Inspired by Hannity's Liberal translation..I have my very own...a friend of mine who is a strong left-wing liberal...have as on here...I deleted some of my friends s/n so no one bugs him.

Korean: man. im glad to be in bed. another non-stop day
Korean: idk about Huckabee, but $13 wouldnt be bad
Korean: i can think of a lot of things i could spend an extra $13 on
Korean: today was Jossy's 1st bday and man did i get TONS of pictures
andrewjs18: $13 for?
Korean: i wasnt gonna let any lil thing go without
Korean: the $13 a week you'll save from taxes on Obama's stimulus money
Korean: idk about you. but $13/wk would give me about 3.5 tanks of gas a month. and thats saving money there
andrewjs18: tax cuts are cutting tax brackets
andrewjs18: than fuckingf $13/week
andrewjs18: you don't work or pay into taxes
andrewjs18: so shutr it
andrewjs18: :-)
andrewjs18: you have no say in the situation
Korean: that doesnt matter
Korean: i can still have my opinion
Korean: and i dont see why Huckabee and his followers wanna make jokes over something. if they dont like it, burn it
andrewjs18: huckabee would be a GREAT president
Korean: well obviously not seeing how he isnt President, and he had his chance like everyone else. but, if you ask me. he got cheated because Bush wanted McCain and thats what happen
andrewjs18: blah blah big fat liberal dummycrat
andrewjs18: i told more on this
andrewjs18: when obama fails, and doesn't get reelected, we can then talk
andrewjs18: :-)
Korean: well. that aint gonna happen because he aint going to fail.. Bush failed, so we know Obama isnt like him in any way, so he cant fail if he is doing the RIGHT thing, instead of nothing at all or bs crap
andrewjs18: you're a liberal democrat and i'm an independant conservatice
andrewjs18: our views will always be different
Korean: yep
andrewjs18: conservatice*
Korean: lol
andrewjs18: omg
andrewjs18: spelled it wrong 2X
Korean: lol
andrewjs18: conservative*
Korean: i see
Korean: i know what you meant
andrewjs18: obama's been in office a month...he's already off to a ROUGH start...he'll fail..give it time
Korean: thats because everyone is holding him high, so any little thing, the media attacks petty shit, just like Bush, just like every other President, but it'll be 10x harder on Obama because he is black. and I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY, ITS THE TRUTH!
andrewjs18: bro..the media is liberal
andrewjs18: they treat obama like god
Korean: not really
andrewjs18: ok..enough
andrewjs18: because you don't expand your views
andrewjs18: you're a liberal dude
andrewjs18: enough said
Korean: seriously, what news do you watch?
andrewjs18: none
andrewjs18: :-)
andrewjs18: because it's slanted to the left too much
Korean: dude, no its not.. lol
andrewjs18: yes it is....