Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    While in Harrisburg yesterday, I was able to have a conversation with my own state Representative, Todd Rock. Rep. Rock was supportive of my position during the appeal of my LTCF revocation, and went so far as to have his office (I don't know if he did it personally or not) contact Sheriff Wollyung on my behalf.

    Anyhow, after expressing his pleasure at the outcome of my case, he told me that the Franklin County Commissioners had written a letter to the Franklin County legislators, urging them to draft and offer legislation prohibiting the carrying of firearms in PA polling places. He told me that they would all be signing a response which will basically say, "No thanks."

    I'm not shocked by either the request or the response, but thought I'd share the info since it's probably not something your going to hear about anywhere in the media.

    Also, while observing the House in session, and being reminded of all the seemingly frivolous resolutions offered and passed without any opposition, I thought maybe I should ask them to draft a resolution declaring Nov. 4 "Open Carry at a Polling Place Day". Perhaps the Reps. from Luzerne county would co-sponsor?

    As a follow-up, I sent the following e-mail to the Franklin county Reps.
    Representatives Kauffman & Keller,

    I had a brief conversation with Representative Rock on Monday, April 7 while visiting the Capitol. During our conversation, he mentioned that the Franklin County Commissioners had written to each of you, asking you to introduce legislation banning firearms in polling places.

    As both a gun owner and someone who carries a firearm daily, I am strongly opposed to the creation of any "gun free zones". As we have seen on numerous occasions, these limitations have done nothing to prevent mass killings in our society. As we approach the one year anniversary of the Virgina Tech shootings, it's worth noting that while it has been a year since this tragedy occurred, several more have occurred since then. I wonder if we will ever see a whole year pass between these types of incidents again?

    I take very seriously my duty to be the first and foremost person responsible for the safety and security of myself and my family. It troubles me to think that government sometimes feels the need to arbitrarily decide that they know better and interfere with my right to self-preservation. What many seem to fail to realize is that by creating a "disarmed victim zone", we are creating prime targets for those who would seek fame and attention and the expense of others' lives. It is unjust to force law-abiding citizens into a situation where they must choose between being prepared to defend themselves if necessary or committing a criminal act.

    I ask you to vigorously oppose any such attempts to enact new restrictions on where PA citizens are permitted to exercise their rights under both the state and federal Constitutions. I would also like to obtain a copy of any official response you may make to the Franklin County Commissioners.


    Greg Rotz
    Member: Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association, Firearms Owners Against Crime, National Rifle Association
    Last edited by gnbrotz; April 8th, 2008 at 07:44 PM. Reason: add text of e-mail sent to Reps.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Good job Greg! This was a very powerful email. I know both Rock and Kauffman are very avid gun rights supporters. Kauffman and I talked for a good 20 minutes about gun rights. This issue was brought to my attention that the Franklin County Commissioners requested legislation be passed banning guns in polling places. Kauffman obviously denied that request, as he should. It's nice to see our reps doing what we want them to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    I remember at the conclusion of your trial that the judge had made a statement that he would personally pursue this sort of thing.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn.L View Post
    I remember at the conclusion of your trial that the judge had made a statement that he would personally pursue this sort of thing.
    I have learned that he too wrote a letter to the local Reps. expressing his opinion. I have no problem with that whatsoever. He is entitled to his personal opinion, just as I am.

    The important thing for me is that my local Reps. overwhelmingly support my position, will not offer their own legislation to prohibit carry in a polling place, and will not support any similar legislation that may be offered by someone else.

    I just had a good 30 minute phone conversation with Rep. Kauffman (in regards to the e-mail above). I had heard previously that he may not be as pro-gun as he claims to be, but based on my conversation with him, I'd say he is on 'our side'.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    This reminds me. I guess you'll be having a face to face with your favorite constable shortly.

    Anyway good job as always.

    BTW you should inquire to the good commissioners of your county just who was the one being intimidated in Franklin county on Nov 4, 2007, beside yourself that is.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by God's Country View Post
    This reminds me. I guess you'll be having a face to face with your favorite constable shortly.
    The Rep. I spoke to this evening mentioned the same thing; but, since I am not party affiliated, and there are no other issues on the ballot, I will not be voting again until November. I will however be swinging by the polling place just to see (and photograph) if they have any "No Firearms" signs posted.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    I just had a good 30 minute phone conversation with Rep. Kauffman (in regards to the e-mail above). I had heard previously that he may not be as pro-gun as he claims to be, but based on my conversation with him, I'd say he is on 'our side'.
    I've met him on many occasions. He is very pro-gun. He is a member of the NRA and supported every amendment in HB 1845. He also supports the Castle Doctrine I look forward to that. From the conversation we had yesterday I feel strongly that he supports gun ownership.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pro2A View Post
    I've met him on many occasions. He is very pro-gun. He is a member of the NRA and supported every amendment in HB 1845. He also supports the Castle Doctrine I look forward to that. From the conversation we had yesterday I feel strongly that he supports gun ownership.
    I agree with your assessment of his character, but for the record, the bold portion doesn't mean SQUAT when it comes to determining if they represent my position or not.

    It was our own state NRA Rep. (John Hohenwater) who was bargaining passage of the stolen gun amendment in exchange for monies going to NRA programs.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    I will however be swinging by the polling place just to see (and photograph) if they have any "No Firearms" signs posted.
    My question is, will you be OCing?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Greg Rotz Voter Intimidation Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    I have learned that he too wrote a letter to the local Reps. expressing his opinion. I have no problem with that whatsoever. He is entitled to his personal opinion, just as I am.

    The important thing for me is that my local Reps. overwhelmingly support my position, will not offer their own legislation to prohibit carry in a polling place, and will not support any similar legislation that may be offered by someone else.

    I just had a good 30 minute phone conversation with Rep. Kauffman (in regards to the e-mail above). I had heard previously that he may not be as pro-gun as he claims to be, but based on my conversation with him, I'd say he is on 'our side'.
    I have a problem with it if he signed it as a Judge....or had his staff draft it, or used court letterhead to write it on....thus conveying an "Official" opinion......If it's written as an Ordinary Citizen like the rest of us peons, I am fine with it....

    Glock Pistols.......So simple a Caveman could fix them!

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