Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Everyone calm down...

    I know there had been talk about Barry issuing executive orders to do this or that with guns.

    I'm not Constitutional scholar but it is my understanding that Executive Orders may only be directed at federal departments.

    Barry can not write executive orders (legally at least) that prevent people from CCing nationally, or allowing any other anti-gun nonsense for that matter. Anything of that sort has to go through congress first.

    I'd just like to quell peoples fears about executive orders.

    Carry on...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    I remind you that a couple of the federal departments he gets to issue Executive Orders to are the FBI and the BATFE.

    You know... the folks that, the last time we had anti-Constitutionalist gun grabbers in office, executed an un-armed woman breast feeding her baby because she had unsavory political beliefs, and was in the way of their agenda.

    Sorry, dude. Not quelled a bit.
    "Never give up, never surrender!" Commander Peter Quincy Taggart

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeWilliams View Post
    I remind you that a couple of the federal departments he gets to issue Executive Orders to are the FBI and the BATFE.

    You know... the folks that, the last time we had anti-Constitutionalist gun grabbers in office, executed an un-armed woman breast feeding her baby because she had unsavory political beliefs, and was in the way of their agenda.

    Sorry, dude. Not quelled a bit.
    Actually this was directed more towards banning concealed carry. I know what you mean about the ATF and FBI... those unconstitutional bureaucratic bullshit agencies need to be shut down... that's just me tho.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    With a stroke of a pen, he can ban the importation of all foreign ammo, weapons, and parts coming into this country. That's good enough for me to 'worry' since half my collection revolves around AK type weaponry. See: for when we stopped importing Chinese weapons and ammo due to an executive order.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeWilliams View Post
    I remind you that a couple of the federal departments he gets to issue Executive Orders to are the FBI and the BATFE.

    You know... the folks that, the last time we had anti-Constitutionalist gun grabbers in office, executed an un-armed woman breast feeding her baby because she had unsavory political beliefs, and was in the way of their agenda.

    Sorry, dude. Not quelled a bit.
    We should never forget this part right here...
    The Dems and Liberals like to ignore or straight out deny that it happened....
    I would rep you for bringing this up but apparently I have to spread the love.......
    No matter who you vote for the government always gets in.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelblitz View Post
    With a stroke of a pen, he can ban the importation of all foreign ammo, weapons, and parts coming into this country. That's good enough for me to 'worry' since half my collection revolves around AK type weaponry. See: for when we stopped importing Chinese weapons and ammo due to an executive order.
    This is an excellent point and is an example of how the Executive Branch has the power to impact lawful firearms ownership. All the folks who say "nah, never happen, Obama is too busy with other things" have their heads stuck in something.

    Be safe (write, write, write your Representatives).


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    well thats true about exec orders, to a point.
    I need to remind you that there are some executive orders that supercede the constitution. And that it wont necessarily take "the end of the world", to implement them.
    here, read. Take the time and read the actual words, the vagueness, the explicitness, for yourselves.

    as far as "calming down" goes.......

    not so much.

    one of my favs..........

    William Lloyd Garrison, the late 19th-century abolitionist whose newspaper, the Liberator, never had a circulation of more than 3,000. His detractors labeled him a dreamer, a radical, an unholy antagonist. Yet Garrison held fast to his conscience, making the following statement:
    "I am aware that many will object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity? I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject, I do not wish to think or speak or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm. Tell him to moderately rescue his wife... Tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen. But do not urge me to use moderation in a cause like the present. I am in earnest – I will not equivocate – I will not excuse – I will not retreat a single inch. And I will be heard. The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal, and to hasten the resurrection of the dead."

    but thats just me.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeWilliams View Post
    I remind you that a couple of the federal departments he gets to issue Executive Orders to are the FBI and the BATFE.

    You know... the folks that, the last time we had anti-Constitutionalist gun grabbers in office, executed an un-armed woman breast feeding her baby because she had unsavory political beliefs, and was in the way of their agenda.

    Sorry, dude. Not quelled a bit.
    C'mon, we all know Ruby Ridge didn't happen under Bush.

    Or do you mean "second last time"?
    Safety is a good tool for tyrants; no one can be against safety.

    Μολὼν λαβέ

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Quote Originally Posted by imperialism2024 View Post
    C'mon, we all know Ruby Ridge didn't happen under Bush.

    Or do you mean "second last time"?
    1. Good point. It was under Bush I. The right-wingers here just love to think only Liberal Dems are authoritarian, when conservative Repubs are every bit as bad.

    2. Anyhow, what Autonomous said, if applied to Waco, would at least be true. Many Liberal Dems will defend to the death the FBI/ATF's actions there when you know damn well if it happened under George W. they'd be denouncing it at the top of their lungs.

    3. And the two points above taken together just go to show how much hypocrisy there is to go around on both sides of the political spectrum.
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Everyone calm down...

    Elian Gonzalez was another story that has faded from the Clinton / Reno legacy. Reno is the biggest domestic terrorist to date. It will be hard for Obama to get someone to top her.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

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