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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry What the Hell is up with the VA?

    My Father is a Vietnam Veteran and is on full disability thru the VA. He had been the Commander of Post 29 Vietnam Veterans based out of Port Carbon for 12 years, and was instrumental in the building of the Schuylkill County Vietnam Veterans memorial in Schuylkill Haven as well as bringing the "Moving Wall" to the County twice. His post under his command has instituted innumerable community programs with the County Schools and the elderly.

    In Vietnam, he was in the Army Combat Engineer clearing land from DeNang north.....He actually tells the story of when the DeNang base had a really nice Miniature Golf Course...before it got Bombed to shit. Plenty of pictures of the huey's dumping Agent Orange right over their heads. Well, anyway, he has had chronic blood disorders and circulation problems for the past 30+ years, and only applied for any form of disability about 4 years ago. He has never smoked in his life, and is not a drinker. He has worked his entire life and paid for additional Blue Cross / Blue Shield. Well on August 23rd, he had his second stroke. The first one was on the right side of his brain, and after some time, ended up only rendering his left arm pretty much inoperable. This one got the Left side, and has affected his speech, swallowing, mind, and the rest of the right side of his body. He is still in the Pottsville Hospital as we speak.

    Well, on the 6th of September, his wife gets a letter from Blue Cross / Blue Shield telling her that his insurance has run out, and as of the 7th, there will be no coverage for his hospital stay. The first thing that we thought of was the VA....I mean he is on 100% disability for Christ's sake. The social worker at the Pottsville hospital made the call out to Lebanon, and was told that they had no room for him. Well, in talking with the insurance company, we got them to extend his stay in the Rehab ward for at total of 14 days, which ended last Sunday. But, they said that he would not be covered for the 3 additional days that they had him sitting up in the general population waiting for the doctor's orders to move him down to Rehab.

    As of last Monday, Medicare approved him for an additional 18 days, but will not pay for any of the actual doctor's bills, just the hospital stay. We have been incurring the additional cost since then. Now, keep in mind, he is making improvements, but in no way can come home yet. He is getting great care in Pottsville, and we feel that is where he should be.

    As of this morning, the doctor feels that he should be strong enough to come home next Monday October 1st. There are a few things that he will need in order to live at home such as a wheelchair, and a walker with a platform on it for his left arm. The social worker called the VA today to request this equipment...and once again we were told to go pound sand! Now I am a big way!

    From what I have found out, he is entitled to re-imbursement of out of pocket medical bills and they should be helping with the required equipment for the home. I mean they have helped him with special shoes, glasses, and prescriptions in the past! Now, when he needs it the most, they are just turning their backs on Him.

    I have the names of some people out there in Lebanon that are patient advocates, and I am going to be there on their doorstep tomorrow morning with as many files as I can gather. I told Dad this evening that I was going to "rattle some cages" tomorrow morning and he smiled. That is the way that he would have done it.

    By the way..... On some advice that I received, I contacted Tim Holden (D) via e-mail two weeks ago. He is the Senator up in Schuylkill County, and my Father has shared a stage with him on numerous occasions at parades and dedications. I wrote a letter explaining the situation with some of the info from the top of this post in the hope that he would remember my Father and his civic duties in the County. Well, I have not received even a follow up e-mail from this piece of shit saying that he received my letter. I hate the Democrats and their Gun Grabbing mob as much as the rest of you, however, due to the history, I went to him. What really pisses me off is this. If he was an Illegal immigrant working on a farm in Hazleton under the table, we the Tax Payers would be footing the bill. He was a hard working / tax paying / Community serving man that served his County with honor, and the very organization that was put in place to watch out for his rights is telling him to suck it up.

    Well, rant off, and heading to bed......busy day tomorrow of dealing with the VA!! Anyone that might have any insight or info can pm me or post here, and I will update the thread as time goes on.

    Thanks for reading,

    Robert Koch

    A.K.A The Capn'
    Last edited by Capnswervon; September 24th, 2007 at 10:39 PM. Reason: spell checked

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    There is a non-profit organization out there with folks who are versed in all of the VA bureaucracy, and they will help you to fill out all of the applications/forms in the best manner to get assistance. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. I'll do some searching and see what I can come up with.

    For now, there is a court out there "United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims" that is in place for you to appeal the VA's decisions. link

    And if you cannot afford an attorney for this appeals court the "Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program" will help you locate an attorney that may take on your case pro bono.

    I'll see if I can find/remember the name of the other organization I was thinking of.

    Hope this helps.
    Sec. 21. The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

    Sec. 25. To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government and shall forever remain inviolate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    TRY contacting the DAV they are pretty helpfull;I have a friend who is the head honcho for Kansas VA I'll pass this onto him and try and get some answers for you

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    I just got back from the VA, and have some more contacts that I need to hit up. I think I am getting somewhere with this. Thank you for your responses, and I will keep everyone up to date.

    The Capn'

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    Try writing or calling PA Senator Specter's office.
    Specter, Arlen- (R - PA)Class III 711 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-4254 Web Form:
    Veritas Vos Liberat

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    Give this # a try and see if they can help:

    Disabled American Veterans

    VAROIC, P.O. Box 42938

    Wissahickon & Manheim Sts.

    Philadelphia, PA 19101-2938

    (215) 381-3065

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    Depending on your parents income/assests you may be able to find help from your County Assistance Office -

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    Best I can do is ask you to shake his hand for me and give him a hearty thanks.

    Everyone else... THE VA IS GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE. Remember that always.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What the Hell is up with the VA?

    Thanks for all the kind words guys! I went down to Lebanon yesterday, and spoke with the Benefits counselor. By the line at the door, I could tell he was a busy man. After waiting about an hour or so, I had the opportunity to explain the situation, and he agreed that it was ridiculous. He gave me all of the names and locations of the different departments that I needed to see and I think I found them all. So, I found out that his case was incorrectly entered into the "system", and we now have to go through all of the submission of forms and follow up. They don't think that they will have the equipment by Monday, but I have the name of the "Patient Advocate" that I am going to call today to see if I can get this expedited. I feel that it is the typical "Squeaky Wheel Get the Grease" situation. Hey I don't care how squeaky I need to be as long as my Pop gets the things he deserves.
    I will post as things progress.

    The Capn'

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