to defend my life and my girlfriends life if need be. There's another thing you're talking about without any clue as to what you're saying.

    Back to the hunting part real quick, I just want to point out how ignorant you really are. Did you know that semi auto rifles like the one in the picture are actually legal to hunt with in 48states. No you didn't. They are actually very popular for hunting small game, predators like coyotes, and wild boar. So maybe in the future you won't be so quick to talk before you even have a clue of what you're talking about.

    Lastly, fuck you for insinuating that me or Erica support the tragedy at Newtown. What happened there was the work of a madman. There's nothing that you could ban that would have stopped it. He was going to kill people regardless. By your reasoning we should ban fertilizer since Timothy McVeigh used fertilizer to create explosives that killed 168 people and injured hundreds more. Or maybe ban cars since more people die in auto accidents each than are killed by firearms. But maybe that's too harsh. Instead, why don't we implement reasonable restrictions on cars so that they can only go 10mph. None of that high speed nonsense that you don't need.

    Any sort of gun ban will never stop murders. People have been killing other people since the dawn of man. We killed each other with swords and arrows before guns. And we killed each other with clubs and rocks before that. There is evil in this world and it is not going away ever. Even if you take away ever rifle, pistol, sword, club, and rock. This happy utopiathat you want where we all sit around a camp fire and sing kumbayaand ride flying unicorns that fart rainbows will never and can not ever exist. So long as humans are on this planet. Now, since you can't get rid of evil, you can damn well prepare for it. You can prepare for it however you wish. If you want to prepare for it by locking the doors and praying that the police get there in time to save you, go for it. Ichose to prepare myself my being proactive and being able defend myself and my loved ones. And I'll be damned of any milk toast, coward, will take that ability away from me.

    Molon Labe

    Anti: Quit reading two paragraphs in when I realized you're just another crazy. "Give me guns and fuck everyone else,republican"

    Say whatever you feel like you need to. But, your on the losing side of everything. The ball is rolling and its on a downward slope.

    You can't slow gun regulation... It's gunna happen. And that makes me happy, because then not only will you be an asshole, but also. An Asshole who did not get his way. And Idid!

    Me: Ok. Don't read what I wrote, and stay ignorant. By the way, you made another false assumption, I'm not Republican.

    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin.

    But go ahead. Run along. You know full well you can't argue with emotion when you're going up against fact.

    Anti: Dumb fuckin American ^

    Me: Yep. Must be real dumb, yet you can't even rebuke a single thing Isaid. Yes I'm the dumb one yet the only one so far that can even call what you want banned by the right name. Or even understand the laws about what you're talking about.

    I'll wear your comment as a badge of honor.

    Girlfriend: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. -James Madison
    Practicing free speech outside of the designated free speech zones.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    High Five!

    Posted from App for Android

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    well u made my nite....... i love how she had nothing to say as most of them(gun grabbers) end up... ur crazy cause you have guns..... No lady your crazy cause you dont....
    Mathews Z7

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    As Newman said, high-five!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    The way it sounds the Anti is not from America? if not what country are they from?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    Nope. The anti is from PA and is a guy. He went to school with my girlfriend
    Practicing free speech outside of the designated free speech zones.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    Hi five! Well done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    Great well educated reply to an ignorant anti rant.

    Must spread rep before repping you again.
    Μολὼν λαβέ
    Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    So now that's wrapped up.

    How do you like the vz?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I kinda lost it on an anti...

    Quote Originally Posted by Asmodeus6 View Post
    So now that's wrapped up.

    How do you like the vz?
    Lol. I love the rifle. IMO it's leaps and bounds above the AK. The was really only one major bone I had to pick with the gun and it was the folding stock. The locking joint was very loose and it would wobble after about 50 rounds. So I put an AR-15 stock on it with an adapter that kept it at the factory angle. Now my only complaint is getting more magazines.

    If you want a great, reliable, 7.62x39 rifle, get the vz. One of these days I was going to sit down and write a long review of it. But it's a pain to write anything long on my phone, and I'm rarely on an actual computer.
    Practicing free speech outside of the designated free speech zones.

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