Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Well today it happened...I went to Walmart in Pottstown today to pick up some supplies for my upcoming vacation. I was wearing a Glock T-Shirt and OCing my Glock 30 in a Galco FLETCH, with a nice pair of knee length khaki cargo shorts. So any way we (the Mrs., me and my 6 year old daughter) had been in the store for about 30 mins and we where on our way out. As me and the Mrs. are going over everything to make sure we got it all I see a gentleman approach us and say excuse me. I knew right away who he was and what he wanted. He was very polite and respectful at all times.+1 to him for being very professional.

    Manager: Excuse me sir do you have a permit to carry that gun?
    Me: Hello sir, yes I do have a Liscense to carry a firearm, however in the state of Pennsylvainia I am not required by law to have one to carry a firearm openly.
    Manager: Well I had a customer say something to me, and I am just doing my job. It is against store/company policy to carry firearms in here.
    Me: Well sir may I ask you a question?
    Manager: Certainly
    Me: If soemthing would go down in here would you cover any injuries and or losses that I and my family may incur since your policy does not permit me to carry my firearm for self defense? I would hold the store and the company 100% liable.
    Manager: I understend your point, of course we would, I am just doing my job and I just wanted to make sure you have a permit to carry your firearm.
    Me:Once again sir one is not required to openly carry a firearm. May I finish my shopping or must I leave, as I have no intention of covering my firearm or disarming.
    Manager: You said you have a permit to carry correct.
    Me: Yes sir I do.
    Manager: It is against company policy sir, but enjoy the rest of your shopping trip and have a very nice day.
    Me: Thank you sir and you have a very nice day also.
    At that he walked away and we finished up our shopping, unmolested and with out further incident.

    So after we check out we all decide we are hungry, so it is off to McDonalds. Not my first choice mind you I wanted to come home and eat. Well anyway we got the resturaunt and order our food the Mrs. and kid get the drinks and sit down. As I am waiting in line the door behind me opens and soemthing shiny catches my eye, it is a badge. I look over and see a Pottstown PO. The first thing that goes through my mind is shit here we go two times in a row. So I look over at him and see him looking right at my hip, so I say hello officer he scowls at me gives me a head bob as to say hello and that was it. He got his food and left.

    So in all a mixed day of OC. Neither bad nor good just thought I would share my experince. My only regret is I wish my forgetfull ass would have remembered to give the manager a flier. But hindsight is always 20/20.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Quote Originally Posted by knighthawk06699 View Post
    Manager: Well I had a customer say something to me, and I am just doing my job. It is against store/company policy to carry firearms in here.

    Manager: I understand your point, of course we would, I am just doing my job and I just wanted to make sure you have a permit to carry your firearm.
    Me: Once again sir one is not required to openly carry a firearm. May I finish my shopping or must I leave, as I have no intention of covering my firearm or disarming.
    Manager: It is against company policy sir, but enjoy the rest of your shopping trip and have a very nice day.

    in other words, the next time he sees you in his store, he's calling the cops.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Quote Originally Posted by knighthawk06699 View Post
    Manager: Excuse me sir do you have a permit to carry that gun?
    Me: Hello sir, yes I do have a Liscense to carry a firearm, however in the state of Pennsylvainia I am not required by law to have one to carry a firearm openly.
    Manager: Well I had a customer say something to me, and I am just doing my job. It is against store/company policy to carry firearms in here.
    If it's against store policy then it shouldn't matter whether you have an LTC or not; he could have asked you to leave. A combination of lack of understanding of the law, his own fear, and what he was going to tell the customer that complained.

    Quote Originally Posted by knighthawk06699 View Post
    Manager: I understend your point, of course we would, I am just doing my job and I just wanted to make sure you have a permit to carry your firearm.
    Lie. First, a store manager doesn't have the authority to make such a statement. Second, Wal-Mart would never hold themselves liable for someone harming another on their own property.

    Quote Originally Posted by knighthawk06699 View Post
    Me:Once again sir one is not required to openly carry a firearm. May I finish my shopping or must I leave, as I have no intention of covering my firearm or disarming.
    Manager: You said you have a permit to carry correct.
    Me: Yes sir I do.
    Again, it seems to me that he was asking if you had a permit because either a) he thought he could call the police because you were doing something wrong, or b) because he wanted to have some answer for whoever complained.

    Quote Originally Posted by knighthawk06699 View Post
    I look over and see a Pottstown PO. The first thing that goes through my mind is shit here we go two times in a row. So I look over at him and see him looking right at my hip, so I say hello officer he scowls at me gives me a head bob as to say hello and that was it. He got his food and left.
    No surprise.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    I've written two emails and two letters to Walmart corporate over the last seven months and they have yet to respond... I'd sort of like to have their corporate policy in writing... Never had one of the infamous Walmart encounters though.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    First of all, Good Job. I think you handled it well. If I ever get harrassed in Wal Mart I will try to rememebr to ask to see a written policy.

    Second, don't we have some Wal Mart employees on the board who could discover what the actual corporate policy, if any exists, is?
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Quote Originally Posted by truecrimson View Post
    First of all, Good Job. I think you handled it well. If I ever get harrassed in Wal Mart I will try to rememebr to ask to see a written policy.

    Second, don't we have some Wal Mart employees on the board who could discover what the actual corporate policy, if any exists, is?
    I could have sworn that I had seen it in another thread. but I don't see it.
    troll Free. It's all in your mind.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Last I had heard from various sources was that Corporate policy was to follow state law, BUT District and/or store management may implement a stricter policy if they wish.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    Last I had heard from various sources was that Corporate policy was to follow state law, BUT District and/or store management may implement a stricter policy if they wish.
    Maybe that is what I saw.
    troll Free. It's all in your mind.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Ask ARAN!!! LMAO....

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mixed day of OCing. 8-04-2008

    Found this posted on the net:
    DATE: Friday, April 16,1999 2:13 PM
    Subject: RE: Firearms
    Thank you for contacting Wal-Mart regarding our concealed handgun policy. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton on three basic principles. Strive for Excellence, Service to our Customers, and Respect for the Individual. It is that respect for the individual that led us to create the current policy pertaining to concealed handguns.
    The following is our policy......If a Wal-Mart customer has been awarded a concealed handgun license by the state government, Wal-Mart will follow the direction of the state. However, if at anytime while on Wal-Mart property, that customer's concealed weapon becomes visible to Wal-Mart associates or customers, Wal-Mart reserves the right to ask the customer to either reposition the weapon so that it will not be visible, to remove the weapon completely or to leave Wal-Mart property, With the exception of law enforcement personnel, Wal-Mart does not allow any exposed weapons to be worn or carried in public view on Wal-Mart property or in Wal-Mart stores. Customers other than law enforcement personnel wearing or carrying a weapon in an exposed manner will be asked to leave the property immediately.
    We appreciate your concern and trust that this message has addressed your concerns regarding this issue.
    Thank you,
    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Of course, it's nine years old, and a lot has happened vis-a-vis open carry/concealed carry since then.

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