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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    I couldn't find anything on snopes about this..maybe my search-fu isn't strong enough, so here's the article:

    HUGE NEWS! FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010, just 4 1/2 months
    from now!

    I and many other concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing
    today in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack
    Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in
    Chief.. About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the
    lawsuit to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other
    records that he has hidden from the American people.

    Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama's request for dismissal
    today, instead setting a hearing date for Oct. 5, 2009 since Obama's
    attorneys had just filed the motion on Friday. He indicated there
    was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed. Obama is
    arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe
    that. I guess Obama would prefer a "kangaroo court" instead of a
    Federal court! Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama's motion for
    dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will
    force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if
    he has one).

    The judge, WHO IS A FORMER U.S. MARINE, repeated several times that
    this is A VERY SERIOUS CASE which must be resolved quickly so that
    the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold
    that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of
    war. He basically said OBAMA MUST PROVE HIS ELIGIBILITY to the
    court! He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their

    The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything
    they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter
    would have none of it and cut them off several times.. Obama's
    attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing
    looking defeated and nervous.

    Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution!!! The truth about
    Barack Obama's eligibility will be known fairly soon - Judge Carter
    practically guaranteed it!

    Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon.
    Congratulations to plaintiffs attorney Dr. Orly Taitz! She did a
    great job and won some huge victories today. She was fearless!

    Jeff Schwilk, Founder

    A California judge today scheduled a trial for Jan. 26, 2010,
    for a case that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be
    president based on questions over his qualifications under the
    requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
    If the case actually goes to arguments before U.S. District Judge
    David Carter, it will be the first time the merits of the dispute
    have been argued in open court, according to one of the attorneys
    working on the issue.
    In a highly anticipated hearing today before Carter, several motions
    were heard, including a resolution to long-standing questions about
    whether attorney Orly Taitz properly served notice on the defendants,
    which she had.
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    I doubt a forged birth certificate is that hard to get a hold of when you are President of the United States. If there ever is a day in court, I'll be willing to bet Obama's ducks are in a row.
    In order to get intelligent answers you must speak intelligently.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    Back on the real world...

    "Georgia Judge Fines 'Birther' Lawyer Orly Taitz $20,000"

    You guys need to give this up.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  4. #4
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    The hell with the BC. I would be more interested in finding out from what country his original passport was issued.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    It's not about the birth certificate, it's about who is allowed to question the eligibility of our canidates for President.

    If it was provided as required, without all the foot dragging and legal wrangling, this issue would have been dead, buried and forgotten quite some time ago. Now it's an issue of accountability for those in question. Are they subject to the rule of law, and who is allowed to question it. These things should be answered in this hearing.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    This case is going to actually do more damage than good. When it gets dismissed, it will just be one more layer of smoke to hind behind.

    Most people don't get it, it's not about the BC. The very relevant question is, how in the hell is someone who ADMITTED to being British at birth, eligible to be POTUS, under the Natural Born Citizen clause of the US Constitution? Every binding definition uncovered so far has defined NBC as being born on US soil, to two US citizens. His father was never a US citizen. Why was this not presented to SCOTUS for a ruling before the election?

    Wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes? http://constitutionallyspeaking.word...-be-president/

    Congress has ZERO plausible deny-ability on these issues, as this (non-binding) resolution passed unanimously. One big problem is that McCain was NOT born on a military base as mentioned in here.

    Look at the sponsors of that. Interesting, huh?

    McCain's ineligibility had been brought up long before this past election.

    Also, how does a green card carrying Nicaraguan, Roger Calero, even get onto the ballot of the last two elections for POTUS? Does that seem like the states are doing proper vetting of the candidates?

    Right now, there are top Hawaiian officials involved in an illegal denial of information under their, very liberal, Freedom of Information laws.

    Click the headers on one of those pages. There are a lot of other articles. Keep reading. Read the comments. There are some very bright people working on all of this.

    Please, do NOT believe a word that you are being told by the media. Or me. Read about it all for yourselves. Search for the info. Ask questions of your legislators. This shit is all too important.

    At the electoral college vote tally, why was there no call for objections, as required by law?

    Why did Pelosi send out different DNC certification letters, some with the NBC wording scrubbed?

    There ARE enough questions that at some point, SCOTUS SHOULD get involved.

    Even if you don't agree with a word that is written, it's pretty obvious that we have some SERIOUS issues with our whole election process, and with Congress itself.

    Do you think that the RNC and DNC are above all of this? Do you really think Pelosi is above doing whatever it takes, including ignoring The Constitution?

    Can you say "oligarchy?"

    Flame me if you want, but all I am saying is ASK QUESTIONS!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    You are not permitted to ask those questions. That is all. Move along. There is nothing to see.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    Interesting. I will look forward to seeing how this plays out. I do agree, however, that his "ducks will be in a row." Hopefully, if he is indeed lieing, the court sees through it.

    The laws have little meaning if they don't apply to everyone.
    Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FEDERAL JUDGE Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
    The laws have little meaning if they don't apply to everyone.
    Of course they apply to everyone. Just.... differently.
    It's also much better to be an evicted survivor than an obedient corpse. -GunLawyer001

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