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Thread: Goals for 2010

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    PGH, Pennsylvania
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    Default Goals for 2010

    well, its the new year, and so I thought maybe we could all discuss what we want in relation to improving our skills in the coming year.

    I have an NRA Pistol instructor course in January

    I have one handgun class with Ken Hackathorn scheduled for March

    I have one with MCS also in March

    beyond that I plan on taking at least one Carbine course

    Im going to shoot more pistol games this year as well. We host USPSA at my club (PMSC) and I'll go to BVRP for IDPA.

    Im also plan on starting taking Judo classes soon.

    My Goals:
    Gain good fundamentals in SD using a knife
    Develop a beggining in a MA
    Continue to practice my pistol use
    Learn basic carbine
    Work more on family tactics and defensive plans in the home

    whats your goals?
    how do you plan on reaching them?
    have you done anything yet to move in that direction ?
    Last edited by Shawn.L; January 2nd, 2010 at 06:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    Finding a full time job.
    "Having a gun and thinking you are armed is like having a piano and thinking you are a musician" Col. Jeff Cooper (U.S.M.C. Ret.)
    Speed is fine, Accuracy is final

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Collier Twp, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    1. whats your goals?
    2. how do you plan on reaching them?
    3. have you done anything yet to move in that direction ?
    __________________________________________________ ____________

    1. Keep my firearms/defensive skills at my current level, do not let them deteriorate.

    2. Minimum of one monthly practice session (two even better)
    Dry Fire practice drills two times each week
    Monthly participation at IDPA match
    30-45 minute workout sessions 3x/week
    Continue my ongoing firearms training, this year I am planning on attending the PA Firearms Laws seminar from the F.I.R.E. institute and I am scheduled to attend TDI's Advanced Concealed Carry Course with David Bowie in May.

    3. Workouts and dry fire practice have already begun, this month I will be going to A&S for their action shoot on Monday January 4 in place of the IDPA match. Firearms practice session is scheduled for third Tuesday of month.

    That's it for now
    Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    you bring up a good point about working out.
    I have started (as per a thought from Carnes) doing 10 push ups a day. To get me in the routine of doing something.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    I'll open by agreeing with DaveM55, finding me a job should be #1. Good luck with your search.

    Relating to firearms, I'm taking the time to go through the gun locker and taking each item out and down to the range. Spend some "quality time" with them. Make certain that they all function well, and are correctly sighted in. Keep them in a ready to go status.

    Already have three finished, two almost done, and then just a few more. Takes a lot of time, and one never knows what "little" problems are there to be found.

    Goes a long way to keep my range skills sharp, also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    My goal this year is to get out and shoot a little more, I'd like to take a training class or two but in all honesty my time and funds are limited.

    Due to work, daughter in college and high school, my extra funds I do get, which are not quite as much anymore, will maybe go towards guns and or ammo purchases.

    I get enough of a workout at work that keeps me in pretty good shape, use to do the 50 pushup, 100 situp routine years ago.

    I would like to get into some gun games to help sharpen my shooting skills, that's about it I guess.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    1. whats your goals?
    2. how do you plan on reaching them?
    3. have you done anything yet to move in that direction ?
    #1. Take 3 classes/courses. Work on my rifle marksmanship

    #2. Taking one class with George in March. Would like to take a Handgun and AK class at F.I.R.E

    #3. see first part of #2

    I would like to maybe try either 3-gun, IDPA, and/or USPSA. Oh ... and would like to start getting back into MA
    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    If the police could confiscate all of your guns and ammo using just one van, then you didn't own enough guns or ammo.
    WTB - NDS3 or NDS1 receiver FTF

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    Take a little more time off to compete this year(working on setting up summer hours at the shop to give me a couple months of Saturdays off)

    Shoot as much National Match course with the service rifle as i can this year.

    Make a little more time for long range prone with an emphasis on the Palma course when Bridgeville Del finishes building their Palma range (800-900-1000 yds)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    I have other goals but these relate to this forum.

    - Begin competition/action shooting via IDPA or similar club action shoots. I'm trying to set my schedule up to shoot 3rd tuesday of month at Classic Pistol then outside when clubs change schedule with better weather.
    - Attend one defensive handgun/skills course this year (not yet selected).
    - Maintain weekly dry fire basement practice started last year
    - Potentially purchase an AR and begin learning that platform

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goals for 2010

    My overall aim is to double my Hackathorn score. I have lots to work on:

    Presentation/dry-fire practice every day - even if its only 5 minutes before going to bed, it's better than nothing.

    NRA Handgun/Pistol Markmanship program - work my way through the rankings to work on my markmanship

    Tempted to take the NRA Basic Handgun at PMSC at the end of January, but there are family considerations on that one
    FIRE Institute Handgun 101 if they run it this year
    some form of defensive/CQB/hand/edge weapons training

    Get some

    Bringing it all together:
    Planning on attending the IPSC practices starting this month.
    Have focused sessions at the range on specific drills
    Re-run the standard a couple of times to track progress
    [IANAL]It's not about guns, its about effective self defense.

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