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Thread: Fast Eddie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Coal Region, Pennsylvania
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    Default Fast Eddie

    It seems that Fast Eddie really doesn't get it. Those of you that I've interacted with on the forum know that I am currently deployed to Iraq with the 56th Stryker Bde. Fast Eddie fits into this in a rather odd way. About 2 days ago I and probably every other 56th Bde soldier received a letter from the governor's office.

    Its Fast Eddie apologizing that he could not make it to Ft Dix NJ to see us off on our deployment. The real kick in the balls is that the letter said he had other pressing issues that required his attention. Last I checked when 5,000 of your F'n voters leave for war EDDIE that would be pretty high on my list of things not to screw up! It's also real convenient that he waits til 2 weeks ago to send these letters out to us even though we left in January. It also is REALLY convenient that he waits til 5000 people that are very likely all legal gun owners are unable to stand up for themselves from Iraq that he starts pulling the gun control crap.

    I personally think he is a crook and should be treated as such. If the budget is so bad in PA as he makes it out to be then why would you spend the kind on money it takes to have 5000 letters made up, 5000 envelopes made up with his scummy logo on it and then waste the postage fees to get the letters to us. Don't send me a letter telling me your sorry Eddie because you are a sorry excuse for a person and also a sorry excuse for a governor in the state that I swore to defend 12yrs ago when I signed up. I didn't vote for you and I never will.

    Your job should you someday decide to actually do it is to stand up for the people you represent and I sure don't see that happening. No true Pennsylvanian wants some crappy politician trying to take their guns away regardless of what kind they are. Why don't you devote you efforts to fixing I-81 so I can actually drive on it without feeling like I am going do have my car fall apart. Or actually just enforce the gun laws that are already on the books instead of making more new ones that make no sense.

    ***sorry rant is over***

    Am I wrong to think this?
    "Remember the first rule of gunfighting ... have a gun." Jeff Cooper

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Lower Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    All I can think to say is "f*ck him." BTW, thanks for serving and stay safe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    He's going out of office and is going to piss off or fuck with anybody he can on his way out.

    What he did was a complete insult to the PANG troops deploying to Iraq. I'm sure his more pressing issues were blowing his buddies in Philly while the rest of the state goes to shit.

    Stay safe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    First and foremost, thank you for your service.

    Second, I agree with everything in your post except ONE thing (don't get pissed)....

    It also is REALLY convenient that he waits til 5000 people that are very likely all legal gun owners are unable to stand up for themselves from Iraq that he starts pulling the gun control crap.
    ALL of you can still write letters. You can ABSOLUTELY stand up for your rights and I hope you will consider doing it yourself as well as encouraging others to do it too!

    On a side note, if there are any soldiers deploying with you who have no one to write to them and you think they'd like someone to write to them or to send them something every once in awhile please let me know via PM. (and only if it's ok to give me their info for this purpose of course) I have done this in the past and really enjoyed doing it. I prefer to make up packages myself as opposed to donating to an organization that makes up the same kind for everyone.

    Take care and stay safe!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    ***sorry rant is over***

    Am I wrong to think this?
    Thank you for your service - stay safe.

    Rant away, you aren't the only one that feels the way you do.
    Fast Eddie is no friend of American soldiers. I'm sure he'll land a position in O's cabinet once he gets voted out of office.

    Bye for a while, guard the fort. - My Dad

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    I do agree with SHEFEARSNOTHING that there are things like letters and such that can be sent but its hard to get time to stop and refocus your attention to events at home that sometimes seem so surreal. Its almost like a bad tv movie at times. On an average I personally see a tv about 10min a week if that and alot of the other patrol guys don't even get that let alone internet on a regular basis. Loosing touch with the outside world here is very easy to do. Alot of what I do see for news is either from the stars and stripes paper which is sterilized or spun to fit an agenda and it never really touches on local or regional news.
    "Remember the first rule of gunfighting ... have a gun." Jeff Cooper

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    Well I have no idea what it is like for you guys when you're deployed or how it is trying to keep up with the news. I was just talking about this particular issue because you know what the rat is trying to pull right now. I can only imagine all the things that you guys have on your minds when you're deployed. I think that 5,000 letters (or hell even 2,500) from guys deployed would send a hell of a message though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    First , thank you for your service !

    Second , "King Eddie" is just simply in it for "Himself" !!

    Third , I'm with SFN , you guy's need something , all you have to do is
    holler , I'm in .

    I'll do everything I can to help out .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mount Joy, Pennsylvania
    (Lancaster County)
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    Default Re: Fast Eddie

    You have earned the right to rant.
    Thank You for your service and stay safe.
    Rep sent
    "A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington

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