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  1. #1
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    Exclamation The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Of course they are attacking the NRA again.

    "Under our current law, a suspected terrorist on the FBI's No-Fly List can't board an airplane -- but they can still legally purchase guns and explosives.

    This loophole, known as the “Terror Gap,” is a threat to public safety that Congress needs to address immediately.

    Demand Action: Click here to tell Congress to close the terror gap.

    The events in Boston last week reminded us that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists -- such as Tamerlan Tsarnaev -- can be extremely dangerous.

    We don’t yet know how Tsarnaev purchased his gun, but we do know that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,453 times between February 2004 and December 2010.1

    Suspected terrorists should be prohibited from purchasing guns and explosives just like felons, domestic abusers, and the severely mentally ill. And we should require a criminal background check for all gun sales to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

    Click on the link below to automatically sign our petition telling Congress to close the terror gap immediately:

    For more than five years, legislation -- originally drafted by the Bush Administration -- has been pending in Congress that would close the Terror Gap. But the NRA has fought to keep this dangerous loophole open.

    It’s time for Congress to stand up to the gun lobby and put public safety and national security ahead of a special interest.

    Thank you,

    Mayors Against Illegal Guns"

    1. "Terrorist Watchlist Screening: Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate (PDF)," United States Government Accountability Office, May 5, 2010.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Maybe there is more to the story, but.........

    "but we do know that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,453 times between February 2004 and December 2010.1"

    I am assuming that if we know they tried to buy guns, and were turned down, what is the problem? Sounds like they did not get what they wanted. So what's the beef?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    Maybe there is more to the story, but.........

    "but we do know that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,453 times between February 2004 and December 2010.1"

    I am assuming that if we know they tried to buy guns, and were turned down, what is the problem? Sounds like they did not get what they wanted. So what's the beef?
    Their beef is that not enough people are on that watch list (for example, you and I) and therefor they don't think it works.

    What gets me is that they listed things which are all offenses which you have to be convicted of before you are prohibited.

    No one is convicted on a watch list.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by NRA Member View Post
    We don’t yet know how Tsarnaev purchased his gun, but we do know that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,453 times between February 2004 and December 2010.1
    No idea? It was reported that the gun in question had the serial number battered. So they either stole it or bought it from somebody who stole it. Imagine that, criminals involved in criminal activity. We already have laws against stealing and receiving stolen goods. But hey, lets make some more.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by pennlineman View Post
    No idea? It was reported that the gun in question had the serial number battered. So they either stole it or bought it from somebody who stole it. Imagine that, criminals involved in criminal activity. We already have laws against stealing and receiving stolen goods. But hey, lets make some more.
    Laws that they seemingly can't or won't enforce anyway !

    must spread rep around before ^^^
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by Totez View Post
    Their beef is that not enough people are on that watch list (for example, you and I) and therefor they don't think it works.

    What gets me is that they listed things which are all offenses which you have to be convicted of before you are prohibited.

    No one is convicted on a watch list.
    I've got a very common last name. Someone with a similar name is on the "No-Fly list". I get the 3rd degree coming & going whenever I travel by plane.

    I've never been convicted of a crime.

    I really hate the whole concept of pre-crime. I find the TSA to be an offense to common sense. They've spent billions, and haven't made us any safer than we'd be if we just handed out plastic knives to everyone who boards a plane.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Well this is from the same morons who said and I quote, "It is legal to hunt humans with a hundred round clip".

    Who in their right mind could argue with that kind of logic? After all it is "common sense".
    "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." — Thomas Paine

  8. #8
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    The older Boston Bomber was convicted of Domestic Abuse or something or the other for punching his girlfriend. He already couldn't legally buy a gun.

    Sincerely, Gun Owners Against Pressure Cookers

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Guys, we need to close the terror gap ASAP!

    Let us not ask any questions, as something with such a dangerous name as the terror gap is certainly dangerous!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The latest BS from Drunk Mayors against Legal Gun Owners!

    Far too many stories of somebody who shouldn't be on a no-fly list (pretty sure children often end up there if they share the same name as a bad guy) getting their to use that as a means to deprive somebody of their constitutional right. The fact that our government can't keep track of the two assholes from Boston because of a misspelled name makes me highly skeptical of how effective this could be. That aside, there is that silly notion of innocence until proven guilty, but what's one more ignored part of the Constitution in the grand scheme of things.

    Edit: Glad they're at least burning some money coming up with some new catch phrases. Their normal stuff was getting stale (gun show loophole, assault weapon ban, etc).

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