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  1. #1
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    Default Fred Thompson For 2008

    I believe Fred should run, and even if you prefer Ron Paul you should sign his petition to encourage him to run.

    And if you don't know who he is, just google it. He has been a "public" figure for a long time. And most will recognize him from his TV and movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
    Oh yes, thats how it starts. The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    I'm there and I signed. Fred is the best bet that we have out there.

    Here is another petition.
    Last edited by billamj; April 19th, 2007 at 03:43 PM.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Signed both petitions!!!!


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Signed both, he's the man!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    For all the Fred Thompson fans out there, some wise words from the man himself WRT the VT shootings:


    Signs of Intelligence?

    By Fred Thompson

    One of the things that's got to be going through a lot of peoples' minds now is how one man with two handguns, that he had to reload time and time again, could go from classroom to classroom on the Virginia Tech campus without being stopped. Much of the answer can be found in policies put in place by the university itself.

    Virginia, like 39 other states, allows citizens with training and legal permits to carry concealed weapons. That means that Virginians regularly sit in movie theaters and eat in restaurants among armed citizens. They walk, joke, and rub shoulders everyday with people who responsibly carry firearms — and are far safer than they would be in San Francisco, Oakland, Detroit, Chicago, New York City, or Washington, D.C., where such permits are difficult or impossible to obtain.

    The statistics are clear. Communities that recognize and grant Second Amendment rights to responsible adults have a significantly lower incidence of violent crime than those that do not. More to the point, incarcerated criminals tell criminologists that they consider local gun laws when they decide what sort of crime they will commit, and where they will do so.

    Still, there are a lot of people who are just offended by the notion that people can carry guns around. They view everybody, or at least many of us, as potential murderers prevented only by the lack of a convenient weapon. Virginia Tech administrators overrode Virginia state law and threatened to expel or fire anybody who brings a weapon onto campus.

    In recent years, however, armed Americans — not on-duty police officers — have successfully prevented a number of attempted mass murders. Evidence from Israel, where many teachers have weapons and have stopped serious terror attacks, has been documented. Supporting, though contrary, evidence from Great Britain, where strict gun controls have led to violent crime rates far higher than ours, is also common knowledge.

    So Virginians asked their legislators to change the university's "concealed carry" policy to exempt people 21 years of age or older who have passed background checks and taken training classes. The university, however, lobbied against that bill, and a top administrator subsequently praised the legislature for blocking the measure.

    The logic behind this attitude baffles me, but I suspect it has to do with a basic difference in worldviews. Some people think that power should exist only at the top, and everybody else should rely on "the authorities" for protection.

    Despite such attitudes, average Americans have always made up the front line against crime. Through programs like Neighborhood Watch and Amber Alert, we are stopping and catching criminals daily. Normal people tackled "shoe bomber" Richard Reid as he was trying to blow up an airliner. It was a truck driver who found the D.C. snipers. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that civilians use firearms to prevent at least a half million crimes annually.

    When people capable of performing acts of heroism are discouraged or denied the opportunity, our society is all the poorer. And from the selfless examples of the passengers on Flight 93 on 9/11 to Virginia Tech professor Liviu Librescu, a Holocaust survivor who sacrificed himself to save his students earlier this week, we know what extraordinary acts of heroism ordinary citizens are capable of.

    Many other universities have been swayed by an anti-gun, anti-self defense ideology. I respect their right to hold those views, but I challenge their decision to deny Americans the right to protect themselves on their campuses — and then proudly advertise that fact to any and all.

    Whenever I've seen one of those "Gun-free Zone" signs, especially outside of a school filled with our youngest and most vulnerable citizens, I've always wondered exactly who these signs are directed at. Obviously, they don't mean much to the sort of man who murdered 32 people just a few days ago.

    — Fred Thompson is an actor and former United States senator from Tennessee.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by ChamberedRound View Post
    For all the Fred Thompson fans out there, some wise words from the man himself WRT the VT shootings:

    Thanks CR, thats good stuff. If Fred gets in now, he could actually win next year, we need to push for his logic all that we can. He is certainly three or four steps up from the front runners of today.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by billamj View Post
    Thanks CR, thats good stuff. If Fred gets in now, he could actually win next year, we need to push for his logic all that we can. He is certainly three or four steps up from the front runners of today.
    Agreed. Fred Thompson is the only guy I like as much as Ron Paul for President. And Mr. Thompson has the benefit of being recognizable and being good in front of a camera.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Fred in 2008!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    So rather than uniting under Ron Paul you wish to split . Might as well kiss your Rights goodbye. Ron Paul is the last hope for turning things around in the corporation

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson For 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by cas View Post
    So rather than uniting under Ron Paul you wish to split . Might as well kiss your Rights goodbye. Ron Paul is the last hope for turning things around in the corporation
    That's your opinion. And everyone else here has the right to their opinion as well. A forum is a place for exchanging different thoughts, ideas, and opinions. That's what we do here.

    No one is splitting anything yet, as not a single official vote has been cast for any candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election as of yet. To me, it makes perfect sense at this stage to be looking at ALL the possible candidates, and examining their respective positions on the issues, so that as a voter one can make an INFORMED choice.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

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