Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Read about the another anti-gun force in trying our taking our rights away- notice again NO focus on criminals, only guns are the problem.

    Why do they want to pass another law that the criminals don’t care if they break, how many laws will it take? A better question to ask them IF the existing laws are not doing their stated purposes, are they for repealing existing firearms laws because they are not working…… so that they can pass new ones that will solve the problem - watch them freak over that question……

    I have a PDF from this Lynne Honickman that I will be pasting here to show how eager they are to put another useless law on the book. Everything that they are proposing are already illegal for criminals to do. Rather than looking at the very real problem of NO aggressive prosecute of existing laws by the DA's and judges. These same AG forces always want to say its PA not having enough "reasonable" gun laws on the books that is the problem.

    Notice the name is Moms Against Guns, not Moms Against Criminals.

    Bad Things Happen When Good People Do Nothing

    My name is Lynne Honickman. I am a mom (and grandmom) against guns.

    When I told my family and friends that I planned to develop a campaign that would ask other women throughout the state of Pennsylvania to get outraged about the number of illegal guns in our state and how they are being used to kill our children—many of them told me that I was "spinning my wheels."

    I explained I wasn't asking for money or other funding—it was about voices... thousands of voices that would tell PA lawmakers over and over again that illegal guns must be controlled. A close friend said, "Lynne, gun laws will never change in Pennsylvania. In fact, it's getting worse every day." Others told me it's impossible to get the General Assembly to enact stronger gun-control laws.

    So who am I to try to put a dent in this senseless violence and misuse of guns? I am a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend and citizen of Pennsylvania. I am a Philadelphian and I am a voter.

    I'm a lifelong advocate for children's health, education and a better quality of life. But most important—I am angry and I am scared. I am outraged at the lack of change, and I'm sick that we are not doing a better job of protecting our children. I can't stand by each day and hear about another child killed by gun fire and do nothing. I live in a state where too many children have died. It's that simple. Pennsylvania's high rate of gun violence is a national disgrace. And each time a child pulls the trigger of a gun and kills another child, two families are destroyed.

    I've created Moms Against Guns as a force for change and a forum for other women to express their fury. I am not authoring this website to counter our constitutional right to bear arms nor am I interested in putting gun manufacturers and gun store owners out of business. What I am interested in is the welfare of our children and the security of our communities.

    I live in a state where too many children have died. It's that simple. Pennsylvania's high rate of gun violence is a national disgrace. And each time a child pulls the trigger of a gun and kills another child, two families are destroyed. So the answer to my friends and family is: I have to stand up and be counted—now! And I know there must be thousands of other women (and men and youth) who will speak up too if given the space to do it. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "Bad things happen when good people do nothing." I ask you today—don't choose to do nothing.

    Join this campaign that will show state lawmakers that we feel Pennsylvania is in a crisis—and they need to hear our voices demanding stronger, common-sense gun laws.

    This campaign does not ask for your money. It only asks for a few minutes of your time and your signature, which will remain anonymous on the web but will be reproduced onto a letter or email to your legislator.

    As a committed activist for children's issues, I realize that strong gun control laws will not solve all of Pennsylvania's problems—poverty, crime, unemployment, access to healthcare and affordable housing. But if there are fewer illegal guns on not just the city streets but the small town roads and the local schools and playgrounds, we can at least begin to protect our children. We have to work from the inside out, as well as from outside in to take better care of our children. They are the strength of our future.

    Thank you for your support,
    Lynne Honickman
    A Mom (and grandmom) Against Guns

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    You wouldn't by chance have her email address handy would you??


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Actually, although they take a negative approach toward guns, they are not 100% against guns, only "illegal guns". Yes I realize, the gun is not the criminal, but we all understand where they stand.
    Put it this way, Your neighbor is a crack re-seller, do you
    support his right to carry a .45 to protect his investments and territory?

    His Brother is a bank robber, do you support his right to carry a gun?
    OK so their wording is crude, but the optic in my mind is good.
    "My signature represents one of thousands of Pennsylvania voters who demand that the Pennsylvania General Assembly - our lawmakers - work together to enact new laws and update current laws to better protect our children from guns that are illegal and used inappropriately. The current system is grossly inadequate and an increasing number of people throughout our state are dying because of weak laws related to guns and insufficient funds needed to enact current laws."
    I would actually sign this in good conscience, because yes i do think the laws are wrong or mis-used. Does this make me an Anti? I don't think so, I believe every person who is proper and law abiding should have a gun at least. but the present laws are not working, they protect the bad guy more then the honest citizen. If you read that quote properly, you will see that in the language of the non gun savvy person, that is exactly what they are asking for.
    We all understand what is meant when some one speaks of Illegal guns, but we chose to split hairs and not give these ppl the benifit of the doubt.

    Maybe if these people where to learn the present laws and who has guns legally and who they should be aiming their rage at, we could see a lot of good come out of this.

    Just my opinion of course. But most ppl I have brought out of the dark where once Anti. Including my wife.

    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    next to my neighbor, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Damage control View Post
    You wouldn't by chance have her email address handy would you??

    click on the website posted above, there you will find contact info.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Damage control View Post
    You wouldn't by chance have her email address handy would you??

    Here is their contact page, you should be able to contact them there. As far as their not being against guns only "illegal" guns, some of their links include Ceasefire, the Brady Bunch and other groups of their ilk. IMHO that kind of statement is simply PR whooie.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    I hoped this PDF attachment worked.
    Please take the time to read the mind set and KNOW YOUR EMENY.

    The Uniform Firearm Act was created in 1995 to gather all the firearm laws in PA enacted from the early 1930 (or from founding of PA) to 1995 was 50 pages long, since 1995 PA has enacted more than 76 pages more "reasonable" and "common" sense firearm laws.

    It it reasonable to assume that once this "had to have" laws are enacted they will be enforced? Well the PA commission on sentencing proves they are not, so do we have a need another law problem or plea bargain problem in PA?

    This is why its important that all firearm owners understand your enemy, their tactics, their half truths and to be able to defeat them with facts and figures from scape goating gun owners as the problem to criminals misuse of guns.

    This is the important function PAFOA forums can play in this information / education battle for the republic.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Go to their website. Down the bottom in small print is a contact link to send messages.

    This is the message I sent her.

    Good people are doing something. They are fighting for gun rights. I know you feel you are doing the right thing helping make the state safer for killers to kill but some of us are trying to make the state safer for children. You should start a group called "Moms against killers" instead of "moms against children". Gun control is an attack on children, elderly, gays and battered women who will have to rely on the cops coming in time to put down a chalk outline. I too am a Mother and a Grandmother and I am just as active as you. Only I am fighting for gun rights. Unlike you I want to be able to defend my family and not make excuses for why I was so helpless.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Siobhra View Post
    Go to their website. Down the bottom in small print is a contact link to send messages.

    This is the message I sent her.

    Good people are doing something. They are fighting for gun rights. I know you feel you are doing the right thing helping make the state safer for killers to kill but some of us are trying to make the state safer for children. You should start a group called "Moms against killers" instead of "moms against children". Gun control is an attack on children, elderly, gays and battered women who will have to rely on the cops coming in time to put down a chalk outline. I too am a Mother and a Grandmother and I am just as active as you. Only I am fighting for gun rights. Unlike you I want to be able to defend my family and not make excuses for why I was so helpless.

    EXCELLENT email +1
    really like the coment "Moms against killers"

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    You know, this really pisses me off. Especially since I am a mother also. Unfortunately, it seems to me that we have a bunch of women (and some men) who think they are highly educated on subjects that they know nothing about. The biggest problem with women (OMG, she's going to say stuff about women) is that they lead with their emotions and not with their brains and reasoning. Personally, I think it is disgusting the way things are happening anymore and I think it is high time that people start looking at the real causes of violence and the downfall of society.

    Bad Things Happen When Good People Do Nothing

    My name is Lynne Honickman. I am a mom (and grandmom) against guns.

    When I told my family and friends that I planned to develop a campaign that would ask other women throughout the state of Pennsylvania to get outraged about the number of illegal guns in our state and how they are being used to kill our children—many of them told me that I was "spinning my wheels."

    Ok, once again....ILLEGAL GUNS. Enough said, obviously she doesn't realize that illegal means that the person did not obtain them LEGALLY.

    I explained I wasn't asking for money or other funding—it was about voices... thousands of voices that would tell PA lawmakers over and over again that illegal guns must be controlled. A close friend said, "Lynne, gun laws will never change in Pennsylvania. In fact, it's getting worse every day." Others told me it's impossible to get the General Assembly to enact stronger gun-control laws.

    Stronger gun laws to stop illegal guns from being used. My word, was this really a conversation between two women....if so then I am ashamed.

    So who am I to try to put a dent in this senseless violence and misuse of guns? I am a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend and citizen of Pennsylvania. I am a Philadelphian and I am a voter.

    Woo hoo! I am a mother, sister, aunt, friend and citizen of PA also. Hey I vote too and I'm not quite sure what this has to do with criminals getting guns and using them for crimes...since they get them ILLEGALLY.

    I'm a lifelong advocate for children's health, education and a better quality of life. But most important—I am angry and I am scared. I am outraged at the lack of change, and I'm sick that we are not doing a better job of protecting our children. I can't stand by each day and hear about another child killed by gun fire and do nothing. I live in a state where too many children have died. It's that simple. Pennsylvania's high rate of gun violence is a national disgrace. And each time a child pulls the trigger of a gun and kills another child, two families are destroyed.

    She should really sit down and look at this paragraph. Has she looked at the statistics of the "children" that have died due to gun violence. For one thing, it is less than have died due to car accidents...swimming pool accidents etc. Second of all, does this woman realize that the word "children" also includes the 15 - 17 yr olds that are in gangs and have obtained the guns illegally? Probably not, she doesn't seem like she thinks things through before reacting.

    I've created Moms Against Guns as a force for change and a forum for other women to express their fury. I am not authoring this website to counter our constitutional right to bear arms nor am I interested in putting gun manufacturers and gun store owners out of business. What I am interested in is the welfare of our children and the security of our communities.

    Well then, there it is...she has just now made it clear. She wants us to be able to have our guns....but she wants laws made that says that criminals should not be able to have guns....<crickets>....don't we already have these laws??

    I live in a state where too many children have died. It's that simple. Pennsylvania's high rate of gun violence is a national disgrace. And each time a child pulls the trigger of a gun and kills another child, two families are destroyed. So the answer to my friends and family is: I have to stand up and be counted—now! And I know there must be thousands of other women (and men and youth) who will speak up too if given the space to do it. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "Bad things happen when good people do nothing." I ask you today—don't choose to do nothing.

    Hey, I'll stand up and say criminals shouldn't have guns either.

    Join this campaign that will show state lawmakers that we feel Pennsylvania is in a crisis—and they need to hear our voices demanding stronger, common-sense gun laws.

    Common sense.....she has none.

    This campaign does not ask for your money. It only asks for a few minutes of your time and your signature, which will remain anonymous on the web but will be reproduced onto a letter or email to your legislator.

    As a committed activist for children's issues, I realize that strong gun control laws will not solve all of Pennsylvania's problems—poverty, crime, unemployment, access to healthcare and affordable housing. But if there are fewer illegal guns on not just the city streets but the small town roads and the local schools and playgrounds, we can at least begin to protect our children. We have to work from the inside out, as well as from outside in to take better care of our children. They are the strength of our future.

    Inside out/outside in. This woman is all wrong in her thinking. She should start with Philadelphia and see if she can make a difference there. She should start trying to get these gang issues straightened out. She should try to start working on the schools.

    I'm just wondering how many people read this and didn't roll their eyes. I also want to ask this woman what laws she is talking about and hear how SHE thinks they are going to make the criminals say, "Hey, I can't get a gun legally....guess I won't shoot Jimmy down the road because he stole my girl. "

    Ending rant now...Gotta clean the gorilla's house.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Know your enemy: Moms Against Guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Siobhra View Post
    Go to their website. Down the bottom in small print is a contact link to send messages.

    This is the message I sent her.

    Good people are doing something. They are fighting for gun rights. I know you feel you are doing the right thing helping make the state safer for killers to kill but some of us are trying to make the state safer for children. You should start a group called "Moms against killers" instead of "moms against children". Gun control is an attack on children, elderly, gays and battered women who will have to rely on the cops coming in time to put down a chalk outline. I too am a Mother and a Grandmother and I am just as active as you. Only I am fighting for gun rights. Unlike you I want to be able to defend my family and not make excuses for why I was so helpless.
    I rarely make it public when I do so, but I gave you rep for that reply.

    Short. Sweet. To the point.
    Well done.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

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