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  1. #1
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    Default How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    Somethings been bothering me. I hear all this talk about standing up an telling the government that we are unhappy, provisions in the Constitution to end a governmental regime and start fresh, and even the option to politely refuse to speak to a LEO if nothing wrong has been done. Well, you know as well as I do...this all looks good on paper but what happens if we actually try it? We get arrested or worse...DEAD!

    So are we really free? Or are we actually prisoners of the system? Hell, I'm afraid to go to my local Borough meeting for fear that they will arrest me for speaking against them as others have been! If I can't speak my mind in a Borough meeting, there is no way 100,000 people or even 900,000 people or more would be able to tell the President to step down and take his entire regime with him! We would never be able to hold a new election and transfer power peacefully. You know what would happen? I'd bet that Kent State would look like preschool compared to the lesson these thugs would give us.

    I don't mean to sound like I'm giving in or saying not to speak what you believe...not at all! On the contrary, I want you all to just be aware what a delicate situation we are all in. I want you to realize that our troops are fighting and dying to give Iraq freedom while we are quietly losing ours even as we speak! Kind of ironic, I think...and completely unacceptable!

    So what can we do? We are oppressed in just about every aspect. If we speak out against any kind of authority, we are arrested, detained, searched and/or audited. If we were to try to use force, such as a coup, we would be treated as domestic terrorists and become targeted and killed by the powers that be. If we keep writing editorials like this, we may be heard by a few, but I'm really just preaching to the choir.

    So, are we really a free country? I think that we are standing on the top fence rail and we are about to fall to the left. We need to figure out what we can do to help us make the leap to the right side of the fence! The side that guarantees all Americans the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness! If things continue the way they are heading now...well, lets just say that I feel terrible for our kids. They won't even have a free America to remember as we do.

    To all the Sheeple out there, I just have one thing to say. Wake up America...wake up before it is too late!

    Thoughts? Comments?
    Last edited by RocketFoot; May 9th, 2009 at 06:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    Hell, I'm afraid to go to my local Borough meeting for fear that they will arrest me for speaking against them as others have been!
    what happened at your borough meeting?

    I have been to bourough meetings, stood up with others against elitists, and had them back down.
    They often dont expect resistance, or public attention. Like weeds that grow in the dark but die in the light of day.


    I see people standing up with the support of our community, and winning here all the time.
    look at the Dickson City Incedent. Maybe had they backed down, caved in to fear, become subverviant and quiet and hoped it would all just go away. But they havent, and at the end of the day our side will be the victors.

    we have many fights going on right now.

    MtnJack needs our support

    W1cked needs our support

    and beyond guns, look here and see the fight to speak our minds in the hallowed halls of learning.


    the oppressors in our world are weak willed, spineless, fools who hide behind paper authority and titles. When WE stand up to them and strip them bare of their illusions of granduer, when WE hold them accountable and refuse to be intimidated, when WE stand up TOGETHER....... they back down.

    I would rather to die on my feet than live on my knees.

    but we are not even near that point yet.

    We currently still have a civil fight before us. We can still win the public opinion. We can still fight and win in the courtroom. We can still go to our eleceted officials and speak our minds, and demand action.

    So yes, I can stand up, I can refuse to submit, and if I am unjustly forced into compliance I can count on the community here to show up in force on my behalf.

    yes, I do belive I am still a free man, because I will not be enslaved by fear. Becuase every man is born free. Yes, I do belive our government still recognizes that, but forces within it would strip that away. And that is where the fight is.

    The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. -Patrick Henry

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    MtnJack needs our support

    W1cked needs our support

    What's going on with them?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    Quote Originally Posted by mchaley View Post
    MtnJack needs our support

    W1cked needs our support

    What's going on with them?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot


    I would hope that enough of the force that was sent against us would have the balls to follow their oath and not unlawful orders.

    As for speaking out at council meeting I'd let them arrest me and go from there. Again I'd hope enough sheep get the message and speak out. Maybe that's what it will take to jump to the right side.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    That's my point. Sometimes it isn't enough to just stand up and be counted. I tried that with Obama and it didn't go so well. (Of course, I still can't find anyone that will admit to voting for him! Did the press elect him?)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    The loss of rights is of no relevance to most of those people who don't exercise them. It doesn't affect them, so why give it a passing thought? The sheeple are not firing on all cylinders. It's our job to provide that spark of insight, that little thought they never considered before, in order to get them going again. The only time people seem to care about anything is when it's their ass on the line. Bring it close to home, ask them "what if what happened to this person happened to your family or friends." There's some kind of barrier between "my group" that matters to only me, and the rest of the world which can be observed as entertainment. That barrier needs to be broken. Otherwise, by the time it does start to affect them directly it's already too late.
    It's puzzling to me that under the banner of Obama so many are willing to unite as a group to help everyone out financially, but when it comes to rights it's no one's problem again. Maybe because nobody's using those rights, where on the other hand everyone wants a free meal and extra financial support. It's difficult to market hardship and effort, especially if the individual gets nothing in return except a few petty rights that they weren't utilizing anyway. That's why they're "sheeple," they take the path of least resistence lead by the promise of greener pastures or the fear of wolves to heard them this way or that way, all the while they're lead unaware to their slaughter.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    I feel that, as a society, people don't care about the loss of freedoms as long as they can live their lives and make their money. When I bring up things such as the Patriot Act, I often hear, "if you don't do anything wrong, why should it matter." The wiretapping without a warrent, "they can listen to me all they want, I don't do anything wrong." It seems that unless it will directly affect them, it isn't worthy of concern. Of course this should be no surprise due to the selfish nature of society as a whole. In general terms, society is way more concerned about themselves than their fellow humans, too concerned about how something will affect them instead of looking at the whole picture. Greed, selfishness and instant gratification seem to be whats important nowadays. Until society starts caring more about the whole than they do for the one, nothing will change and our freedoms will continually deteriorate. The Founding Fathers were more concerned with their fellow Americans than their own well being. The two sides during the "War Between the States" both thought their way was the best for the Country. The people that lived and fought through the World Wars were more concerned about the World and our freedoms then their own personal safety. Personal agendas were not the most important things in peoples lives throughout Americas history. I don't believe the same holds true today. Now, its all about the individual and their gain. Sad, but I believe our collective greed will be our undoing.

    **** disclaimer**** This is just my opinion, not meant to be condescending or demeaning if contrary to others opinions on this subject.

    Zombie Response Team SECTOR 4 Ground assault unit
    "Nothing defuses people like crazy." ~ Lycanthrope

  9. #9
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    But there are people out there that care. Look at the people who came out for PA PATRIOT and others who have lost their LTCF unlawfully. I'd like to think some of those people would stand up I'd be sitting right beside you in jail saying "Boy did we screw up. but it feels good"

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How Free Are We? An editorial by RocketFoot

    Quote Originally Posted by RocketFoot View Post
    Somethings been bothering me.... are we really free?
    LOL...I'm never *free*, but I am *available*.

    Seriously... ever since kindergarten, people have been telling me this is a "Free Country." These are the same morons who told me it's a "Democracy."
    The honest truth is, Americans are the most regulated population on the planet.

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