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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Bailout protests are being planned across the country in response to Rick Santelli's rant on MSBNC. There will be one in downtown Pittsburgh at Market Square this Friday the 27th from noon until 1PM. Bring signs, literature, t-shirts, whatever. Let everyone know that we don't want ANY bailouts!

    When: Friday 27, 2009 from 12pm - 1pm
    Where: Market Square

    For more information check visit the following websites:


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    You do realize one thing right, this person is saying any one who pays a mortgage out of blood sweat and tears, then looses his job because of cutbacks is a looser. Unless you fall in his category of people who can buy homes right now and rent them back to the average Joe at an exorbitant price, you are a Loser.

    I bet he can carry the water; after all, his salary is up there in the higher 6 figure area. Mine is still in the 5 digits, Low 5 to boot, so I will gladly drink some water as long as I can. I might not like Obama, but you know what, I dislike people who rant off about us lowly people who make less then 75K when in reality I am closer to the 30K and calls them losers, that makes me much lower then a loser, I must be dirt in his eyes.

    Heck, maybe If I made my present salary per year in a week or even a month, I would rant like that also, you can bet the people around him are not making low 5 figure numbers either. Low salaries in the trading floor start in the $100k

    Now a little bit about these people who like to complain the government is doing some thing wrong here… (Again, I do not like Obama) Rick Santelli is a TV person, this means every thing he wears is either paid for him or completely tax deductible, Every thing he eats, drinks and drives is deductible, He probably deducts more tax in a day then most members here make in a week, but hey people love him right? You don’t for a minute figure if the government said we will bail out only the rich by making sure they don’t have to deduct taxes, we will just stop taxing them he would complain… But to him, $13 per week is like to me a cup of coffee at home.

    So while every thing goes up in price because we pay this turkeys salary in commercial costs for watching TV that supports his sorry ass, think about this, every time this guy breathes, he is making money, every word he speaks he is making money, and he is deducting it to the max. Why, because he can, it’s his domain, he knows how to do it.
    By participating in his charade, you make him richer. Some day, you might actually thank him for not foreclosing personally on your home.

    If you are not making 300 to 400K per year, you are not the middle class he is speaking of; you are the loser who has to work hard for his money to pay the mortgage. He is laughing at most of the population, but he is making you believe he is laughing at the bailout.
    Last year when gas went up to $4.00 per gallon, many could not afford to go to work, if this happened this year, many would lose their jobs. Heating bills went up, electrical went up, food went up, and every thing did. What I could afford 5 years ago, and what I can afford this year is not even similar.

    5 years ago, I was on the range after work almost every day, this year, I can afford to go almost every month. You calculate it, Yeah, I am one of the people who suffers to pay his mortgage every month. Even with a “Fixed rate” that did not stop my lender from grabbing an extra $150 per month this year because “Taxes” went up… So if Obama believes it is a good Idea to fund the school they just built in my area to cut my taxes back to a normal rate rather then $200+ per month, I am all for it.

    Go party and drink all the tea you want, but remember, in this economy, You could be the next loser.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    when people buy a house, they should realize that sometimes property taxes go up...

    sometimes shit happens to your house and you need money to fix it...

    sometimes the price of utilities goes up...

    sometimes people sue you, so you need insurance to cover that...

    etc. etc.

    in other words, don't ever buy a house that you can just barely afford. anyone who does that gets no sympathy from me--and i would greatly appreciate not having to pay for their house (since i decided to not buy a house i could just barely afford).

    everyone needs to stop thinking of their primary home as "investments" and start thinking of them as what they are..."a place to live".

    if the real issue is responsible people losing their jobs, then we should be addressing that via unemployment benefits (if the government is going to address it at all).

    that way we take care of the people you are talking about (as well as, say, people who were responsible enough to not buy a house they shoudn't, but then lost their job and now need help paying rent) without rewarding all the idiots that made bad decisions and bought houses they never should have bought.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    With rents around here on the $500+, I don't think my $540 mortgage including insurance and tax is that high, yet some months its tough. The luxuries have gone down as the price of every thing went up. If I look at my situation, I can not afford not to be working, Honest. At most, I could probably last a month or two, then I would start losing things fast.

    Not every one losing their homes right now are what this person is calling a total Loser, some have worked hard, put some aside, but like you say Shit happens, and now they are stuck, unemployment is up, and they are screwed.

    The Boston Tea Party was about keeping money where it was and not sending it to the royalty..

    This party is about stopping a salary cap that would probably affect MR Rick Santelli because he is over the salary bracket so he would no longer get the tax cut he enjoys, but lower echelons would. Not saying $13 per week or pay period cuts it to pay the mortgage, but it might help put food on the table some.

    When Canada's dollar was .47 cents to the USD, I was in Quebec, i know what it looks like to pay high prices while some enjoy large lives because they can claim tax breaks, ask for grants because they employ a few people they barely pay minimum wage and spend time in Florida in winter in a motor home they purchased to use as a mobile office and deduct completely on expences... When I was there, my landlord was getting grants for the appartment building I lived in and claiming he was going bankrupt with his 20 or 30 buildings... So he could not maintain them... He got so poor he had to send his wife collecting the rent in her Mercedes...

    Canada also did a Stimulus plan, If I remember well at first every one had it, then they cut back to only people who worked, basically, this $10 per pay is just that, paying the people who work by reducing their tax levels a little. The people who work, generally spend it as well, seeing it is not a large amount, they might spend it on a meal, a movie, but where ever they go, they create jobs when enough do it.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
    If I look at my situation, I can not afford not to be working, Honest. At most, I could probably last a month or two, then I would start losing things fast.
    i am in the same boat...but i rent (precisely because i know it would be hard for me to take a hit of having to replace a roof, windows, etc. in other words, i have actually thought things through and realized i do not have the capital reserves necessary to cover whatever crap may come up with regard to maintaining a house--or to pay tax increases, insurance increases, etc.--and, thus, should not buy a house at this point, so i haven't.)

    so, why do you get bailed out because you own a home? but i don't get bailed out because i do not?

    i made a responsible decision to not buy a house i did not have the capital reserves to keep. others made the irresponsible decision to do just that. why should i have to pay for them to keep their house when, if i lose my job, they aren't going to contribute anything to me paying my rent? it's not fair. it's BS.

    if the issue is people losing their jobs, the issue should be addressed via unemployment...not by forcing banks to renogotiate legally binding contracts that both parties entered of their own free will.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleRedToyota View Post
    i am in the same boat...but i rent (precisely because i know it would be hard for me to take a hit of having to replace a roof, windows, etc. in other words, i have actually thought things through and realized i do not have the capital reserves necessary to cover whatever crap may come up with regard to maintaining a house--or to pay tax increases, insurance increases, etc.--and, thus, should not buy a house at this point, so i haven't.)

    so, why do you get bailed out because you own a home? but i don't get bailed out because i do not?

    i made a responsible decision to not buy a house i did not have the capital reserves to keep. others made the irresponsible decision to do just that. why should i have to pay for them to keep their house when, if i lose my job, they aren't going to contribute anything to me paying my rent? it's not fair. it's BS.

    if the issue is people losing their jobs, the issue should be addressed via unemployment...not by forcing banks to renogotiate legally binding contracts that both parties entered of their own free will.

    Everyone is supposed to make the choices to live within their means. Frenchy, rent around here (plum) is more like $700 a month, at this time and in this economy I chose NOT to buy a house.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
    You do realize one thing right, this person is saying any one who pays a mortgage out of blood sweat and tears, then looses his job because of cutbacks is a looser. Unless you fall in his category of people who can buy homes right now and rent them back to the average Joe at an exorbitant price, you are a Loser.

    I bet he can carry the water; after all, his salary is up there in the higher 6 figure area. Mine is still in the 5 digits, Low 5 to boot, so I will gladly drink some water as long as I can. I might not like Obama, but you know what, I dislike people who rant off about us lowly people who make less then 75K when in reality I am closer to the 30K and calls them losers, that makes me much lower then a loser, I must be dirt in his eyes.

    Heck, maybe If I made my present salary per year in a week or even a month, I would rant like that also, you can bet the people around him are not making low 5 figure numbers either. Low salaries in the trading floor start in the $100k

    Now a little bit about these people who like to complain the government is doing some thing wrong here… (Again, I do not like Obama) Rick Santelli is a TV person, this means every thing he wears is either paid for him or completely tax deductible, Every thing he eats, drinks and drives is deductible, He probably deducts more tax in a day then most members here make in a week, but hey people love him right? You don’t for a minute figure if the government said we will bail out only the rich by making sure they don’t have to deduct taxes, we will just stop taxing them he would complain… But to him, $13 per week is like to me a cup of coffee at home.

    So while every thing goes up in price because we pay this turkeys salary in commercial costs for watching TV that supports his sorry ass, think about this, every time this guy breathes, he is making money, every word he speaks he is making money, and he is deducting it to the max. Why, because he can, it’s his domain, he knows how to do it.
    By participating in his charade, you make him richer. Some day, you might actually thank him for not foreclosing personally on your home.

    If you are not making 300 to 400K per year, you are not the middle class he is speaking of; you are the loser who has to work hard for his money to pay the mortgage. He is laughing at most of the population, but he is making you believe he is laughing at the bailout.
    Last year when gas went up to $4.00 per gallon, many could not afford to go to work, if this happened this year, many would lose their jobs. Heating bills went up, electrical went up, food went up, and every thing did. What I could afford 5 years ago, and what I can afford this year is not even similar.

    5 years ago, I was on the range after work almost every day, this year, I can afford to go almost every month. You calculate it, Yeah, I am one of the people who suffers to pay his mortgage every month. Even with a “Fixed rate” that did not stop my lender from grabbing an extra $150 per month this year because “Taxes” went up… So if Obama believes it is a good Idea to fund the school they just built in my area to cut my taxes back to a normal rate rather then $200+ per month, I am all for it.

    Go party and drink all the tea you want, but remember, in this economy, You could be the next loser.
    Capitalism is great, I don't knock anyone for making a good living, and I also don't mock anyone who is on the lower end of the pay scale. I beleive you are the only one responsible for what you do and what you make. In your response you seem mad that this guy makes 6 figures and you don't. I would go to the tea party but unfortunately I have to work. At least someone is taking a stand against this administration, I myself would not knock anyone for doing that.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
    You do realize one thing right, this person is saying any one who pays a mortgage out of blood sweat and tears, then looses his job because of cutbacks is a looser. Unless you fall in his category of people who can buy homes right now and rent them back to the average Joe at an exorbitant price, you are a Loser.

    I bet he can carry the water; after all, his salary is up there in the higher 6 figure area. Mine is still in the 5 digits, Low 5 to boot, so I will gladly drink some water as long as I can. I might not like Obama, but you know what, I dislike people who rant off about us lowly people who make less then 75K when in reality I am closer to the 30K and calls them losers, that makes me much lower then a loser, I must be dirt in his eyes.

    Heck, maybe If I made my present salary per year in a week or even a month, I would rant like that also, you can bet the people around him are not making low 5 figure numbers either. Low salaries in the trading floor start in the $100k

    Now a little bit about these people who like to complain the government is doing some thing wrong here… (Again, I do not like Obama) Rick Santelli is a TV person, this means every thing he wears is either paid for him or completely tax deductible, Every thing he eats, drinks and drives is deductible, He probably deducts more tax in a day then most members here make in a week, but hey people love him right? You don’t for a minute figure if the government said we will bail out only the rich by making sure they don’t have to deduct taxes, we will just stop taxing them he would complain… But to him, $13 per week is like to me a cup of coffee at home.

    So while every thing goes up in price because we pay this turkeys salary in commercial costs for watching TV that supports his sorry ass, think about this, every time this guy breathes, he is making money, every word he speaks he is making money, and he is deducting it to the max. Why, because he can, it’s his domain, he knows how to do it.
    By participating in his charade, you make him richer. Some day, you might actually thank him for not foreclosing personally on your home.

    If you are not making 300 to 400K per year, you are not the middle class he is speaking of; you are the loser who has to work hard for his money to pay the mortgage. He is laughing at most of the population, but he is making you believe he is laughing at the bailout.
    Last year when gas went up to $4.00 per gallon, many could not afford to go to work, if this happened this year, many would lose their jobs. Heating bills went up, electrical went up, food went up, and every thing did. What I could afford 5 years ago, and what I can afford this year is not even similar.

    5 years ago, I was on the range after work almost every day, this year, I can afford to go almost every month. You calculate it, Yeah, I am one of the people who suffers to pay his mortgage every month. Even with a “Fixed rate” that did not stop my lender from grabbing an extra $150 per month this year because “Taxes” went up… So if Obama believes it is a good Idea to fund the school they just built in my area to cut my taxes back to a normal rate rather then $200+ per month, I am all for it.

    Go party and drink all the tea you want, but remember, in this economy, You could be the next loser.
    The losers he is referring to are those that took out mortgages on houses that are out of their income bracket. People that took out home equity loans to buy SUVs, build pools, etc. People that didn't save a cent. People with massive credit card debt.

    I make about as much you, which is why I don't have a home yet. I could've taken out one of them subprime mortgages, but I knew it was a mistake. Instead, I chose to save. So, why in the F should I be responsible for the irresponsible? Say you make $30k a year. You saved for 5 years to put 20% down on a $100k house. You're able to make the mortgage payments, save, and live comfortably. Then all of the sudden the cost of living goes up because irresponsible people can't pay their bills. Consequently, you begin to struggle with bills yourself. You're not the loser-- you're a victim of the losers. But being a responsible person, you saved a bit of money so you are able to keep up with the bills. But then the government steps in and bails out all the losers at your expense. Why should you be punished for the actions of the losers? You shouldn't. The losers should give up their homes, find a place to rent, and stfu.

    Again, people that work hard, own a home within their means, and become unemployed are not losers. They are people that have fallen on rough times. Remedies have existed for quite some time for these people through unemployment benefits and insurance. The stimulus is not for them, it's for the irresponsible at the expense of everyone else.

    Irresponsibility is rewarded whereas responsibility is punished.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    Quote Originally Posted by addicted2freedom View Post
    The losers he is referring to are those that took out mortgages on houses that are out of their income bracket. People that took out home equity loans to buy SUVs, build pools, etc. People that didn't save a cent. People with massive credit card debt.

    I make about as much you, which is why I don't have a home yet. I could've taken out one of them subprime mortgages, but I knew it was a mistake. Instead, I chose to save. So, why in the F should I be responsible for the irresponsible? Say you make $30k a year. You saved for 5 years to put 20% down on a $100k house. You're able to make the mortgage payments, save, and live comfortably. Then all of the sudden the cost of living goes up because irresponsible people can't pay their bills. Consequently, you begin to struggle with bills yourself. You're not the loser-- you're a victim of the losers. But being a responsible person, you saved a bit of money so you are able to keep up with the bills. But then the government steps in and bails out all the losers at your expense. Why should you be punished for the actions of the losers? You shouldn't. The losers should give up their homes, find a place to rent, and stfu.

    Again, people that work hard, own a home within their means, and become unemployed are not losers. They are people that have fallen on rough times. Remedies have existed for quite some time for these people through unemployment benefits and insurance. The stimulus is not for them, it's for the irresponsible at the expense of everyone else.

    Irresponsibility is rewarded whereas responsibility is punished.
    That is very well said. I myself lived within my means, but due to the recent econimic downturn I find myself struggling. I am self employed and usually make a 6 figure salary, so when it gets slow and the work is not there I can't apply for unemployment, I have to make due. Does this also make me a loser, I think not. Last year I made 20K less than the previous, this year so far looks worse. Is it my fault? No it's not.

    I don't want a bailout or a handout, I just want the opportunity to be able to work, make money and support my family comfortably as I have done for the last 15 years.

    The people who are looking for a bailout or a handout, or both are the losers, not us the working people.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pittsburgh Tea Party: Bailout Protest

    It’s not the high cost living, it’s the high cost of people living beyond the means they could afford that got them into trouble.

    People have been measure their wealth in what they can borrow or leverage from the banksters, not what they own free and clear.

    We can thank the fractional reserve banking system for this mess; a totally fraudulent system which allows banks to create multiples of credit compared to actaul bank deposits. If you or I will do this check kiting scheme of lending money based on only holding a fraction of the money on deposit in our bank we would go to jail, yet its a legalize ponzi scam that the bankster still screwed up over their greed.

    Can anyone that goes to this rally give a report on attendance, sign etc.

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