Yesterday I spoke by phone with my State Rep. Phyllis Mundy of the 120th District, Luzerne County. My call started off by getting an aide or secretary who I explained I wanted to ask some second amendment questions of Ms. Mundy so that I may make an informed decision on November 7th. She had Ms. Mundy call me back and she did. SHe started off by telling me she only had 10 min. to speak with me because she had a meeting. Interesting enough the phone call we had was at aprox. 4:50pm.

The general content of the conversation was this:
I had asked Ms. Mundy why the NRA gives her a grade of D and she stated she doesn't recognize grades from such organizations and would rather discuss specific topics or points. I asked her what are her specific beliefs of the second amendment.
She said that she supports hunters, target shooters and collectors but she is against semi-automatic guns she also said she supports the 1 gun a month. I told her that I am a lawful citizen and I carry a semi auto as a self defense. She really expressed to me that carrying a semi auto for self defense is not necessary and told me I am the only constituent who has ever expressed to her that semi-auto's should not be a banned item. She spoke to me with a tone of voice as if I was a radical and that she knew best. I told her she is not my candidate and she is not very aware of what her constituents wishes are.
I want everyone in her district to know how she feels and keep it in mind on November 7th that Phyllis Mundy is no friend of gun owners.

Please feel free to pass on any information I have posted here and get the word out.