Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Behind You, Watching, Always Watching
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    Default How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    I know this is a gun owners forum but I have to ask something here. Given the economic times we are in and about to face, given the bullshit OUR government and MSM feeds us every day how many of you patriots are prepared for the coming events?

    So let me stop and explain for one second before you all think I'm some kind of nut.

    I have spent over a year looking at the most brilliant minds in the world of economics and politics, I have read, disseminated and absorbed all the information I could find. Last summer I came to the conclusion that I needed to protect my loved ones and friends in several ways:

    1. Stock up on food supplies to avoid the (then) coming food price increases

    2. Move all of our available investments and cash into gold and silver

    3. Build a nice stock of weapons and ammo

    4. Pay off as much debt as humanly possible

    Now most of my family (and the wifes) thought we had lost our minds but 6 months later we don't look so crazy to them. We have 8 months food put away, are buying enough coal to last through next winter and have enough weapons and ammo, fishing and hunting supplies to live through the worst of times.

    Being a part of this community and seeing how many 'open minds' are here, how many 'true patriots' are here I wondered how many others had prepared themselves for the coming mess. I don't see this as an 'apocalyptic event' but I truly believe we are close to and economic meltdown close to or worse than the great depression and those with open minds and the willingness to prepare themselves can survive.

    Don't take me as a 'survivalist' because I am far from it .. I believe in reading the 'writing on the wall' and taking action to prevent suffering by my loved ones .... I also believe ANY true patriot knows how to look through the BS and see reality.

    So my question is .... how many here are prepared?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    I'd like to be more "prepared" but I have insufficient funds. I need to save some more to finish my AR, then I need to stock some ammo for it; along with .40 and a little .45. Besides that I have a grab and go bag that I need to finish, just in case I need to leave my apartment in a hurry. My girlfriend thought I was losing it when saying I wanted to get this and that just in case, but she's realized that it'd be better to be prepared than up the creek.
    "Unus ut caput capitis"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    We have some things stocked up, but I'm still not where I am comfortable yet. Money is playing a big factor on stocking more food but we have a decent amount.....guns...need you really ask? lol

    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms..disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. "-Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Pa Patriot View Post
    We have some things stocked up, but I'm still not where I am comfortable yet. Money is playing a big factor on stocking more food but we have a decent amount.....guns...need you really ask? lol
    We all know you are at least 1 short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    We all know you are at least 1 short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes sir...we sure are. lol

    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms..disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. "-Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Pa Patriot View Post
    Yes sir...we sure are. lol
    Hopefully not for long!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    I've been gradually stockpiling supplies. Ammo, food, supplies...

    Just out of curiosity, why is paying off your debts on your list of things to do to prepare for a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation? I'd love to see mine erased

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    good thread

    we've been doing a little stash here and there

    canned food
    bottled water in gallons
    emergency first aid w/ family perscribed meds
    extra gun cleaning kit
    propane gas w/ portable stove


    have enough for my family of 6 too last for about 3months

    but little by little we are stashing away whenever we can as money is a little tight

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    The question of preparedness has been bouncing around gun forums for years.

    Many have taken heed and started preparing as a matter of habit. Most have put things off until another time. In my case, guilty as charged.

    While I have been squirreling ammo away for the last couple of years, I have been neglecting other important items which are a must have in uncertain times.

    With prices on most things rising every day, uncertainty about employment and having less and less confidence in our political leaders, I got to tell you, I think many of us are in trouble.

    I am not one who is about to lose my home, it is paid for. Keeping it is my concern. The utilities and taxes are getting to the point where I may need a second job to stay warm in the winter and keep the rain off my head.

    We have one political candidate whose motto is "Change". I see change coming and I don't think it will be good. He wants to take our rights away, he wants to tax the working people more, he wants to tax the corporations which create jobs and set prices on their products. If their cost of operations rises, they pass it along to the consumer.

    We are in a no win situation here. People who thought the Gravy Train would never stop are in for a rude awakening. I can hear the train engine coughing and sputtering as we speak.

    For years, liberal politicians have been hinting their desire to bring our gasoline prices on a par with Europe. It is coming to fruition and with that we will see a European type economy. It ain't gonna be pretty.
    Last edited by reels18; May 22nd, 2008 at 06:11 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Many Pay Attention and Are Prepared

    I'm in the situation that others are in ...

    I have a little stocked away ... would like more but with the price of everything going up, its hard to buy extra to just stash.

    I do have some of my assets linked to Gold and Silver (have for a while now).
    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    If the police could confiscate all of your guns and ammo using just one van, then you didn't own enough guns or ammo.
    WTB - NDS3 or NDS1 receiver FTF

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