Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    (Montgomery County)
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    This is no joke, friends. The "work session" yesterday in the Capitol was nothing more than the first step in an assault upon our rights. Read these bills carefully. They are unconstitutional both at the state and the federal level. No provision is made for reimbursement upon confiscation by the police, and no framework or rubric for approval or denial is present within the lettering of the bill addressing registration.

    This is nothing but jackbooted thuggery, the very thing that caused our Founding Fathers to create the Second Amendment as a doomsday clause and an ultimate protection against the failure of the state to respect its citizens and allow them participation in government. This is the end of participatory government if these bills become law. It is, in fact, rule by an unresponsive, irresponsible, unaccountable assemblage of louts who will have traded away your freedoms and given you nothing in return.

    I hope that I shall not live to see this pass. Because of limitations in the forum, I cannot post the complete text of the bills. It is IMPERATIVE that you read them and act accordingly with respect to your local representative.

    The upshot is this: mandatory registration, yearly fees for same, mandatory confiscation of firearms if the PSP find you to not be worthy, with no compensation for confiscated property or explanation of qualifying or disqualifying factors, Philadelphia getting back the right to ordain its own laws concerning firearms, and no ammunition sales to anyone within Philadelphia unless that person has a license to carry a firearm.

    Not in my damned lifetime …

    Call your state reps now, and throw your backs behind Swann for all you're worth.
    Last edited by Furious Styles; September 27th, 2006 at 11:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Diegolandia, Pennsylvania
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furious Styles View Post
    Not in my damned lifetime …
    You better mean that.

    Most of us do.

    They cant take what you don't give up.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
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    I am 24 now.....and this year will be the first time ever i will actually take part and VOTE i know....i put it off for a while.
    Life and Liberty, Freedom for all.

  4. #4
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    Contact your state, federal, and local officials via the NRA portal:

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sunbury, Pennsylvania
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    Umm... I don't know about yesterday, but I watched some of the session today and all the anti gun legislation that I saw, was SOUNDLY defeated..

    Besides so if the dems can't even get a measure passed to STUDY ballistic fingerprinting, I can't see how they'll come even close to getting registration...

    Gun control is a loser in this state... If you think the backlash against the payraise was bad, the shitstorm that a registration bill passing would probably end in bloody revolution...
    Last edited by The Drew; September 28th, 2006 at 12:43 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Default Oops, this turned into a rant. Please read it anyway.

    Complacency could be our downfall. Please don't ever think that gun control will always be a loser in our Commonwealth. The divide and conquer plan that has been in place for awhile here will doom us. Ask the mainstream hunters and bullseye shooters and trap shooters if they oppose the 1 gun a month program. I think you'll be surprised how many will heartily agree. Already, these guys are the "enemy" to MG'ers across the Commonwealth as they can't see why we need machine guns. Happened before, happening now. When we're driven out, who is next?

    Hey, hey, you there in the camo, with that Rem 700. Isn't that same gun used by our military in the sand box as a sniper rifle? Well, you don't need that as killing people is illegal. You must give it up. And those of you with .45 ACP pistols. Good God, that's almost a half inch bullet. The US Gummint iussued them to the Army for 85 years so they must be a military firearm. Give it up and take up tennis. Oh, you have a little .22 pistol too? Cute, but Uncle Sam uses them for training. "We" don't want you to train to kill people, so may as well give it up too. And shotguns! Horror of horror, they split lead and kill everything in sight. The Army used innuocous Remington pump action shotguns in WW1 to kill Germans ihn the trenches. You can throw rocks to down those clay birds since "we" need your shotguns turned in too.

    There you go. In the end who is sad: all the law abiding gun owners who, being law abiding, turned in their firearms. Who is happy: the gun control Libs thinking crime will become non-existant. Who is happiest: the bad guys who know their prey (us) is unarmed.

    To repeat: Complacency could be our downfall. Please don't ever think that gun control will always be a loser in our Commonwealth. We still manage to elect Liberals don't we, and way too many at that.

    Finally, think beyond the NRA. They love hunters, target shooters, and compromising some gun rights (lost forever) to secure their pet legislation. And don't ever bring up Class 3 to them. Instead, contribute to the GOA, a no compromise pro-gun organization. Not as big nor as powerful as the NRA but they fight for all of us not just certain classes of shooters.

    End of rant. Contact your elected representatives and remind them that "representatives" mean that they "represent" our viewpoint, not thiers.

    One more thing: how the hell do you like that jerk Major of NYC coming here to tell us about gun control. NYC has the toughest gun lawes in the country and look at theirt record. It's the criminals, A-hole, not the guns.

    Thanks for reading this far and have a Smurfy Day, John C

  7. #7
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    I am not complacent, I am vigilant, I did my duty today by actually watching what was going on in the house "committee of the whole" While I didn't actually see everything, I saw enough to tell me what I need to know. The reps from Philly are hopelessly anti gun, and the rest of the state is reasonable. I will do my duty this november by reelecting my rep who is firmly on our side.

    I do plenty of letter writing, and to be honest, at this point I have gotten to know my rep well enough that I know he won't support any of this filth. If he does, I'll know about it and will be able to change my vote next term.

    I don't worry about every lame proposed bill that the anti's put forth. They have put forth some real steamers in the last few and none passed. They do NOT have the support. I really wish that the pro gun groups could just start pushing the other way... First step of that would be to really move this stand your ground bill...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Drew View Post
    The reps from Philly are hopelessly anti gun, and the rest of the state is reasonable.
    I got that same feeling. I watched the proceedings for the last two days. The Philly reps tried very hard to lump legal, law-abiding gun owners with gang members. They made no distinction between us, and city street thugs. I thank God that they were not successful in their mission to make us look like the bad guys.
    BTW, anyone who lives in Rep. Capelli's district should be very proud. He spoke very adamantly and passionately about our 2nd amendment rights.

  9. #9
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    Default Wait, but there's more!

    This is a doozy, too.

    6 Section 1. Section 6109(e)(1) introductory paragraph of
    7 Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to
    8 read:
    9 § 6109. Licenses.
    10 * * *
    11 (e) Issuance of license.--
    12 (1) A license to carry a firearm shall be for the
    13 purpose of carrying a firearm concealed on or about one's
    14 person or in a vehicle and shall be issued to an applicant
    15 who has attained accreditation in a firearm safety education
    16 program approved by the commissioner if, after an
    17 investigation not to exceed 45 days, it appears that the
    18 applicant is an individual concerning whom no good cause

    1 exists to deny the license. A license shall not be issued to
    2 any of the following:
    3 * * *
    4 Section 2. The amendment of 18 Pa.C.S. § 6109(e)(1) shall
    5 apply to licenses issued or renewed on or after the effective
    6 date of this section.
    7 Section 3. This act shall take effect in 60 days.

    Riiiiiiight. "Approved by the commissioner." Here, son, shoot the star out of the center of the target and win a prize!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Newport, Pennsylvania
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    I already contacted my Representative, Todd Platts, a few days ago by e-mail. Does anyone have the numbers of all of the House Bills which were introduced? I already saw 2942, 2955, 2956. I want to write again and reference the Bills by number specifically.

    Dave G.

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