Glad one of PRO-gun Reps finally get some of the credit for all the hard work they do for PA gun owners.
We ALL OWE PA state Reps like Staback at lot for his stance for all of US, Please send a thank you or congratulations note.

here is Reps web page

Rep Staback Named 2007 Legislator of the Year by NAFR 2-08

Rep. Staback Named 2007 Legislator of the Year
by National Association of Firearms Retailers

LAS VEGAS -- Pennsylvania State Representative Edward G. Staback
Lackawanna and Wayne counties) was named the 2007 Legislator of the
Year by the National Association of Firearms Retailers (NAFR), the nation's
largest organization representing federally licensed firearms retailers.
Staback received the award at the firearms industry's annual trade show, the
Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, which is put on by the
National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association of
the firearms industry. NAFR is a division of the NSSF.

"Mr. Staback's leadership in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
has helped to protect the livelihood of law-abiding firearms retailers
throughout Pennsylvania,"
said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice
president and general counsel. "The NAFR is pleased to honor Representative
Staback as the 2007 Legislator of the Year and looks forward to continuing a
constructive dialogue with him on public policy matters affecting
Pennsylvania's firearms retailers."

As chair of the Game and Fisheries Committee, in the Pennsylvania House
of Representatives, Mr. Staback demonstrated his support for the state's
firearms retailers by playing a key role in the debate over
legislation (HB 22) and working to resolve the Pennsylvania Instant
Check System (PICS) shutdown -- during the opening of the hunting (dove)
season -- which threatened the livelihood of retailers throughout the Keystone

Representative Staback's leadership and influence was also critical in
the fight to secure preemption legislation. Earlier last year, legislation
was introduced that would have invalidated Pennsylvania's preemption laws
laws that prevent localities from passing their own gun-control
Without the wherewithal of Representative Staback, the right of
law-abiding Pennsylvanians to purchase firearms and ammunition would
vary greatly depending on where they happen to live, and Pennsylvania
would have ended up with thousands of new gun-control laws and regulations
affecting gun owners from one local jurisdiction to another.

Mr. Staback, a strong and vocal advocate of Sunday hunting, currently
prohibited by Pennsylvania "blue laws," is considered to be a steadfast
supporter of hunters, sportsmen and the Second Amendment. "By fighting
to allow Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania, Representative Staback has not
only represented sportsmen well, but he has stayed true to the
commonwealth's strong hunting heritage," said NSSF Director of Government Relations

Jake McGuigan.

"Thanks to the hard work and political leadership of Representative
Staback, he is the first Pennsylvania legislator to receive this award,"

concluded Keane.


Formed in 1961, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is the
association for the firearms industry. For more information, visit
<> The National Association
Firearms Retailers (NAFR) is an affiliated organization falling under