Mr. Joe Sestak, our PA Representative in the district, is against HR 1207:

If you're unfamiliar with HR 1207, you can read up on it here:

American tax payers should DEMAND transparency with how OUR tax dollars are being spent, so lets start by asking why Mr. Sestak is against Auditing the Fed!

12/19 Representatives from PA are co-sponsors, but not Specter, Sestak, Casey-to name a few.

Follow the link to see Mr. Sestak's contact info:

Here's the reasoning behind Sestak not supporting HR1207 (this is part of the letter his office is sending out when someone calls regarding 1207):

So, in summary, I do not believe that HR 1207 is necessary, and I can not support it. The GAO already has authority to audit the transactions by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury for the roughly $3 billion of commitments under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, as well as reviews each year of specific activities of the Federal Reserve. The Special Inspector General has recently issued its Second Quarterly Report to Congress, dated July 21, 2009, which lays out many further details of the TARP program, including its recommendations for further control actions. I believe, however, that we must preserve a strong central bank and the Federal Reserve must maintain independence over monetary policy operations. I see no benefit and significant risk for political interference with long-term damage if Congress and the GAO become involved in monetary policy.