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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Let me preface this post by saying that a fully agree with the right to burn the flag and fly it upsidedown as a sign of protest. (I actually flew it upside down after Clinton was elected and the AWB signing). In many ways I support many of the Democratic Party ideals and indeed have a McCall sign on my lawn since he's a good guy and 2nd Amendment supporter.
    However, I am stupified by the Hypocritical lack of respect shown our flag while masquerading as Patriotic by many Democrats. Just yesterday in an apparent attempt to take advantage of trick or treating in our town (Palmerton) a Obama supporter put up an American Flag for the first time EVER...they NEVER had one before.

    It actually is a nice display and kudos to them for their initial enthusiasm for their involvement in political process.
    HOWEVER, come nighttime they didnt take it in ...AND it is NOT LIGHTED!

    It DISGUSTS me and the family that they can "wave the flag" in advancing their agenda yet DESECRATE it at the VERY same time!!

    Yeah I know its technically a violation of the US Flag Code and that PA Law regarding flag decescration. But those laws are ridiculous and violate the freedom I cherish. They lead to Civil Rights Abuse such as this case.

    What I PREFER is to just let other voters KNOW how those who support a particular candidate disrespect the flag and let them make their own choice if they want to be a part of that group.
    I had consdidered knocking on their door and telling them of their disrespect. However, they should already know better and I am leaning toward using this as an political issue to illustrate how Obama supporters show disrespect and the issue might help McCain. At the same time, I am torn between using their disrespect to advance MY agenda and allowing the flag to fly unlit yet again tonight.

    Cold calling the local papers and TV station doesnt seem as if it would be effective. I am gonna stop by the local Republican headquarters later today. Last time I was there there wasnt anybody but a college kid so I dont know if anyone influencial will be there. Does anyone have any contacts in the Republican party or the press who would run with this story?

    if you ever see my post edited...its most likely for speling :D
    "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"-In Time of War the Law Falls Silent-Cicero
    "Si vis pacem, para bellum"-If you want peace, prepare for war-Flavius Vegetius Renatus

    "America Starts Here!"-former PA state Slogan...until NJ complained and our wussy GovRendell changed it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Okhamz Razor.. or whatever is called, would dictate that your neighbors are simply unaware of proper flag code.

    Leave an anonymous letter in their mailbox, praising their beautiful display, and also informing them of proper flag code is the way to go.

    Turning into a busy body and demonizing people who have opposing political views is not the most efficient way to deal with neighbors.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Many many many people are unaware that we should not fly it at night and take it down in inclement weather. Its an everyday occurrence to see something like this. I don't really feel its fair to even put the Obama thing in there. Ignorant is ignorant, it doesn't matter who you're voting for.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia,
    letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    if it REALLY bothered you that much, you would have lit it up yourself at night instead of complaining how they are such horrible and disrespectful americans

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Quote Originally Posted by c.sander View Post
    if it REALLY bothered you that much, you would have lit it up yourself at night instead of complaining how they are such horrible and disrespectful americans
    Wow that has got to be the most naive thing I've ever heard. Logisticly how am I to do that? Shall I tresspass onto their property, buy them a floodlight and extention cord while searching around their house for an outlet to plug it in? I actually thought of taking the flag in myself and returning it in the morning. This is not someone I know personally What would the reaction be if they woke up and found their "precious" flag missing? They might make a big stink about it being an anti-obama act. Things could escalate quickly. In either case I'd have to deal with the police who no doubt would have been called...and I avoid those types as much as possible for my safety as well as the neighbors lest it develop into the case I listed previously.

    LorDiego, thanks for the reasonable feedback and course of action. However, someone who is patriotic ought to have a clue by the time they are 50 years old. Demonizing? Perhaps. But they deserve it due to their hypocracy. They are ignorent of the respectful way to fly a flag and have ONLY put one up to advance their political agenda. Have they EVER flown it on flag day, 4th of july, veterans day or any of the meriad other days that pay respect to the nation and the honored dead? NOPE!
    They are now only using the flag a week before the election to sway voters and advance their political agenda. That is, after all, why those signs ARE made. Their ignorence in the lack of lighting actually makes a negative political statement about the kind of folk they are and reflects negatively on their candidate. I just think politically the McCain people should take advantage of it.

    True you do see many ignorent folk who fly the flag in the dark, bulbs burn out, and people put it up in the rain. It happens ocasionally to the best intentioned no doubt. However its entirely "fair" to include Obama in the title. They ARE OBAMA supporters. A fact IS a fact!
    Furthermore, I've found it IS a "Common Occurence" of Obama supporters and Democrats in general to show this disrespect, which saddens me as I do support many democratic candidates...whoever is the best person for the job.
    I challenge you to find ONE house with a McCain sign (except perhaps your own if such is the case) where the flag is flown with disrespect let alone such a Blatent "error"....ignorence however is no excuse.

    When you put a political sign on your lawn/car/lapel its YOUR responsibility to the CANDIDATE to act in a way that positively supports and respects their ideals.
    I believe that if Obama were to drive by at night he'd probably be a bit peeved himself!
    if you ever see my post edited...its most likely for speling :D
    "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"-In Time of War the Law Falls Silent-Cicero
    "Si vis pacem, para bellum"-If you want peace, prepare for war-Flavius Vegetius Renatus

    "America Starts Here!"-former PA state Slogan...until NJ complained and our wussy GovRendell changed it!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Quote Originally Posted by Archiver View Post
    When you put a political sign on your lawn/car/lapel its YOUR responsibility to the CANDIDATE to act in a way that positively supports and respects their ideals.
    Is this similar to the idea that if you support a political candidate you shouldn't fabricate an assault story and scrawl a 'B' into your face?

    I can easily support one candidate or another and at the same time be a cat abusing, baby eating, card carrying commie. My personal preference for maiming felines should play no part in establishing a generalization that its a 'Common Occurrence' for Democrats to carry around the little red book. I would go out on a limb and say there are probably just as many dumbass Republicans as there are Democrats.

    Also, did you see that picture where McCain signed the flag? Its not Obama flying the flag in the dark is it?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    Quote Originally Posted by Archiver View Post
    I challenge you to find ONE house with a McCain sign (except perhaps your own if such is the case) where the flag is flown with disrespect let alone such a Blatent "error"....ignorence however is no excuse.

    When you put a political sign on your lawn/car/lapel its YOUR responsibility to the CANDIDATE to act in a way that positively supports and respects their ideals.
    The statements are true but ignorance is at least forgivable. As a neighbor perhaps you could educate them.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    I could start a thread titled "Flag Disgrace by McCain Supporters". My neighbor has a flag in his yard that he does not light at night. He is a McCaun supporter. Should I stop my support of the Republican party because of this? I would guess that most people do not know that you have to light the flag if it is flying at night.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Flag Disgrace by Obama Supporters

    You made good points in your post about the hypocrisy in your neighbors attempt at showing "patriotism" through the flying of the flag to support their choose for POTUSA....but instead stepped on the very symbol they were attempting to use....
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions....
    I learned about our flag from my grandfather who proudly served in WWII...He lights up the flag if people are going to be at his house late or takes it down at dusk if he has time (the solar powered flood light was an invention that man seriously approved of...he still has a "regular" flood light just in case the sun explodes)...every morning he raises it after dawn...He has smacked many a grandchild for dropping the flag on the ground then teaches how to properly and respectfully dispose of a flag...Hell he used to get worked up when he saw people wearing a flag print shirt...
    And he is a stanch O supporter....Hard to say...but the man is 88 years old and I'm not gonna change his mind...
    I agree that you should be upset about the apparent disregard for the symbol that these people are abusing....It is not that hard to follow the rules...They seem to have a legit flagpole so it is probably that they don't know...Inform them of it through a letter in their mailbox....I second praising them for their choice to fly our flag...Maybe include a copy of the guidelines...Thought I saw somebody had linked to them...
    If that don't work then make a stink...
    It is good to pick and choose our battles...
    Good luck
    No matter who you vote for the government always gets in.

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