Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Carmichaels, Pennsylvania
    (Greene County)
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    Default Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    Here's one you folks might (not) enjoy seeing.

    An excerpt:
    2. Vote fraud used to prevent the election of reformers: It doesn’t matter which of the two major party candidates are elected if no real reformer can get nominated, and when news services start knowing the outcomes of elections before it is possible for them to know, then the votes are not being honestly counted.

    4. Usurpation of undelegated powers: This is usually done with popular support for solving some problem, or to redistribute wealth to the advantage of the supporters of the dominant faction, but it soon leads to the deprivation of rights of minorities and individuals.

    5. Seeking a government monopoly on the capability and use of armed force: The first signs are efforts to register or restrict the possession and use of firearms, initially under the guise of “protecting” the public, which, when it actually results in increased crime, provides a basis for further disarmament efforts affecting more people and more weapons.

    11. Creation of a class of officials who are above the law: This is indicated by dismissal of charges for wrongdoing against persons who are “following orders”.

    12. Increasing dependency of the people on government: The classic approach to domination of the people is to first take everything they have away from them, then make them compliant with the demands of the rulers to get anything back again.

    13. Increasing public ignorance of their civic duties and reluctance to perform them: When the people avoid doing things like voting and serving in militias and juries, tyranny is not far behind.
    Sadly, theres more. Check out the link for the full 16 item list.
    Also see for some background info on this list.

    Hope I haven't ruined your day...I know I shot mine in the foot with this one.
    If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. - Samuel Adams

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Mount Carmel, Illinois
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    To support Vig's point #5 above check out this link.

    I believe we my face many assualts on our 2nd Amendment rights during the next 2 years. I have heard that gun issues are on the short list behind the new budget.

    Here in Illinois the Ward "Bosses" of Chicago dictate many of the state laws. Just recently the State House of represenatives were working on a concealed carry law and the House members with ties to Chicago never let it get voted on. Even though the proposal was strongly supported by the state's sheriff's organization and the State police.

    The state already has requirement that all firearm owners must register with the State Police in Springfield. When you register they do a back ground check on you and issue you a picture id card. As a resident I must present this card to purchase any firearms or ammo. Further there is a 24 hr waiting period on any firearm I purchase. Yes, even long guns. I have to reapply for my owner permit every 10 years. You even have to have the the id card to even transport any firearm to a gunsmith. So I am concerned about what sort of draconian laws will be passed on us as firearm owners at the federal level now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    (Northampton County)
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    Thank you Captain Obvious. J/k. Pretty good post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    Quote Originally Posted by dnsavage View Post
    To support Vig's point #5 above check out this link.

    I believe we my face many assualts on our 2nd Amendment rights during the next 2 years. I have heard that gun issues are on the short list behind the new budget.

    Here in Illinois the Ward "Bosses" of Chicago dictate many of the state laws. Just recently the State House of represenatives were working on a concealed carry law and the House members with ties to Chicago never let it get voted on. Even though the proposal was strongly supported by the state's sheriff's organization and the State police.

    The state already has requirement that all firearm owners must register with the State Police in Springfield. When you register they do a back ground check on you and issue you a picture id card. As a resident I must present this card to purchase any firearms or ammo. Further there is a 24 hr waiting period on any firearm I purchase. Yes, even long guns. I have to reapply for my owner permit every 10 years. You even have to have the the id card to even transport any firearm to a gunsmith. So I am concerned about what sort of draconian laws will be passed on us as firearm owners at the federal level now.
    I feel sorry for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    Quote Originally Posted by dnsavage View Post
    To support Vig's point #5 above check out this link.

    I believe we my face many assualts on our 2nd Amendment rights during the next 2 years. I have heard that gun issues are on the short list behind the new budget.

    Here in Illinois the Ward "Bosses" of Chicago dictate many of the state laws. Just recently the State House of represenatives were working on a concealed carry law and the House members with ties to Chicago never let it get voted on. Even though the proposal was strongly supported by the state's sheriff's organization and the State police.

    The state already has requirement that all firearm owners must register with the State Police in Springfield. When you register they do a back ground check on you and issue you a picture id card. As a resident I must present this card to purchase any firearms or ammo. Further there is a 24 hr waiting period on any firearm I purchase. Yes, even long guns. I have to reapply for my owner permit every 10 years. You even have to have the the id card to even transport any firearm to a gunsmith. So I am concerned about what sort of draconian laws will be passed on us as firearm owners at the federal level now.
    Welcome to PAFOA.
    Thank you for letting us know what the laws are like just a few miles away.
    Stick around and stay active, we appreciate the input.

    I don't have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    tyr·an·ny (tr-n)
    n. pl. tyr·an·nies
    1. A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
    2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.
    3. Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly:

    Remember that GW Bush was accused by being a dictator, right up to the moment he flew into retirement and a 100% different government took power by the getting more votes.

    Words matter and we live in serious times. Nothing is achieved by such chicken little silliness. Oh, other than your reps going way up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Mount Carmel, Illinois
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    We all need to spread the word and stay vigilant. I moved to Illinois just a few years ago from Indiana. And there is a world of difference in the gun laws. I don't want to see what has happened here in Illinois happen across the country. And if by chance anyone wonders, Obama [B]is[B] ANTI GUN.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lansdowne, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Tyranny Checklist--they all fit

    Quote Originally Posted by dnsavage View Post
    We all need to spread the word and stay vigilant. I moved to Illinois just a few years ago from Indiana. And there is a world of difference in the gun laws. I don't want to see what has happened here in Illinois happen across the country. And if by chance anyone wonders, Obama [B]is[B] ANTI GUN.
    My Stepdad grew up in Illinois and I've been to Indiana to visit friends..I'd pick Indiana over the two.....but.....I'll stay in Pennsylvania. hehe
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

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