Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, Pennsylvania
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    Default National Association for Gun Rights?

    I've been on Dudley Brown's email list for this group and have been astonished at some of the things he claims. I know we have an uphill battle in protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights these days but, am not sure about where this group is coming from. Anybody familiar with tis groups background?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Windsor, Colorado
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    I'm a pretty easy guy to look up.

    Wikipedia has a profile on me.

    And has a short bio of me.

    I've been a gun lobbyist now for 19 years, former U.S. Senate staff member (for Sen. Bill Armstrong, who was rated as conservative as Helms during his tenure), and I've been in the trenches of state and federal politics for a while.

    I'm a machine gun owner, pistol instructor, and I believe -- plain and simply -- that America's gun control came mostly from compromise by, friends.

    What, specifically, do you take issue with?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    Well how about that, you decided to join PAFOA the very day I post an inquiry about your organization. IT is amazing. It's good to talk with you personally. I really don't take issue with anything ... yet. It is wise and prudent these days not to take anyone or anything at face value. I have been burned before, and I have learned from experience. I am simply doing a background check on you before I invest any money in your organization ..... if I do. I don't know you, or your organization .... yet. What I do know, I like, and am simply trying to check out if the appearances, up front, are true to the core. I'm all about truth, and getting at it. Don't take my inquiry personal. I will take a look at your bio but, rest assured, I'll continue to do more investigation.

    Anybody else (long standing members) have an answer to my inquiry?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    Yes, Ruger9, I too have decided to be careful where I put my money. In this day and age, or the Brady campaign could be the shadow owner of many supposed gun groups. I too, get AT LEAST one email a day asking for money for some gun related scare. Mostly to send blast faxes to congress which I am sure never make it to the light of day.
    I, myself, screen my faxes by computer and I'm sure Congress has a much more sophisticated screening system.
    I phoned, emailed and faxed (when I had a number) physical letters to ALL of those involved on the Castle Doctrine committee urging them to vote FOR HB40 prior to the vote.
    This morning I thanked Congressman Issa for his investigation of the gunrunner fiasco.
    Mr Brown, I emailed asking for the financials to see where the money goes in your organization and did not receive any reply. Therefore, no money.
    Just being careful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Windsor, Colorado
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    It's not a coincidence that you inquired about NAGR and I joined this forum on the same day; my google alert for our organization popped up, showed me the forum, and so I jumped on.

    I encourage you to scrutinize any gun rights group that asks for your time/treasures/talents. Here's the questions I personally ask:

    1. First and foremost, are they principled, uncompromising advocates for my position? If not, they are a non-starter.

    2. Does the group in question cut deals with politicians, protect elected officials who stand against my values/issues, and/or endorse lighter forms of gun control (like the "Insta Check" system) because "if we don't do that we'll get something worse"? If they do, they don't get my support. (Know any national firearms groups who do that?? If you don't, you don't have a pulse).

    3. Does the group in question have a coherent plan? Saying "I want to protect your gun rights" is nice and all, but it's not a plan, it's a hope.

    4. Does the leader(s) have a history of standing firm (#1), not cutting deals (#2), and sticking to a good plan (#3)? Or is this their first real attempt at doing anything politically? If it's their first, thanks, but I'll let them start out with training wheels -- on a much smaller scale -- and learn with someone else's time/treasure/talents.

    Since I use the formula above to determine who I personally support, I also work hard to make sure I've checked all the appropriate boxes for the items above for the groups I work with or run.

    If you want to see what NAGR does, I'll give you one of the more recent examples:
    We passed Constitutional Carry in Wyoming.

    If you want some "light" reading on our Strategy, here it is:

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    Quote Originally Posted by DudleyBrown View Post
    It's not a coincidence that you inquired about NAGR and I joined this forum on the same day; my google alert for our organization popped up, showed me the forum, and so I jumped on.

    I encourage you to scrutinize any gun rights group that asks for your time/treasures/talents. Here's the questions I personally ask:

    1. First and foremost, are they principled, uncompromising advocates for my position? If not, they are a non-starter.

    2. Does the group in question cut deals with politicians, protect elected officials who stand against my values/issues, and/or endorse lighter forms of gun control (like the "Insta Check" system) because "if we don't do that we'll get something worse"? If they do, they don't get my support. (Know any national firearms groups who do that?? If you don't, you don't have a pulse).

    3. Does the group in question have a coherent plan? Saying "I want to protect your gun rights" is nice and all, but it's not a plan, it's a hope.

    4. Does the leader(s) have a history of standing firm (#1), not cutting deals (#2), and sticking to a good plan (#3)? Or is this their first real attempt at doing anything politically? If it's their first, thanks, but I'll let them start out with training wheels -- on a much smaller scale -- and learn with someone else's time/treasure/talents.

    Since I use the formula above to determine who I personally support, I also work hard to make sure I've checked all the appropriate boxes for the items above for the groups I work with or run.

    If you want to see what NAGR does, I'll give you one of the more recent examples:
    We passed Constitutional Carry in Wyoming.

    If you want some "light" reading on our Strategy, here it is:
    Well you'll be interested in this thread.

    Was the fact that the legislation would put new Wyoming residents from NJ, NY, CA, MD, etc, at a disadvantage to new residents coming from other states ever a concern? Or was it something that slipped by and no one noticed?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    I just posted at that link:

    I'm going to suggest Anthony Bouchard, who runs Wyoming Gun Owners, answer the specific questions about Wyoming law.

    But yes, as model legislation, that was the ONLY thing that wasn't perfect about the Constitutional Carry bill we (WyGO and NAGR, teaming up together) passed in Wyoming.

    It might be noted, though, that the legislation didn't move the scale backward: SF47 (the Constitutional Carry bill) didn't repeal the ability of non-residents to do anything, but expanded the ability of residents to carry concealed without a permit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Cheyenne, Wyoming
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    Default Re: National Association for Gun Rights?

    I have posted the facts about Wyoming's legislation on the listed thread.

    In case you want my opinion about NAGR, here it is--

    If it were not for Dudley Brown and NAGR there would not be a real gun rights organization in Wyoming.

    Anthony Bouchard
    Executive Director
    WyGO - Wyoming Gun Owners

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