Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
    (Tioga County)
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    Default The High and Low Road of Gun Rights

    Let's face it -- in most everything we do in life, we have a choice. We can take the high road or we can take the low road. Knowing which road, when to take it, and why, can sometimes alter the course of history. Such was the case with our Founders during and after the American Revolution.

    After America had thrown off its chains of tyranny and won independence from England, people were elated at the prospects of their new, free nation. However, the suggestion that they should now turn around and accept a new governance compact known as the the Constitution of the United States came as a surprise to many and was viewed with considerable suspicion. Our Founders understood the economic stability and national security that the Constitution would provide, but convincing the general populace would be a different matter altogether.

    So how did they do it? Did our Founders go out and brazenly flaunt this new document in everyone's face, instigate polarizing tactics, or try to intimidate the public into acquiescence? No -- they used careful reasoning, appealing to the peoples' natural predilection for love of family and self-preservation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    Default Re: The High and Low Road of Gun Rights

    Well, he came out strong, but it only took a couple of paragraphs for him to show his true point: that he considers OCing for purposes of political demonstration to be antagonistic behavior. The implied assertion that the whole starbucks thing wouldn't have occurred if people had just stuck to packing handguns is absolutely ridiculous... has he ever met an anti? They don't care whether you have a blunderbuss or 18 layers of tacticool on a scary black rifle or a tiny saturday night special - they don't think you should have any of the above.

    It's a shame, because his starting point about how rhetoric begets alienation begets gridlock is a good one. Of course, the other problem is that he's talking to the wrong crowd. Sure, there's rhetoric on all sides, but there's a lot more gun owners getting alienated by antis than the other way around.

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