I'm pretty sure this crew isn't for peace through superior firepower but I would love to show up for a job interview wearing a t-shirt with that saying on it.

This link is to the bill actually written to propose an official "Department of Peace."


Here is a good section from their bill. This may work!!! We can send our hippies over to protest the terrorists! Hell Yeah!

(a) In General- There shall be in the Department an Office of Arms Control and Disarmament, the head of which shall be the Assistant Secretary of Arms Control and Disarmament. The Assistant Secretary of Arms Control and Disarmament shall carry out those functions in the Department affecting arms control programs and arms limitation agreements.
(b) Responsibilities- The Assistant Secretary of Arms Control and Disarmament shall--
(1) advise the Secretary on all interagency discussions and all international negotiations regarding the reduction and elimination of weapons of mass destruction throughout the world, including the dismantling of such weapons and the safe and secure storage of materials related thereto;
(2) assist nations, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations in assessing the locations of the buildup of nuclear arms;
(3) develop nonviolent strategies to deter the testing or use of offensive or defensive nuclear weapons, whether based on land, air, sea, or in outer space;
(4) serve as a depository for copies of all contracts, agreements, and treaties that deal with the reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons or the protection of outer space from militarization; and
(5) provide technical support and legal assistance for the implementation of such agreements.