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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    York, Pennsylvania
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    Default Government handouts

    I have always been one who feels everyone should work for & earn anything they want or need. I am fine with social security and unemployment benefits because we earn those by working. I am fine with disability because we should help those who are physically unable to help themself. Maybe that person worked for years and then suffered an accident or ill health... could happen to any one of us...or maybe that person was born with said disability but their parents worked all their lives and contrubuted to society.

    Here is what I see though:

    A woman who attended dental assistant school with my wife was on welfare. She bragged that they gave her a car & child care & paid for the schooling in addition to her welfare check & food stamps. She bragged that this was like her fourth thing she went to school for & what she does is after the course is over she claims that she can't find a job so they send her to class for something else... She had no intention of using the skills she was there to learn. She was just playing the system

    A pharmacist my wife is associated with has told her that he has seen four generations of a family who were all on welfare... they see it as the family business!

    Someone else I know has told me about someone on disability who got a government grant to take business classes and to buy equipment to start a business... he now runs that weekend business, makes as much as the person who related the story to me (who works full time all week long) and also still collects that same disability check he did before! Do his tax returns for the business not show that he's no longer disabled?

    If the government is so eager to hand stuff out... Here's my list president Santa:

    ~insert word "FREE" before each item ~


    Tactical training & gear to help defend myself and my country

    Nationwide LTCF

    Range membership

    Law School

    18 or 19th century Farm house on 100 acres

    & I'd be happy to leave my current career to take a job as a Judge or permanent jury member hearing criminal cases, and I'd only ask for compensation equal to what I make now.
    Let us never forget the sacrifice of those who have fought for us all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Ill take those too
    "Sector 7 Hottie On HorseBack"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Freedonia, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Entitlements are a funny thing. Oppose them and you are heartless. Support them and you are . . . heartful?

    I don't think much of Jesse Ventura as a politician but when he said that he saw no reason for the state to pay for college for single mothers, I applauded. The nice girl who keeps her knees together has to scramble for grants and scholarships to get through school. Have a child out of wedlock and you get free stuff, including college and child care. Talk about penalties for following the rules.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    All of those are very true and very common examples of complete pieces of human shit, and it is nowhere near the extent of the abuses that we (as tax payers) throw away.

    I disagree with you on Social Security, its a tax to pay for those that didn't prepare for this "american right" known as retirement, I will never get a dime back of the SS that I have paid, but I'm sure I'll pay tens of thousands more and I'll still have to prepare on my own if I ever want to stop working. If you didn't prep for retirement then you don't retire until you begin collecting Social Security Disability in a nursing home because you are physically or mentally unable to work.

    What makes me just sick is driving through cities at 2 or 3 oclock on a weekday and seeing games of basketball being played, people sitting on their stoops at almost every house... These aren't people who CAN'T work, they are people who don't WANT to work. Its gotten so bad that recent studies show that over 60% of people living in projects and low income housing aren't even COUNTED in the unemployment statistics because they aren't recently unemplyed or searching for employment... 60%+!!!! Are you fucking kidding?

    Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the gov't giving a helping hand when it is needed, I know that times can get tough, bad things do happen to good people and I'm all for a safety net being in place to prevent their crash... but making a life long plan out of it? fuck no... and ironically the people that NEED the temporary safety net can't even get it because of all the pieces of shit in the system.

    My mom used to work in Gov't Housing... public housing lists were a 6 Month - 1 year+ backlog... with literally THOUSANDS on the waiting list... a lot of these people NEEDED the help, injuries that have changed their lives and cost them jobs, job skills that have been eliminated,... you name it. instead the housing is going to ghetto pieces of shit who don't want to work..

    yeah its a hot button item for me and I can't fucking stand it
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Freedonia, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Wow! Aren't you worried that you'll be branded a bigot too?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Quote Originally Posted by GoldWinger View Post
    Wow! Aren't you worried that you'll be branded a bigot too?
    Noped I'm good with that...

    Bigot, Hard working American... they seem to mean the same thing these days
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Oh now you all are crazy, its in the Constitution "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". That means welfare and healthcare for all.... I heard some politician make that argument the other day. Utter bullshit if you ask me, go into the city and see all the frivelous things these welfare recipients buy. Clothes, cars... I hate paying for pieces of shit to sit around and be bums. Make them dig a ditch or clean a highway if they're on welfare... something that discourages them to the point that work seems like a viable option. Doubt that would ever happen though. Hopefully other people are reaching their boiling points on this issue and we start doing more then complaining...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    you missed the ammended version...

    Life, Liberty, the American Dream, and The Pursuit of happiness

    (also I think thats the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution)

    The American dream is apparently the RIGHT "to have a house you can't afford, a nice car, big screen TV, retirement income, gov't health care, safety from bad guys, freedom of speech as long as it isn't racist, and some other stuff"
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Careful, you're spouting possibly offensive material and may be labled bigoted and racist and maybe issued an infraction by the overly sensitive moderators.

    In another thread, the moderator took his opportunity to attack me and then locked the thread. How typical of the liberals.Since it seems that the only opinions that are welcome here are the whiney, liberal ones, I'm out of here.

    If I could find a way to cancel my membership, I would.

    It's been interesting. Ta!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Castle, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Government handouts

    Quote Originally Posted by Spishack357 View Post
    Make them dig a ditch or clean a highway if they're on welfare... something that discourages them to the point that work seems like a viable option.

    DUDE, that's not a bad idea. Put them on public works tasks. Make them clean a highway, shovel snow, help pave a road, help feed people at homeless shelters, SOMETHING. Don't just give them money for nothing! I like it!
    "Do not use K-9 advantix on cats"

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