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I want to see if we can get a group of PAFOA guys and gals to go to this tax protest march in DC. It's Saturday Sept 12th. Mark it on your calenders and PM me if you are interested in going.

We’ll have A LOT more to say about this in just a few days, but we want you all to mark on your calendars this date: September 12, 2009 – March on Washington.

On that day Freedom Works Foundation will be holding a Taxpayer March on Washington, that will be a giant tea party – with tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of patriots expected.

Our Country Deserves Better Committee will be involved in this effort along with these other sponsors: The Club for Growth, National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Tax Reform, Young Americans for Liberty, Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, Tea Party Patriots, Leadership Institute, Young Conservatives of Texas, and the Young Conservatives of California.

Whether you live near or far from Washington, D.C., you’ll want to do whatever you can to make it to D.C. for this huge event – there will be an entire weekend full of activities and we will make our voices heard in a way that has seldom been done before!
Lets represent PA!