Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Warren, Pennsylvania
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    Default My positive CC experience the other day.

    I had a lot to do the other day and since i have a LTCF, I decided to have myself a CC experience.

    I got up, had my shower and breakfast. Boy do I love chocolate chip Pop Tarts... yummy. Then I gathered a list of all the places I needed to stop and planned my route to conserve time and fuel. The list consisted of the following places.

    -Bank for money transfers and withdraws
    -Ace Hardware for some 2x4s and a box of screws
    (return home, then back out for more)
    -Wal*Mart for some spare WWB 9mm and .40 and a gift for my son to take to a friend's bday party
    -Variety Buffet for lunch (side note: I LOVE this place. chinese food + steak and taters, yummy!)
    (return home)

    I toss my Glock 23 in my holster, and pull a nice button down shirt over it and out the door I go. First stop, the bank.

    I enter my local bank and walk straight up to the teller. Woo hoo, no line! I make all my money transfers and withdraws without a single hiccup and head off on my way. Time to make the drive part way a cross town to the hardware store.

    Again, no line. "WOW" I think to myself, "My lucky day!" I get my 2x4s and screws and head home to unload the van. After some pushing, my wife decides to join my on my adventure. Of course i had to promise her lunch, but that's more than OK with me, we love the local chinese buffet.

    So off to Wal*Mart we went to get ammo and a b-day gift. As I exited the van, I checked and double checked that I was still concealed. Knowing that this place has ninja trained greeters and chuck norris-like loss prevention security measures in place, I just knew i was in for an adventure! Cautiously I walk in next to my wife and the greeter makes his typical slight bend and wave as he says, "Hello, how are you today."
    Now this interrogation method almost unnerved me and I was ready to throw myself on the ground and beg for mercy, but luckily, I've had months of training from the PAFOA posts and I kept composure. "Pretty good, and yourself?", I managed to squeak out without showing my fear. And we hurried past before he could answer.

    "YES! We're in!" I beamed to my wife.
    "What?", she asked, not knowing the history of gun owners vs WM.
    "Umm, never mind ...", I tell her.
    So I head to the ammo counter, and she heads over to the toys. I get a couple boxes of WWB in 9mm and .40 then head over to collect the wife.
    Here's where it gets interesting...
    On the way from the toy dept to the registers, I hear a voice behind us calling, "Excuse me, excuse me..."
    In a panic, I turn around to see who ti was and what they wanted. Luckily, I didn't have to draw on her and put her in her place. I wanted to throw my hand up and scream "Stop where you are, don't come any closer, we're just here to shop and go home..."
    When I see a nice little ol' lady who asked me to lift a box down off a high shelf for her. Of course being the super hero of the Wal*Mart isles like I am, I gladly helped her out. I saved the day! She thanked me and we went on to make our purchase and leave.

    Lunch time, FINALLY! We walk down the plaza to the chinese buffet. Sadly, I have no real adventure story here. We walked in, were seated, ate, and left. no ninjas came flying out of the kitchen to attack me or anything.

    Over all, it was a pretty uneventful day. No pirates, no ninjas, no cops... Just thought I'd share.

    No one ever posts conceal carry stories, so I thought I'd give ya all something to chuckle about.
    Last edited by sinful; April 20th, 2008 at 06:37 AM.
    My Glock does 1d6+3 dmg, but my 18 dex makes up for that...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Bridgeville, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    It's a beautiful thing to see that proper Pafoa thread reading can have such a tremendous impact on a visitation to the dreaded WM and end on such a positive note.

    And CC yet? You are my hero. At least till I move on to the next thread. .

    Nice early chuckle and absolutely NO mention of a bad mens room experience.

    Opinions are like anal apertures. They all stink but mine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Talking Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    Thanks for sharing. I think you handled yourself textbook perfect
    Lord, help me become the person my dog believes I am

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    I forgot to post a pic of the fortune cookie...

    My Glock does 1d6+3 dmg, but my 18 dex makes up for that...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    Nice post... What a breath of fresh air...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    Quote Originally Posted by sinful View Post
    When I see a nice little ol' lady who asked me to lift a box down off a high shelf for her. Of course being the super hero of the Wal*Mart isles like I am, I gladly helped her out.[/COLOR]

    OH THANK GOD! that your shirt didn't ride up exposing your weapon to the 'little ol' lady' and cause her to have a heart attack on the spot!!!, thus placing you in a situation were you are charged for murder ............all because you decide to carry a gun!!!


    (The Invisible Poster)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    LMAO! OMG that's some of the best humor I've had all day. I love reading those mall-ninja-style posts!

    Glad to hear your little "adventure" went well for you.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    Quote Originally Posted by sinful View Post
    ...On the way from the toy dept to the registers, I hear a voice behind us calling, "Excuse me, excuse me..."
    In a panic, I turn around to see who ti was and what they wanted. Luckily, I didn't have to draw on her and put her in her place. I wanted to throw my hand up and scream "Stop where you are, don't come any closer, we're just here to shop and go home..."
    When I see a nice little ol' lady who asked me to lift a box down off a high shelf for her. Of course being the super hero of the Wal*Mart isles like I am, I gladly helped her out. I saved the day! She thanked me and we went on to make our purchase and leave.
    This was no nice little ol' was a WalMart security guy in disguise, trying to trick you to get you to expose yourself (your sidearm) while reaching up to that high shelf. Then he would call the cops on you for showing a gun. A friend of mine said that happened to him at WM!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    you are now officially a member of...

    the concealed carry mafia.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My positive CC experience the other day.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleRedToyota View Post
    you are now officially a member of...

    the concealed carry mafia.

    Holy shit dude... I just blew mt Dew out my nose! lol
    My Glock does 1d6+3 dmg, but my 18 dex makes up for that...

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