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  1. #1
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    Default Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    Ok, the title is a little misleading. I wanted to say a few things about the heated OC vs. CC threads appearing here as of late.

    I carry concealed 98% of the time. I am always armed; I am trained, and I continue to seek training.

    I do OC on rare occasions. I plan on attending the PAFOA Group Shoot this coming weekend, and will open carry my handgun. I will have a cover garment in my vehicle if I deem it necesary.

    Most OC advocates tend to be very vocal in their Pro-2A stance and are very politically active. I applaud you for this. I have also noticed some resentment (at least on this board) concerning OC advocates as relates to CC "scolds" or "snobs" trying to "tell them what to do."

    I wanted to address a few things to give some food for thought. First I would like to ask a question: Why do you carry a firearm? I suspect many of the OC advocates would righteously declare, "Because I can!" or "It's my Constitutional right!"

    Those reasons are fine and valid, but I would suggest that there are other reasons to carry a gun. My reason is to defend myself, my family and in a very distant third case a stranger against a potentially lethal threat. I do not carry a firearm to make a political statement. I belong to the NRA and GOA and the local club and I make sure to actively monitor the voting records of legislators. That is how I choose to advance on the political front. I have a small NRA decal on each one of my vehicles - that's as high profile as I get.

    My other question is: Do you want to deal with the world the way it really is, or the way it "should be?"

    In the Ideal America, nobody would be afraid or suspicious of you with a gun strapped on your hip. Ideally, it shouldn't matter what your appearance is. Ideally, no business would have a policy of not allowing OC'ers in.

    But in reality, if you have long hair, tattoos, all black clothing and are OC'ing a handgun you are going to be scrutinized. Sorry. That's reality. In the rare instances that I OC I never get scutinized. Why? Because people assume I'm a cop. Typically I'll be wearing a polo shirt, cargo pants and a ballcap. I am clean-shaven with short hair and no visible tattoos. If somebody observes the gun on hy hip, they look at me and think, "Hmmm... off-duty cop."

    Some will have an emotional reaction to what I just wrote. I understand that you don't think it's fair, but that doesn't change anything. This year, almost every time I went the local range to shoot, somebody there asked me if I was an LEO. Do I try to impersonate an LEO? No, but it is about appearance and demeanor.

    If you make it a point to OC and wander around from business to business looking for a negative reaction - brother, you are going to get it one day. When you go looking for trouble it will find you eventually. Is it confrontation that you're looking for? So you can "educate" the public on OC law? The business owner that doesn't want you in his establishment doesn't give a damn about the law. "No shirt, no shoes, no service." They can tell you they don't want you in there with gang colors or wheelies or anything else. That is their prerogative.

    Most people don't understand the law because it is intentionally made confusing. People believe gossip and old wive's tales. Many LEO's are arrogant and think that their word is the law. If a business doesn't want you if you OC then maybe they don't deserve your patronage. If a gunshow wants you disarmed, maybe you don't really need to walk around the gunshow. You must make a choice, each one of you individually, why you carry a handgun and how important it is for you to be armed. Once you come to terms with your answer, it becomes very easy to determine when CC is appropriate.

    If anybody would like to discuss this with me in person I'll be at the Group Shoot this weekend - just look for the guy who you think is an off-duty cop.
    Last edited by Thekatar; September 3rd, 2007 at 10:27 AM. Reason: spelling
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    I agree. I cary because I refuse to be a victim. However, I sometimes OC because I think that it is important to excerise a right rather than loose it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    WOW Thekatar! You just lite a fuse on a powder keg. Wait until PA Patriot sees this post. LMAO
    American by birth, Patriot by choice!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thekatar View Post
    If anybody would like to discuss this with me in person I'll be at the Group Shoot this weekend - just look for the guy who you think is an off-duty cop.

    Don't confuse people like that!
    Everyone's gonna come to me asking if I want to discuss OC vs CC!

    Cuz I "look like an off-duty cop" LOL! At least that's what they tell me!

    Well written post. +1 for you, but you do realize where this is headed, right?
    See you on Sunday!
    Note: once you arrive, you'll need to remove the mag and clear the chamber while at the shoot. DAMN YOUR RIGHTS TO HELL!!!
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    Note: once you arrive, you'll need to remove the mag and clear the chamber while at the shoot. DAMN YOUR RIGHTS TO HELL!!!
    If what you just wrote is true I'll probably CC then.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    People would rather be right than happy.

    Activists, on either side of the same cause, aren't really any different when it comes down to it. They don't care about anyone else, they care about how good they feel.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post

    Note: once you arrive, you'll need to remove the mag and clear the chamber while at the shoot. DAMN YOUR RIGHTS TO HELL!!!
    Thats why his name is "EmptyMag" The CC OC police of PMSC!
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    I recently changed my signature line to include this quote:

    He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself. ~Thomas Paine
    Personally I don't choose to OC, but I'll be damed if I am going to belittle someone who wants to do so, as it is currently their right in PA to have that option by lack of a law against it. It's like making fun of someone who likes pistachio ice cream because I don't care for it. It just doesn't make sense. After all, aren't we all on the same side here? Don't we all want to protect and enjoy our right as laid out in the second amendment?

    The above quotes says it all for me, I have to protect not only things I am interested in, but those of others with whom I may disagree, because if I allow "your" right to be taken away, who's going to help me keep "mine"?

    As for the Wal-Mart vs. gun show (or even at the PMSC shoot) debate on OC, both places are private property issues and the property owner gets to regulate that. Don't like it, go somewhere else. Seems simple enough to me.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    When OC'in anywhere, it is more of a thing where I happen to be doing so and I wander into whatever establishment. I dont do it to prove a point, dont do it for any other reason than sometimes it works better with my clothing choice of the day.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Why the Obsession with OC at Wal-Mart?

    Quote Originally Posted by soberbyker View Post
    Personally I don't choose to OC, but I'll be damed if I am going to belittle someone who wants to do so, as it is currently their right in PA to have that option by lack of a law against it. It's like making fun of someone who likes pistachio ice cream because I don't care for it. It just doesn't make sense. After all, aren't we all on the same side here? Don't we all want to protect and enjoy our right as laid out in the second amendment?
    I did not nor will I "belittle" anybody who OC's.

    Like I initially stated:

    Some will have an emotional reaction to what I just wrote.
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