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Thread: Obama's Aunt

  1. #1
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    Default Obama's Aunt

    Okay, this one was just too good to not post. From CNN:

    November 1, 2008

    Obama's aunt may be illegal immigrant

    Posted: 09:08 AM ET

    (CNN) – A member of Barack Obama's Kenyan family living in the United States is facing a possible immigration issue: the Associated Press reports that an aunt he speaks about in his memoirs is living in the United States illegally.

    The AP says she remain in government housing in Boston, even though an immigration judge denied her request for asylum four years ago.
    Zeituni Onyango's refusal to leave the country would be an administrative violation, not a criminal matter.

    CNN has not been able to independently verify her immigration status.
    The Obama campaign has not yet responded to a CNN request for comment.

    Obama called the woman "Aunt Zeituni" in his memoirs, where he described her as the first Kenyan relative he encountered on his visit to his father's home country.

    Onyango has donated at least five times to Obama's campaign in July and September, listing her occupation as a "volunteer resident health advocate." Federal campaign finance records indicate several contributions in amounts of $5 and $25.

    Filed under: Barack Obama

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Well doesn't that suck. Better hope the Messiah wins or your getting deported back to Kenya.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    And this has what to do with anything at exactly?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Shouldn't that be aunty?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    And this has what to do with anything at exactly?
    Well... It has a lot to do with a lot. His aunt is living here illegally and there are still many questions as to why Obama is avoiding answering questions regarding his own citizenship status.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    LOL since illegal immigration is an issue, it seems like a pretty decent story for an election year.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Just one more item that doesn't pass the smell test.

    I am still amazed that he's gotten this far and even more amazed that people still want to vote for him. How many things have to come up about his shadowy past before the Obamamites wake up? Who knows, maybe he is using some kind of hypnosis. I originally thought that it was tin foil hat time after reading that article, now, I'm not so sure that they are crazy or paranoid.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Evolution View Post
    Well... It has a lot to do with a lot. His aunt is living here illegally and there are still many questions as to why Obama is avoiding answering questions regarding his own citizenship status.
    So he's responsible for the citizenship status of his dead father's half sister? The father that died when Barack was two?

    and no, I'm sure there was no political motivation whatsoever in this information being released 4 days before the election.

    and there aren't any questions regarding his citizenship status:

    Unless you want to go back in time and actually watch him being born, this is more proof than is required that he was born in the US. Or is the HI state department obviously in on the conspiracy and you need to interview the doctor now? wait - he might be a liberal and in on the conspiracy too.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    And this has what to do with anything at exactly?
    That Obama doesn't practice what he's preaching? He wants to "spread the wealth around" (as long as it's not his wealth) and says "we are our brother's keepers", yet millionaire Obama's aunt is living in a slum in Boston, and his brother's living in a hut somewhere? Perhaps before wanting to steal our money from us, he should spread around a bit of his own.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Obama's Aunt

    Ok guys, Here's the problem.

    If you launch 5000 missles at a target, and 4997 miss...Nobody cares about the 3 that hit.

    God forbid something actually DID pop up that was 100% true and totally screwed up.. Nobody would believe it since the 54 tons of BS that has been slung so far..

    It's the boy who cried wolf.. but sorta in Bizzaro world...

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