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  1. #1
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    Default Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    Welcome to Shreveport: Your rights are now suspended.According to Cedric Glover, mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, his cops “have a power that [. . .] the President of these Unites States does not have”: His cops can take away your rights.

    Cedric Glover, mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, claims to have the authority to suspend the Constitution.
    And would you like to guess which rights he has in mind?
    Just ask Shreveport resident Robert Baillio, who got pulled over for having two pro-gun bumper stickers on the back of his truck — and had his gun confiscated.
    While the officer who pulled him over says Baillio failed to use his turn signal, the only questions he had for Baillio concerned guns: Whether he had a gun, where the gun was, and if he was a member of the NRA. No requests for a driver’s licence, proof of insurance, or vehicle registration — and no discussion of a turn signal.
    Accordingly, Baillio told the officer the truth, which led the police officer to search his car without permission and confiscate his gun.
    However, not only does Louisiana law allow resident to drive with loaded weapons in their vehicles, but Mr. Baillio possessed a concealed carry license!
    What does such behavior demonstrate, other than transparent political profiling — going so far as to use the infamous Department of Homeland Security report on “Americans of a rightwing persuasion” as a how-to guidebook, no less?
    Mr. Baillio made no secret of his political affiliations: An American flag centers a wide flourish of pro-freedom stickers and decals on his back windshield.
    In fact, when Baillio asked the officer if everyone he pulls over gets the same treatment, the officer said no and pointed to the back of his truck.
    Baillio phoned Mayor Glover to complain about this “suspension of rights” only to find that his city’s morbidly obese “commander in chief” was elated at the story: According to Glover, Baillio got “served well, protected well, and even got a consideration that maybe [he] should not have gotten.”
    Thankfully, Mr. Baillio recorded a good bit of that phone call. You can watch a video with the transcriptions here. I’ve reproduced a chunk of the call below:
    Baillio: (in the context of being asked about the presence of a gun) Well, I answered that question honestly, and he disarmed me.
    Glover: Which would be an appropriate and proper action, sir. The fact that you gave the correct answer — it simply means that you did what it is you were supposed to have done, and that is to give that weapon to the police officer so he could appropriately place it in a place where it would not be a threat to you, to him, or to anyone in the general public.
    [. . .]
    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

    Glover: My direction to you is that, had you chosen not to properly identify the fact that you had a weapon and directed that officer to where that weapon was located; had you been taken from the vehicle, and the officer, in the interest of his safety, chose to secure you in a safe position, and then looked, found, and determined that you did, in fact, have a weapon…then, sir, you would have faced additional, [inaudible], and more severe criminal sanctions.
    Baillio: So what you’re saying is: I give up all my rights to keep and bear arms if I’m stopped by the police: Is that correct?
    Glover: Sir, you have no right, when you have been pulled over by a police officer for a potential criminal offense [which would be what?! - DB] to stand there with your weapon at your side in your hand [Baillio's weapon was nowhere near his side or his hand, and Glover knew that. -- DB] because of your second amendment rights, sir. That does not mean at that point your second amendment right has been taken away; it means at that particular point in time, it has been suspended.
    Will Grigg from ProLibertate, an excellent freedom blog, has this to say:
    According to Glover, a police officer may properly disarm any civilian at any time, and the civilian’s duty is to surrender his gun — willingly, readily, cheerfully, without cavil or question.
    From Glover’s perspective, it is only when firearms are in the hands of people other than the state’s uniformed enforcers/oppressors that they constitute a threat, not only to the public and those in charge of exercising official violence but also to the private gun owner himself.
    NAGR spoke with Mr. Baillio, and he told us that he’s in the process of securing the official procedures and codes for firearm handling and private property confiscation for the Shreveport police department.
    So far, the city has been half-heartedly cooperating with him.
    “I felt sick,” Baillio told NAGR. “My uncles didn’t die for this country so I could surrender my rights like a wimp. I felt terrible. I was just thinking of all that my family has done for freedom in this nation — including dying — and here they are disarming me at a traffic stop.”
    What to do?
    1. Read Luke’s commentary here, and participate in the discussion by leaving a comment.
    2. Send this around. This kind of behavior cannot go unchecked.
    3. Call Mayor Glover’s office to complain: (318) 673-5050.
    I’ll leave you with one last consideration. As a licensed firearms instructor in charge of a hundred different students every month, I’m often asked if citizens should voluntarily inform police officers of the presence of a firearm during a routine traffic stop.
    While different states have different laws, my answer for Colorado citizens is an emphatic “No”: Colorado law doesn’t require you to volunteer that kind of information, and this case in Louisiana proves why, if at all possible, you should never invite trouble by doing so.
    Semper Fi

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    Darn, this needs moved to news...
    Semper Fi

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    posted under fair use

    By Carolyn Roy - bio|email

    SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) - It's another potential knock on the reputation of "The Next Great City of the South."

    An online campaign is underway, claiming that when you come to Shreveport, your "rights will be suspended." It all started with a traffic stop on a Friday night a month ago. Even though Robert Baillio was never cited, and his gun was never confiscated, his story and a secretly recorded telephone conversation with Shreveport Mayor Cedric Glover has been burning up the blogosphere.

    Here is an excerpt of what happened in Baillio's own words, as posted on

    "Right after I stopped, I got out of my truck and walked toward the tailgate. I kept my hands where he could see them and I stopped right there by the back bumper. Right there I was directly in his headlights, and I wanted to be sure he could see that I wasn't carrying any kind of weapon, and I didn't pose any type of threat to him.

    Well he got out of his vehicle and walked toward me.

    He stopped a little short of what I'd consider conversation distance, and he looked at me and said, "Do you have any firearms in your vehicle?"

    I didn't really expect him to ask me that. And I didn't know why he asked, but I answered and said "Yes"

    He asked where they were. And I really didn't understand why he was asking me these questions. But I told him the truth, and I said "My pistol is between the drivers seat and the console.

    He instantly turned and walked to the drivers side door, opened it, and removed my pistol. I stayed at the back of the truck. He approached me, held my HK 45 Compact up, and dropped the magazine. He then asked if there was a shell in the chamber, and I said, "Yes sir, there is." He ejected it onto the ground, locked the slide back, and walked back to his patrol unit and got in it.

    After the stop was completed, and my gun was was returned, I thought about the events that had happened.

    I called the mayor of Shreveport, on Monday June 8th. Late in the day he finally called me back. I told him that I was very uncomfortable standing on a busy street without my hand gun, and I did not believe the officer had any reason, or right to remove it from my vehicle.

    He told me that during a traffic stop "My rights were suspended." At first I couldn't believe he said that. Then, I thought "no one is going to believe me when I tell them he said that" so I turned on my digital recorder and recorded the rest of our conversation."

    Here is the transcript of where that recording (posted in it's entirety on the blog site) picks up:

    Mayor Cedric Glover: It's something that no police officer no police division anywhere within this country would defend or support or allow.

    Robert Baillio: lost me there for a second. Uh when I said "are you still there"'m not sure what you are saying..Uh Mayor Glover.

    Mayor Cedric Glover: You are not sure of what I'm saying?

    Robert Baillio: Well...I don't know if my phone broke up or what but you're saying a citizen...when I am stopped by a police officer I don't have any rights? Mayor Cedric Glover: Your rights at that point, Mr. Baillio, have been suspended.

    It's a choice of words that Mayor Glover tells KSLA News 12 he does not regret. "I'm perfectly comfortable with the conversation and what I said and and how I said it."

    And Shreveport City Attorney Ed Jones says the Mayor wasn't wrong. "I don't think the law ever mentions a 'suspension of rights,' like the mayor said, but what the mayor said was correct, they are suspended at that point. his right to travel down the road he was on certainly had been suspended."

    Baillio claims he was profiled because of the stickers on the back of his truck window. One says, "Armed We Are Citizens, Un-Armed We Are Subject!" Another says, "Celebrate Diversity," depicting an array of ammunition.

    "They may have played a role," agrees Jones, "but certainly if you have 'This vehicle protected by Smith & Wesson' it's legitimate question: 'Do you have a weapon in the vehicle?'

    "Well I answered that question honestly and he...disarmed me," says Baillio in the recorded telephone conversation, to which Glover replies, "Which would be appropriate and proper action, sir."

    While Baillio and his supporters clearly feel that this it was inappropriate, Jones says the law does in fact allow an officer to ask for, frisk and even search for weapons within that person's reach in the course of a traffic stop, if he has reason to believe a crime has been or is about to be committed. But this it's not the only instance in which you may not be allowed to exercise your 2nd Amendment right. In fact, there are several instances where your right to bear arms is suspended even if you possess the firearm legally have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, like in an airplane, at a school, and in any federal or municipal building.

    While having his words used against him is one thing, Mayor Glover says he is more concerned about the negativity the whole thing is drawing toward the city's officers. "I'm a big boy, so I'm accustomed to bring attacked from all sides, the right, the left, front and back. I think the thing that worries me the most and should worry and concern our citizens are the statements that have been made concerning our police officers, because all of this is about officer safety."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    He kinda looks like a McNutter

    and sounds like one too

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn.L
    Mayor Cedric Glover: It's something that no police officer no police division anywhere within this country would defend or support or allow.

    Maybe someone should make him eat his words and send a copy of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Decisions that say exactly the opposite , CC'd to the local press

    I seem to remember this is also the same general area where a citizen reported being stopped by cops for having a Gadsden Flag Sticker a couple months ago , right after that DHS " Terrorist " Report came out . It was poo poo'd then as not being credible because it came from World Net Daily . Granted that WND and Infowars are cut from the same cloth , but this is two incidents , in the same geographical region , sharing significant similar details in a relatively short period of time . To much to be a coincedence or conspiracy IMHO
    Last edited by son of the revolution; July 7th, 2009 at 06:31 PM.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

    ohh i smell a large lawsuit comming over this!
    Shall not be Questioned

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