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    Default Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Hugo Chavez was given the power to rule by decree in January

    Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has threatened to nationalise stores that sell meat above a government-set price.
    The government says supermarkets have been artificially boosting prices of basic foods by manipulating stockpiles.
    But critics blame regular food shortages on prices imposed four years ago, forcing shops to sell at a loss.
    Many privately-owned supermarkets have suspended sales of beef, milk and sugar after one chain was temporarily closed for pricing meat above allowed levels.
    The government has already seized goods that it says are being hoarded to drive up prices.
    The products have been sold at government-run Mercal supermarkets, which sell staple foods at discount prices in poor areas, and at makeshift distribution centres.
    'First excuse'
    Mercal stores are selling food seized by the authorities

    President Chavez told a gathering of pensioners in the capital, Caracas, that he was waiting for the "first excuse" to take over privately-owned outlets that manipulate prices.
    "If they insist on violating the interests of the people, the constitution and laws, I will take away the warehouses, the shops, I will take away the supermarkets and I'll nationalise them," he warned.
    He has stepped up his nationalisation programme since winning re-election in December.
    In recent weeks, he has bought stakes in electricity and television companies from US firms.
    Prices raised
    Venezuela's inflation rate rose to a two-year high in January, with consumer prices rising 18.4% in 12 months.
    Earlier this week, the government raised the prices it sets on staple foods, but retailers said they had not gone high enough to take account of their increased costs.
    Some private companies are also concerned about President Chavez's intention to make them allow their employees time during the working day to study socialism.

    I find that last part particularly interesting...

    Some private companies are also concerned about President Chavez's intention to make them allow their employees time during the working day to study socialism.

    Sounds a lot like the way our education system works these days.

    Not just MY opinion. My neighbor is a school principal and she can't wait to retire due to the liberal agendas that are forced upon the teachers. It's sad that good people are forced out of the education system by these "feel-good" socialists.
    Interesting too, that I see it as a bad thing and others see it (ousting "evil conservatives") as being "for the greater good!"

    Just throwing this in as a comparison...
    How is forcing employers to allow the study of socialism while working that much different than educators forcing our children to "study" homosexuality during class time?

    In both cases, there may be those who are opposed to the "subject", but someone else is dictating that it MUST be allowed.
    Actually, in the case of our education system, it's worse... not only must it be ALLOWED, in many cases it is MANDATORY.

    Not trying to start an argument here. I posted this to draw attention to the dangerous neighbor to our south and the other stuff just popped into my head as I thought of all the "Americans" who call our country "evil" and yet show total support for people like Chavez.

    Makes me scratch my head in wonder. (maybe THAT'S what happened to my hair!)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Very true.

    Have you checked out the writings of John Taylor Gatto? He has written one of the most comprehensive (and valid) analyses of the history of state and public education in modern society that I've ever seen. Scary stuff, actually.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    That Chavez guy is on the top of my list of people that need introduced to American Diplomacy via the B-52.

    He's on his way to becoming another Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini. I think I'd rather trust Castro than Chavez right about now..

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    I've been watching Chavez for a while, it's scary to watch the 'worst case scenario' happen in such a short time span right in from of our eyes.

    I have a good friend who is from Venezuela, her immediate family escaped to the US legally a few years ago but her extended family is still stuck there. They're all scared.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    It’s funny how different places are, mainly how the government can influence the price of things.
    In Pennsylvania you often hear the lowest price allowed by the state government when it comes to milk, cigarettes…
    In Canada, there is a high limit to these things controlled by the government, when they need more money; they put a tax on them.

    What I find funny in this in an ironic way of looking at things is that this same man is trying to control US gas prices and make himself a good image by selling oil to the US consumer at a lower rate then the US market.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
    What I find funny in this in an ironic way of looking at things is that this same man is trying to control US gas prices and make himself a good image by selling oil to the US consumer at a lower rate then the US market.

    Color me stupid, but.... are you saying he is trying to sell us oil cheaper than what our government is allowing??? ....last I read about him was his complaining that we are trying to "steal" from him when it comes to oil.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Quote Originally Posted by knight0334 View Post
    Color me stupid, but.... are you saying he is trying to sell us oil cheaper than what our government is allowing??? ....last I read about him was his complaining that we are trying to "steal" from him when it comes to oil.

    Perhaps he's talking about the heating oil thing...
    Have you seen the CITGO commercials?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Quote Originally Posted by danp View Post
    I have a good friend who is from Venezuela, her immediate family escaped to the US legally a few years ago but her extended family is still stuck there. They're all scared.
    What's even more crazy (although not surprising) is that from the outside, their govt. makes it look like the entire populace is behind him 100% and that everyone is thrilled about the "new world order" he's going to institute.
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Quote Originally Posted by ChamberedRound View Post
    What's even more crazy (although not surprising) is that from the outside, their govt. makes it look like the entire populace is behind him 100% and that everyone is thrilled about the "new world order" he's going to institute.
    Actually, from what I know, the majority of the people are behind him. Its just that they are too uneducated and ignorant to realize that socialism will screw them over. The upper class is against him, the lower class is 100% for his cause.

    Now.. if you want to get kooky, I'd say that Chavez is highly against any sort of N.W.O./International Banker/Globalist/ect.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Chavez threat to seize food shops

    Actually, from what I know, the majority of the people are behind him. Its just that they are too uneducated and ignorant to realize that socialism will screw them over. The upper class is against him, the lower class is 100% for his cause.
    I can see that.

    Take from the "rich" and give to the poor!

    Much like a political party we all know and love right here at home, the "poor" are treated like victims who need to be saved.
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