Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    “Toomey could be key to a deal on guns,” a headline yesterday on reads.

    Hopeful speculation that Republican senator from Pennsylvania Pat Toomey is preparing to partner with Democrats on so-called “universal background checks” follows reports that Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) had reached out to him to try to find a GOP partner,” that Toomey “signaled that he might be open-minded after the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, [that he] issued a statement saying in part that ‘there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety’ [and that] he would consider expanding background checks.”

    Tell Toomey you are concerned about reports that he may be about to cave on “gun control,” that you hope this is just wishful thinking on the part of the gungrabbers and their media allies, but if it’s not, he needs to put any thought of crossing gun owners out of his mind. Tell him the only ones who want him to swallow the meme that this is a political imperative are those who will oppose him regardless of whatever concessions he makes. Tell him that if he does cave, you will put the squeeze on NRA to wash their hands of him and work to ensure he is defeated in the next election (even if you are not from his state), and remind him that he didn’t win by a wide enough margin last time to risk poking this hornet’s nest. Tell him you also expect to see him publicly champion the only real and acceptable position that is consistent with his oath of office:



    You can contact Toomey several different ways, via his website (and if you’re not from Pennsylvania, just put his office address and phone number in the contact form fields: Richland Square III, Suite 302 1397 Eisenhower Blvd Johnstown, PA, 15904, 814-266-5970 ), via a letter to that address, via a phone call to that number (or to 855-552-1831), via fax at 814-455-9925, via a comment under one of the posts on his Facebook page, or via a “tweet” to his Twitter account. And you can urge your gun owner friends to do the same. None of these effort should take longer than a few minutes.

    Or you can do nothing.

    Get the full story here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Southern York County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Just opened my e mail and had this from Gun Owners of America

    Anti-gun Democrats Pressuring Toomey to Support Gun Restrictions

    CeaseFirePA is planning to protest at Senator Toomey's office
    in Philadelphia at 10:30 am on Tuesday.

    “With the Senate set to take up a major gun-control bill as early as next week, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has quietly reached out to conservative Sen. Pat Toomey for support on expanding background [registration] checks on all gun sales.” - Politico, April 5, 2013

    Senator Pat Toomey is being pressured to sell out the Second Amendment to anti-gun zealot Chuck Schumer and Second Amendment turncoat Joe Manchin.

    Senator Schumer has made a career of trapping hapless Republican senators into betraying their party. He is a ruthless partisan, whose siren-song for GOP sell-outs bears a substantial responsibility for the Senate still being in Democratic hands.

    Senator Manchin was the "best friend of the Second Amendment" on November 5 - and its worst enemy on November 7. His capacity for stabbing his constituents in the back the moment they have elected him to a six-year term has added a new term to the lexicon: "pulling a Manchin."

    If Toomey allows Schumer, Manchin, and Obama to use him to "break the back of the gun lobby," he will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory - as we are very close to defeating ALL gun control in the Senate, if the Republicans will only stick to their guns and support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster.

    As you know, these three Republican Senators - Rand Paul (KY), Ted Cruz (TX) and Mike Lee (UT) - have publicly committed to filibustering gun control in the Senate.

    Not only that, there are now more than a dozen Senators who have committed to filibustering any anti-Second Amendment legislation.

    But Toomey’s name is not listed among them!

    By filibustering gun control and keeping it from even coming to the floor, Harry Reid won’t have two weeks to score political points against Toomey by forcing him to vote on a zillion anti-gun measures - including gun bans, magazine limitations, gun owner registration and more.

    But the prerequisite to this is for Toomey to join his Republican colleagues in supporting this filibuster - something he has yet to do.

    And that is where you come in.

    Senator Toomey needs to hear from Pennsylvanians from all over the state.

    CeaseFirePA is planning to protest at Senator Toomey's office in Philadelphia at 10:30 am on Tuesday. If you or your family or your friends can show up to counter-protest, Sen. Toomey could definitely use your support. Bring signs such as:

    Ban background checks
    Universal Gun Registration = Confiscation
    Criminals Ignore Gun Laws
    Don’t Criminalize Me
    Pennsylvanians for Self-Protection
    No to Big Brother Invasion
    Protect My Privacy

    These are just ideas to get you started. Bring anything else you can think of!

    Click here to read more about the CeaseFire protest here.

    ACTION: Contact Senator Toomey and urge him to support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and to OPPOSE any move to proceed to a gun control extravaganza (which includes the Feinstein ban) - as that will be regarded as a vote in favor of Feinstein.

    You can call Senator Toomey and register your opposition to ALL gun control at 202-224-4254.

    Click here to send Senator Toomey a prewritten email.

    Also, please consider counter-protesting CeaseFirePA so that Toomey knows there are more pro-gunners in the Keystone State than there are gun grabbers! Forward this alert to all your pro-gun family and friends, and to all your pro-gun lists!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Private, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    I sent him a letter last week letting him know I'm counting on him not to cave.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ercildoun, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    I don't think Toomey will cave to the democrat disarmament program. This teaches all about not voting for democrats. Manchin was made out to be this big supporter of 2nd amendment rights but it was all bluster to fool honest citizens into believing the lies democrats always tell about standing up for 2nd amendment rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. They do what the party tells them to do and it starts at Obama and filters down all the way to the dog catcher. They do have discipline when comes to disarming and stomping on the Constitution, you got to give credit when credit is due.
    Diversity is the greatest weakness, excellence is the greatest strength. JPC

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Takes 2 mins to leave a post on his Facebook page people.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    I emailed Senator Toomey - here's the response...not quite what I expected.

    Thank you for contacting me about gun control. I appreciate hearing from you.
    As you may know, January 16, 2013, President Obama announced a variety of gun policy measures in response to the Newtown, CT killings. I therefore value knowing your views on this important issue, which is important to me as I carefully review the President's proposals. Like many Pennsylvanians, I believe that Second Amendment rights are important and must be protected, but there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety. I also believe that people who use guns in an illegal manner or harm others with them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    That said, we have consistently observed that mass killings are the result of serious mental illness. We therefore need to better protect ourselves from mentally ill individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities, including improved background checks. We also need to review and improve how we take care of the mentally ill. As I continue working with my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle on public safety, please be assured that I will keep your views about firearms in mind.

    Thank you again for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.


    Pat Toomey
    U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Quote Originally Posted by KBoy420 View Post
    I emailed Senator Toomey - here's the response...not quite what I expected.

    Thank you for contacting me about gun control. I appreciate hearing from you.
    As you may know, January 16, 2013, President Obama announced a variety of gun policy measures in response to the Newtown, CT killings. I therefore value knowing your views on this important issue, which is important to me as I carefully review the President's proposals. Like many Pennsylvanians, I believe that Second Amendment rights are important and must be protected, but there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety. I also believe that people who use guns in an illegal manner or harm others with them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    That said, we have consistently observed that mass killings are the result of serious mental illness. We therefore need to better protect ourselves from mentally ill individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities, including improved background checks. We also need to review and improve how we take care of the mentally ill. As I continue working with my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle on public safety, please be assured that I will keep your views about firearms in mind.

    Thank you again for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.


    Pat Toomey
    U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
    Leave a note on his facebook page, his staffers keep track of the posts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Quote Originally Posted by KBoy420 View Post
    I emailed Senator Toomey - here's the response...not quite what I expected.

    Thank you for contacting me about gun control. I appreciate hearing from you.
    As you may know, January 16, 2013, President Obama announced a variety of gun policy measures in response to the Newtown, CT killings. I therefore value knowing your views on this important issue, which is important to me as I carefully review the President's proposals. Like many Pennsylvanians, I believe that Second Amendment rights are important and must be protected, but there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety. I also believe that people who use guns in an illegal manner or harm others with them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    That said, we have consistently observed that mass killings are the result of serious mental illness. We therefore need to better protect ourselves from mentally ill individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities, including improved background checks. We also need to review and improve how we take care of the mentally ill. As I continue working with my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle on public safety, please be assured that I will keep your views about firearms in mind.

    Thank you again for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.


    Pat Toomey
    U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
    I believe that is word for word the exact response everyone is receiving since December. I got the same response when I contacted him in January. Hopefully with this new development (of being courted by the antis) he and his staff will generate a new, and a more specific, response. Just emailed him again noting specifically that I have already received the automated response and requesting a new and specific response (and ultimately a favorable decision on our behalf) relating to this specific topic.

    The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living
    with power to endanger the public liberty. -John Adams

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Sent (another) email...
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Default Re: Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

    Not looking good:

    I just saw it on TV a short time ago...Thanks 7six2

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