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Thread: You Suck

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default You Suck

    Iraqi Rifle Training.

    No, the F.I.R.E. Institute does not utilize this kind of instructor-to-student feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: You Suck

    They must stand up before we stand down...ugh

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: You Suck

    Not for nothing but they did suck

    "Tell the next shooter that he doesn't have to change the target because you did not hit it once"

  4. #4
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    Default Re: You Suck

    I recall a tactical briefing from the Persian Gulf War,

    The good news is: the Iraqis are lousy shots.

    The bad news is: they have LOTS of ammo.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: You Suck

    They either didn't hit the target, got a nice little group, or hit the "target" in the balls.

    That means: they never shot a gun, are ex-terrorists, or caught their wife in bed with another man

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: You Suck

    you'd think this video would be plastered all over the MSM

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down Re: You Suck

    I had to think about this a few times before I replied, mainly because it shows how some soldiers have contempt. Not just contempt for the Iraqis but for their own Uniform and the country they serve.

    Any teacher will tell you, if the student fails, it is probably because they (the teacher) did not do some thing right. First thing I can see here, is that obviously, the Iraqis don’t understand a word that is being said to them. They see thumbs up, a smile; they think I’m doing ok!

    A few times the soldier says “Thank you for making my day even longer” .. I would say Face up to it Soldier, you got to do it right for them to understand it. Your day is as long as you make it, teach them right the first time around, stop trying to laugh at humanity and you will succeed. The jackass always comes home last.
    This helps reinforce what I was once taught about the human race, Ugly people call other people Ugly… it’s a mirror world, people will always want to condemn others who have faults worst if those faults are true within them.
    First person to want to hang an abuser is an abuser; first person to want to condemn a prostitute is a permissive person, first person who will want to demolish an other persons reputation is a person with little regards to their own reputation.
    I would be ashamed to have my face on a movie like this; It is degrading in the highest degree.
    To me, this video goes right along with the one of the soldier lady who had a leash on a prisoner. The only thing that Soldier had going for him is that no officer was there to make him do a few pushups and that the Iraqis did not understand a thing he said.
    Problem is, when they do start to understand, they may decide they had enough of G.I. Joe laughing at them and revolt.

    Try and Imagine yourself in the shoes of some one who is trying to learn some thing, being given positive signs of thumb up and smile, and then learning later the person was actually telling you that you where the lowest form of life.. Remember, the Iraqis do not take lightly to permissive people… Sucking is not in their good grace, even if said as a joke. Under Arab law, that soldier would be hung for his contempt of the people he had in his care.

    As for making comments about the “smell” and how it hurts his nose, he should get over it some day quick not every one in Iraq has the luxury of showers at a training camp to freshen up with. Maybe he should go spend a few days in the desert with the men he is training with out being near water a while. He would quickly realize that Chicken soup smell is common.

    All in all, I give this video a -5 out of a possible 10. It’s degrading to the troops in Iraq, who are there and serve the United States of America. Gives a very bad impression of how the general American is, if that is what is out there representing us, I think they should pull out right quick. Fortunately, not all our troops are that ignorant, I pray our members here at PAFOA are not that ignorant. SO by the looks of it, we only need pull out a few people who simply don’t know how to respect themselves and others in their care.

    EDIT to add: I know this will get flammed by a few people, so go ahead, flame, but this is my personal view. If you have to sink people to feel higher in life, then you will eventually sink your self. The best way to elevate yourself is by showing others around you how to do better.
    Last edited by Frenchy; July 23rd, 2007 at 02:39 AM.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: You Suck

    No flame from me Frenchy, I think you made some excellent points.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: You Suck

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
    EDIT to add: I know this will get flammed by a few people, so go ahead, flame, but this is my personal view. If you have to sink people to feel higher in life, then you will eventually sink your self. The best way to elevate yourself is by showing others around you how to do better.
    No flame. You're exactly right. That's why I have no use for firearms instructors who act like DI's and run classes like a boot camp. Firearms training is more about education and learning rather than just shooting.

    Regarding the soldier instructing in the video, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt because he's certainly not conducting that training under ideal conditions and by that I mean the circumstances.

    His CO probably issued an order to "get these Iraqi's trained" without providing adequate means to do so. And if he himself hasn't had any training in how to instruct, he'll default to that which he is comfortable with as a non commissioned officer (screaming and yelling st his subordinates).

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: You Suck

    Frenchy, you hit the nail on the head here. As an American, I'm embarrassed by that behavior. As a human, I'm offended.

    Initially, I laughed. Then I realized that this guy was an ass.
    I've not been there (in his shoes). I can't even begin to imagine the events and/or personal situations that I'm sure he would use as an "excuse" for his behavior. Most likely though, this behavior/attitude came with this soldier all the way from America.

    Much like I don't know what's going on in this guy's head, we don't know anything about these guys who "suck". Are they brave civilians who are risking their lives for their country? Are they the enemy in disguise? We don't know. I used to work with several guys(Iraqis)who escaped that hell-hole and I have no idea how well they could shoot, but I would rather have any of them fighting by my side than the soldier in that video.
    His attitude sucks more than anything. And before a comparison to boot camp "verbal abuse" is made, I will point out that those guys had no clue what he was saying, therefore, the abuse was being dished out solely to make that soldier "feel good" and perhaps to amuse the childish friend who irresponsibly filmed that wonderful "anti-American propaganda film." I say that, because it's how it will be used by those who hate this country and/or this war. Anything that portrays our troops in a negative way is fuel for their fire and while this clip isn't going to turn that fire into an inferno, it certainly won't do anything to extinguish the flames.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

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