Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    Glenn Beck's new book, "Control-Exposing The Truth About Guns" was released yesterday, 4/30. It's entirely devoted to opposing and arguing against gun control. I picked up a copy, it's paperback and is in the $12.00 or less range. I've read about the first third of the book so far and at this point I think it's an excellent read. Did anyone else buy a copy yet? If so...any impressions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    I'm not into giving that man any money so no.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    Have you reached the part where he cries?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    Not really interested in anyone's reviews of "Glenn Beck" the man. I have no need to defend or attack him. But at a time when law-abiding firearm owners are under attack on all fronts and with most of the media aligned against us, it's a welcome change and nice to see someone with a national microphone come out in strong defense of the Second Amendment.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    I occasionally listen to Beck, and when I do, he always makes some good points. He's on our side. I will get the book and read it. There is no downside to getting more information on our 2A rights which is the cornerstone to keeping all the others.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    My only concern is that there are people who will use it as a manual, and the socialists will have point by point arguments scripted for conversations.

    One of the things that makes us different from the socialists is that most of them have no real knowledge of what they speak of, and they cannot advance an argument on the subject that doesn't fall apart like a cheap suit. Our arguments are based on knowledge, facts and a deep personal belief in what we are saying. The Rushies and Beckies help us at election time, but some may actually be a hindrance during the debate. IMO, they don't need a manual.

    This is from my personal experience at rallies and counter demonstrations. YMMV
    Boy, I say boy, you're reaching the limits of my medication!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilot321 View Post
    I occasionally listen to Beck, and when I do, he always makes some good points. He's on our side. I will get the book and read it. There is no downside to getting more information on our 2A rights which is the cornerstone to keeping all the others.
    This ^^^^^^

    I have listened to Beck, Rush and Hannity for many years.....I am constantly amazed at the negative comments and labels placed upon them, not just by the Chris Mathews morons of the world, but by those who do not listen to them and buy in to the Alinskyite demonization of them.

    For those who don't listen, it appears that their only opinion of them is based on these completely untrue, out of context snippets, and false attacks on them.

    All one has to do is listen for a week or 2 and you will see that all are simply traditional, tyranny hating, God fearing, Constitution loving individuals. There is NOTHING radical about them. Unless of course The Constitution is now determined as Radical. If you think The Constitution is the basis of our greatness, you are deemed an extremist.

    Radical is the label placed on them by the left, just like ALL gunowners on PAFOA are "radical" according to the Leftards.

    Beck has exposed the true radicals and that is The Communists on the Left and bear in mind, the Political Left, The Democrat Politicians ARE Marxists.

    Exactly why all these individuals are demonized, THEY ARE THE OPPOSITION !!!

    And Thank God they have the Courage to speak up against these Anti-American assholes.

    OMao and his minions are here to destroy this Country, they effing hate it. Through countless methods they have given away The American Dream and are setting us up to be just another third world cog in the Progressive Machine.

    If you haven't figured that out by now, you're watching too much American Idol or you're on the O-welfare train.

    Beck's book will become the definitive argument against the "Gun Grabbers".
    Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled....Mark Twain

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    All good points folks. I'm about halfway through it now, should have it finished today. Seems pretty well rounded so far, a lot of statistics, references to case law and historical perspective. As far as it being used as a handbook for the anti-gunners, that thought makes sense to me. But I think the antis are a pretty unreasonable lot who will lie, cheat, steal and say anything to push their agenda anyway, so I think maybe any potential information that gun owners might benefit from outwieghs any potential insight gained by the antis. I'm not sure. I think the main benefit of this book will be for gun owners, those who don't necessarily think about this stuff everyday, to have much of the information needed to shoot down all the current arguments against gun rights and the Second Amendment in one concise seems like a good foundation to start with.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    My wife and I gave up on Beck when he became too preachy. We liked how he put a comical spin on his version of the doom and gloom of the day. I still catch his radio show now and again, but it was a lot better before he filled his studio with talking heads.
    Proud to be a Longwall pig...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Glenn Beck book, "Control".

    Don't get the Beck hate. The so-called "outrageous" things he says have a tendency to eventually be proven true.
    A Republic, if you can keep it.

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