Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Northeast, Pennsylvania
    (Luzerne County)
    Rep Power

    Default Sounds like the methods used to train Hitler youth.

    ONE MILLION STRONG . . . working to
    keep handguns out of the wrong hands.

    A Quick Guide to Arguing with the Gun Zealots

    When you argue with the anti-gun control forces remember to press these
    key issues:

    Strategic points to remember for public speaking:
    * Today's criminals and gangbangers outgun our cops.
    * Our children are being threatened, murdered and cut down in the street.
    * There is no sporting purpose for a semi-automatic firearm
    * The 2nd Amendment does not protect the right to own military or semi
    automatic arms.
    * With tens of millions of people owning guns, the potential for lawlessness
    and gun massacres increases ten fold each year.
    * The current crime wave can touch any community, and social strata.
    * Handguns have no purposes other than killing people.
    * Households with guns are 43 times more likely to have their guns used
    against a family member than those households without guns.
    * Self defense is no legitimate reason for owning a gun (see Above Point)
    * The vast majority of crime guns are bought legally.
    * Most Gun dealers sell thousands of guns illegally to gangs and criminals
    every day.

    Repeat these facts over and over and eventually the public will begin to
    see the light. They cannot casually dismiss these devastating facts any
    more. They will be remembering our arguments long after the echoes of
    the NRA's arguments have vanished.

    Remember that they are defending the right to murder in our country. This
    alone makes them look brutish and neanderthal. Offer our people another
    alternative. An alternative to violence and machismo. It is becoming
    less and less politically correct to own a gun. Ultimately society as a
    whole will look upon gun owners with dread and disdain.

    Other Pressing Points:

    * Military Assault weapons
    The confusion by the general public between semi-automatic weapons can
    work in our favor. Constantly dropping the words - submachine gun, fully
    automatic, machine gun, military weapon, high tech killing machine are
    good debater's tricks to instill a sense of dread over these weapons.
    Ultimately people will learn to dread these weapons just like chemical
    warfare weapons and toxic waste dumps.

    * Semi Automatic Weapons
    Remember that there is no place for any kind of semi auto weapon in a
    safe society regardless of how it looks, since many so called sport
    rifles can be easily converted to a military configuration. Thus all
    semi automatic weapons are capable of being called 'assault weapons'.
    Never let up on this fact.

    * Endangerment of Children:
    It is difficult for the Gun groups to counter arguments which call
    attention to the endangerment of children. Making the opposition look
    callous creates an image of brutality and indifference to the audience.
    Keep this point in the fore front of any public argument.

    * Enough is enough:
    Americans are sick and tired of the violence that is infecting our
    society. Press fourth this point and other points of a related nature.
    It is time for action, to take back our streets from crime. If we don't
    take action now, this crimewave will engulf America. Again be sure to
    press the point that the Gun Lobby opposes action to counter this crime

    * Assault Weapons - the Choice of criminals:
    Assault weapons are the weapons of choice for gangs, mentally deficient
    individuals, and criminals across the board. The Gun Lobby argues that
    anyone at any time should have the right to buy and own these weapons of
    mass destruction.

    * Too Many Guns in the U.S.:
    There are over 200 million guns in America today. One for every man,
    woman and child in the United States. Push the fact that each one of
    these killing machines poses a grave threat to our population.

    * Assault Ammunition - Military Firepower = Death
    The ammunition for military arms are more powerful and more devastating
    than normal ammunition. This type of ammo if not banned, should have the
    delivery systems (aka assault weapons) banned at least.

    Points of Victory in the past ten years:
    * Defeating the NRA's attempt to gut the ban on interstate handgun sales.
    * Defeating the NRA's protection of Cop Killer Bullets.
    * Defeating the NRA's protection of Plastic, Undetectable handguns.
    * Winning a ban on Saturday Night Specials in Maryland.
    * Winning bans on Assault Weapons in states and cities throughout the U.S.

    Also remember to make good use of HCI's prepared 10 and 20 minute sample
    speeches. HCI's offices will make more speeches available in the future.
    These speeches can be modified to fit a variety of circumstances.


    The Fraud of the Second Amendment and the Gun Lobby's Big Lie:

    The Following is our current flyer on the NRA's Fraud concerning the
    meaning and interpretation of the Second Amendment. Remember to read
    the arguments about the Second Amendment and our fact cheets on Children
    & Guns, Firearms & Youth Suicide and our upcoming Fact Sheet on the Myth
    of using a Gun in Self Defense. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the
    S.T.A.R. program and push not only for its implementation but also of
    new materials which address the Gun Lobby's Myth about the Second

    "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
    the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    [emblem of golden eagle with THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO
    shield, grasping arrows & THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION
    a branch]
    The Second Amendment: Fraud and Fact
    Four Basic Reasons Why The Second Amendment Permits Gun Control

    [original is in two columns, with "FRAUD" on left and "FACT" on right]

    [FRAUD] 1. The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees each individual
    the unlimited right to own and use guns for hunting, self-protection, target
    shooting or other individual pursuits.

    [FACT] 1. Although the gun lobby, let by the National Rifle Association,
    literally spends millions of dollars each year promoting this false claim,
    the truth is the federal courts have unanimously held that the right to keep
    and bear arms is limited to participation in an organized militia... that the
    Second Amendment does not guarantee the right of individuals to own and to
    carry arms.

    [FRAUD] 2. Because the Second Amendment guarantees Americans the right to
    bear arms, the government cannot forbid Americans to own firearms, such as
    handguns, or even assault weapons.

    [FACT] 2. No federal court in history has ever overturned a gun control law
    on Second Amendment grounds. To the contrary, the courts have held that this
    amendment does not prohibit Congress from regulating the interstate sale of
    weapons, nor does it prevent the states from regulating the use and sale
    of firearms as they see fit.

    [FRAUD] 3. Because it contains the phrase, "the right of the people to keep and
    bear arms," the Second Amendment obviously was meant to confer an individual
    right to own and use firearms.

    [FACT] 3. During colonial days, Americans held a great distrust of standing
    armies and, in order to get the Constitution ratified, the framers had to
    include a Bill of Rights provision to protect state militias from federal
    encroachment. Thus, "of the people" refers to the right of the people to
    participate in organized state militias, free from interference by the federal

    [FRAUD] 4. A "well-regulated militia" refers to those persons who live within
    the boundaries of any given state, and that's why each citizen of a state
    retains a fundamental "right to keep and bear arms".

    [FACT] 4. The term "well-regulated militia" has been consistently viewed by
    the federal courts as the active, organized militia of each state. Moreover,
    the U.S. Supreme Court has twice held that the National Guard is the modern
    day equivalent of a state militia. Of course, the National Guard does not
    use privately owned firearms at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Southern York County, Pennsylvania
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Sounds like the methods used to train Hitler youth.

    Great information to counter the Moonbats! Thanks for posting.

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