Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Default Wayne LaPierre Vs. Ed Rendell on Face the Nation

    I don't know if this is a re post. It was amazing how Ed didn't want to hear that everything was not an assault rifle. It was like he put his fingers in his ears like a 2 year old nah....nah.....nah....I can't hear you...
    If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Lancaster-ish, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Wayne LaPierre Vs. Ed Rendell on Face the Nation

    Philly cheesesteaks have killed more people than my "assault weapons." Rendell is an idiot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In a room., Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Wayne LaPierre Vs. Ed Rendell on Face the Nation

    Quote Originally Posted by wizzegun View Post
    Philly cheesesteaks have killed more people than my "assault weapons." Rendell is an idiot.
    But they are just SO good.

    ~ Derek (American wit)  268

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wayne LaPierre Vs. Ed Rendell on Face the Nation

    Um where the fu** does Rendell get his info? The MSM? His idea of rationing rights wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in hell if he mentioned that you can only go to church once a month or speak your mind only once a month. His bullsh** is the same crap being spewed by the Brady Bunch and the rest of those whack jobs.

    Did anyone else notice that Fat Eddie sputtered and spit and couldn't hardly speak when he tried to argue against LaPierre? It's the same crap different mouth. He wouldn't be too eager to pass an AWB if the LEOs actually followed the law like they should be.

    I bet that if you mentioned cops only having 10 round magazines and no ARs he'd sputter and spit all over himself with indignation. He'd cry out how dangerous the cops job is and how they need to defend themselves from criminals.

    I'm tired of reading, seeing and hearing about this same stupid crap from the same fu**ed up peanut gallery.

    I do have hope though. They anti's are losing support rapidly. They are pushing anything and everything they can while they still have some support to back them up.

    With the wins in courts across the country going to us more frequently, I see a big change coming. And this change isn't some campaign slogan to brainwash the masses. It's a change for freedom.

    Tea Parties across the country being called unhealthy. That's a big sign that they are taking off the gloves. They are scared. They know their time is getting short. This time WILL be in history books. If we fight hard, fight long and keep fighting the good fight those history books will remember this generation as one of the greatest.

    I can see this time being known in the future as the Great Reawakening. Sheeple waking from their ignorant bliss to see where this country has come to and where it's headed. Those same sheeple standing up and pushing back from an increasingly pushy government.

    Hell even the states are starting to tell the federal government to shove it up their ass.

    If we can keep the anti-freedom crowds back on their heels and if we can keep the freedom loving former sheeple and ourselves on the offensive, we have a chance at saving this country.

  5. #5
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