For you younger folks, Eons is kind of like facebook for old farts. There are a lot of different discussion groups, you can have your own webpage yadda, yadda, yadda.

I belong to the obama supporters discussion group, among others. I've been known to enjoy stirring the sh#t every once in awhile. There are some real loons in this group, so I posted the following question:

"There are an estimated 80 million firearm owners in the United States and Obama only received close to 68 million votes.

How do you think he will be able to take away the firearms and control the ammunition without committing political suicide for the democrats in 2010?

I understand that some of the firearm owners are quite passionate about this topic. "

I can't wait to see what these dim wits come up with.

BTW I'm PAHunter on Check out my blog, I've posted some of my witty thoughts (or at least half-witty).