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Thread: New Shooters

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default New Shooters

    One of the things that I try to share our love of guns is take out interested new shooters out to the range. Sometimes folks might have fired a gun a few times before and very often they have never shot a gun in their life.

    On average I guess I invite out about 10 new people a year. Most of the time, they approach me asking if I will take them out shooting, but often I'm the one suggesting that they give it a try.

    I hear the same thing everywhere, and agree that the women generally are the better shooters. They listen to what basic instruction I can provide, are safe, methodical and quickly overcome whatever societal programming they have to be girlie. Whereas the men either think that shooting is in their DNA or give up too quickly if they don't instantly excel at it.

    Most of these people are non-gun friends who I am trying to introduce to the shooting sports, so that we can have one more cool thing that we do together. While most have fun and want to come back every few months to shoot my guns again, only about 25% take the leap and buy their own firearms, grab carry permits, and begin down their own paths.

    Yesterday, I took a very old friend who I hadn't seen in years out. He looks like he is going to be one of the 25%, and is looking at entry-level used pistols or a shotgun.

    So, I was just wondering if others on here wanted to post any suggestions or experiences about how they introduce friends to shooting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    I have just got back to shooting myself. I asked a couple friends if they wanted to give it ago. I got very negative reactions from them. BUT I did asked my wife just for the heck of it. {she is a real city girl} To my surprise she went with me and really liked it. We are trying different ones to see what she likes. i was surprised, I thought she would be afraid. I really enjoyed having her with me.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by SauerGrapes View Post
    I have just got back to shooting myself. I asked a couple friends if they wanted to give it ago. I got very negative reactions from them. BUT I did asked my wife just for the heck of it. {she is a real city girl} To my surprise she went with me and really liked it. We are trying different ones to see what she likes. i was surprised, I thought she would be afraid. I really enjoyed having her with me.
    I just had to comment on your screename, VERY ORIGINAL!
    I take you have a Sig? Talking about taking new people to
    the range, I started laughing cause I don't like my
    much less people I don't know I also laugh at those who act
    negative about firearms. I usually ask them do they watch &
    read the news? Then I ask do they think all those horror stories
    about people being raped, robbed & killed are just made up
    for entertainment & to sell newspapers? One word..IDIOTS!

    I also ask men how would they feel if some men kicked their
    door down beat their ass & tied them up & made them watch
    while they Gang raped their wife? This happens & if a story
    like that don't wake them up, then they deserve what happens for
    refusing to protect their family.

    I don't see how people can wake up everyday & think?
    That ain't gonna happen to me!
    Last edited by Ronnies111; March 3rd, 2009 at 05:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    My only suggestion is this. Don't start a newbie off with too much gun. I always have them shoot a .22, 9mm, or 38spl first (depending on the person) before moving up in calibers. Just don't scare them with high power stuff right off the bat and ruin the experience for them, making them to never want to shoot again.
    I've seen friends do this with their girlfriends/wives. They give them a 9mm to shoot and after the first shot scares the hell out of them they don't want to touch it again. A 9mm may be too much for some people to start with. After giving them a .22 to shoot, they like that, shoot it for a while and then move up once they are comfortable shooting.
    Your web muscles do not frighten me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    I started off shooting a .22 long rifle when I was a kid. An then recently shot a 40 cal S&W. Then I bought 9mm, Alot cheaper to shoot weekly. I like the 40 cal better. Didnt seem as snapy. More of a push. But, cant afford to buy one atm. I just shoot my friends/ familys. With some people who shot rifles an not handguns. They dont know what to expect. Once the first shot is off they love it. ( Me for example. ) My uncle tried to get me to shoot a .500 S&W an that gun is huge, heavy, An so much percussion it damn near felt it on my eyes. That gun is a little to big for my case. But, My experience in shooting. I found semi auto's arnt bad to shoot at all compaired to weel guns like magnums ect. Even .45s arnt nuthing like the punch of a .44 mag.

    Just my .002

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    Yes Ronnies! I do have a Sig. The name just kinda hit me one day and figured no one would have it. Enough of being off point for this thead.

    It is great that you are getting new people out to shoot. Keep up the good work. People don't realize it can be alot of fun. They {non shooters} need to think of shooting as a sport. I am always willing to take a new shooter out!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by mudd View Post
    My only suggestion is this. Don't start a newbie off with too much gun. I always have them shoot a .22, 9mm, or 38spl first (depending on the person) before moving up in calibers. Just don't scare them with high power stuff right off the bat and ruin the experience for them, making them to never want to shoot again.
    I've seen friends do this with their girlfriends/wives. They give them a 9mm to shoot and after the first shot scares the hell out of them they don't want to touch it again. A 9mm may be too much for some people to start with. After giving them a .22 to shoot, they like that, shoot it for a while and then move up once they are comfortable shooting.

    Start them with a 22 and you might have a shooter for life. IMHO we have to many BIGGER is better comments happening all the time. It is better to be armed, than unarmed. That is all I profess.

    I worked my wife from a 22 to a 25 to a 380 to a 38. In 3 weeks she was comfortable! She stays with the 38 now. But she doesn't like the bigger stuff.
    NRA Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Benefactor Member

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Cole View Post
    One of the things that I try to share our love of guns is take out interested new shooters out to the range. Sometimes folks might have fired a gun a few times before and very often they have never shot a gun in their life.

    On average I guess I invite out about 10 new people a year. Most of the time, they approach me asking if I will take them out shooting, but often I'm the one suggesting that they give it a try.

    I hear the same thing everywhere, and agree that the women generally are the better shooters. They listen to what basic instruction I can provide, are safe, methodical and quickly overcome whatever societal programming they have to be girlie. Whereas the men either think that shooting is in their DNA or give up too quickly if they don't instantly excel at it.

    Most of these people are non-gun friends who I am trying to introduce to the shooting sports, so that we can have one more cool thing that we do together. While most have fun and want to come back every few months to shoot my guns again, only about 25% take the leap and buy their own firearms, grab carry permits, and begin down their own paths.

    Yesterday, I took a very old friend who I hadn't seen in years out. He looks like he is going to be one of the 25%, and is looking at entry-level used pistols or a shotgun.

    So, I was just wondering if others on here wanted to post any suggestions or experiences about how they introduce friends to shooting.
    I recently, in the last 7-8 months have gotten back into shooting. A friend at work mentioned to me that he had bought a new 1911 so we decided to go to a local indoor range together and so the story begins.

    Well when we got there, both of us did horrible. We hit the plate at the lower part of the bullet trap and that is a violation of range rules. The guy at the range let us know what we did and that any further infractions would get us kicked out but we could come back another day. We did keep the bullets where they belonged after that.

    When we were done we got talking to the guy and he pretty much told us that women usually do really well because they don't subscribe to the notion of being a macho a-hole. If he tells them how to do a two inch group of bullets, they are generally receptive to it and they will shoot a two inch group. On the other hand most guys will come out and do the macho thing and instructions go in one ear and out the other. I did the opposite of what most guys do and actually listened to the instructions and have gotten to be a pretty decent shot. I am not a "MACHO" kind of guy and if I do something I want to do it to the best of my ability.

    So after that I invited my brother to come along. He was only 20 at the time. I asked the guy from the range to read him the riot act about safety and give him some advice along with the advice I had already given him. I figure reinforcement is not a bad thing. The kid came out, took his time and did incredibly well. Now we shoot together every week or so and he loves it. Once he turns 21 he will be making many purchases.

    I have spoken with a few people from work about shooting and have taken some to the range with us. Of the three I have taken so far, two want to go again to the range and the third guy who brought his kid just bought a Glock 19 and a S&W 22A. His 14 year old kid did better than most of us old guys that I have seen at the range on his first and second (only two times at the range). I think the kid is a natural.

    There are more work folks that I am planning trips with in the near future. I am hoping that this pans out, the two of them are interested in buying but they need some range time first.

    I am really hoping one day to become an NRA certified intstructor. I really do like teaching people and I really enjoy handguns. It is like the best of both worlds.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    I've done horrible at the range also. An I have shot metal that held up the targts. On privite club ranges though. Also, aginced the rules but I didnt try to. An I got way better since then. Things happen.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Cole View Post
    One of the things that I try to share our love of guns is take out interested new shooters out to the range. Sometimes folks might have fired a gun a few times before and very often they have never shot a gun in their life.
    Great subject (and pretty safe for my first post).

    A co-worker was asking about places to shoot, as he wanted to take his 16 year old son to the range. After digging a little deeper, I found out that neither had ever been shooting, so I offered to take them with me and my 19 year old son.

    Followed the same path, started with the .22, broke out the GP 100 with .38 special, uncrated the 9mm, then, for grins, asked them if they wanted to run some .357 through the GP 100. Big smiles all around.

    I followed the path of my mentor, and paid for their range time and ammunition. The first hit is free, right.

    Besides, I got to spend some good quality time with my son cleaning everything.

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