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  1. #1
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    Default Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    in case you needs more info to decide which side these elected official are on.

    here is the contact info the feds

    Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald:

    "It seems very reasonable. It seems very sensible, and I think it's something Congress should consider taking a look at it."

    A Democrat from Squirrel Hill, Mr. Fitzgerald said the nation must "figure out how to protect the Second Amendment" while also adopting reasonable measures such as universal background checks and the threat posed by straw purchases. He said the nation also must "really crack down and enforce existing laws."


    In a statement, Republican U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, a gun-rights supporter, said he's reviewing the proposals:

    "Second-Amendment rights are important to many Pennsylvanians and must be protected, but there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety."

    The statement did not say what those areas of cooperation might be, but in the past, he's called for greater efforts to limit firearms access for the mentally ill.

    "Among other things," he said in December, "we need to implement more effective methods of identifying and protecting ourselves from dangerous and deranged individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities. I would also consider legislation that would make it more difficult for criminals and deranged individuals to acquire guns."


    U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, a former child and family psychiatrist, said in a statement:

    "I will not allow this opportunity to go by without working on meaningful reforms in the mental healthcare system that will ultimately save lives. I will be conducting a thorough review of federal mental healthcare programs and spending to ensure tax dollars are getting down to the level of the patient and children in particular. In addition we will also be reviewing the related research underway at the CDC, National Institutes of Health and Mental Health and seek out any and all expert perspectives as we examine the ways to improve current policies."


    Kim Stolfer, chairman of the Pennsylvania political action committee Firearms Owners Against Crime, said sufficient gun regulations are on the books already but the federal government has fumbled their enforcement.

    "Nothing [in Obama's announcement] would have stopped the shooting in the school and nothing explains why the federal government didn't do its jobs and apply current law."

    Mr. Stolfer, of South Fayette, said the president and his cabinet simply want to restrict Second Amendment rights.

    "I don't think the speech did anything to quell the unrest in gun owners," he said. "I've never seen anything like it."

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    Shira Goodman, executive director of the anti-gun violence group CeaseFirePA:

    "We're very pleased with what we've heard, and we especially agree with what [Obama] said: that our leaders need to hear from the people."


    U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Forest Hills, endorsed Mr. Obama's package of proposals and echoed the president's concern that the measures won't be enacted without grassroots support.

    Mr. Doyle said some members of both parties are under intense pressure from the National Rifle Association to resist new gun-control measures.

    He said that pressure can be turned back only if great numbers of constituents line up in support of the initiatives.

    "There isn't anything here that I haven't either already supported or wouldn't support," Mr. Doyle said. "I think it's all pretty common-sense stuff."

    Mr. Doyle wasn't in Congress in the early 1990s when a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines took effect.

    But he was in Congress by the time the ban expired in 2004 and was among those who unsuccessfully attempted to keep it in place.

    "To me, there's no civilian application for those weapons," he said.

    While he acknowledged that some citizens believe the weapons are needed to defend themselves against the government, Mr. Doyle said, "that's just not acceptable."

    Mr. Doyle said he also supported the president's proposals to adopt more sweeping background checks for gun purchasers, to increase access to mental health services and to seek confirmation of a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He said senators have blocked the confirmation of any nominee who "isn't a card-carrying member of the NRA."

    The president also proposed more school resource officers for the nation's schools.

    Acknowledging that such positions in the past have been cut by cash-strapped school districts, Mr. Doyle said he'd be willing to work on a dedicated funding stream for resource officers.

    Mr. Doyle said he'd like to think that other members would support him on that, but noted that nearly 200 Republican House members voted against Hurricane Sandy aid.


    From the office of U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Butler:

    "Rep. Kelly is taking the time to thoughtfully consider the proposals offered by President Obama today as well as the concerns of the constituents of the 3rd District, including public safety officials and our region's many sportsmen and women. Rep. Kelly believes that a few of the proposals appear reasonable at face value, including efforts to strengthen our nation's mental health care system. However, Rep. Kelly firmly believes that we must protect our nation's most vulnerable citizens without preventing Americans from responsibly exercising their Second Amendment rights and he will fight against efforts to strip law-abiding citizens of these constitutionally protected and unalienable rights. Additionally, Rep. Kelly believes the President needs to be careful not to circumvent Congress on matters outside of his executive powers."


    Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, from a written statement:

    "I strongly support President Obama's comprehensive plan to curb gun violence and help prevent senseless tragedies from happening in our neighborhoods. Like so many cities and communities throughout our nation, all of us have been deeply affected by gun violence. As a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, I, along with hundreds of mayors called on President Obama to put forth a common sense proposal that will protect our families by making it harder for guns to get in the hands of dangerous people. I am extremely pleased that the President's plan included all of the legislative proposals our Coalition called for, including requiring a background check for all gun sales, and banning military-style assault weapons."


    The office of U.S. Rep Keith Rothfus, R-Sewickley, released the following statement quoting the congressman:

    "I will carefully review and consider the task force's recommendations. It is critical that any legislation focuses on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals without restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens."

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Most of them need to have their careers ended. *common sense* is the word people use when they are bending over. Oh, it's common sense today, and then tomorrow the next ban is common sense, until people look up and wonder how they got themselves into the situation they're in today. Just like when I go to Wawa and watch a woman put FOUR quarts of milk on the counter and pay for them and 50 other *grocery* items, including a couple GALLONS of sugar water, with her EBT card, MY money. How do we get ourselves in these situations? We do it a little at a time. Just because something seems to be *common sense* doesn't make it right.

    And this guy, F him:

    U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, ...

    While he acknowledged that some citizens believe the weapons are needed to defend themselves against the government, Mr. Doyle said, "that's just not acceptable."

    Mr. Doyle said he also supported the president's proposals to adopt more sweeping background checks for gun purchasers, to increase access to mental health services and to seek confirmation of a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He said senators have blocked the confirmation of any nominee who "isn't a card-carrying member of the NRA."
    It's not acceptable for citizens to possess firearms that put them on par with the government? Not acceptable? F you Mike Doyle.

    And why shouldn't the director of the ATF be an NRA member? Aren't NRA members citizens whose interests deserve as much protection and representation as non-members? Are we second tier citizens? I did not get that memo, but I've been out of country for 3 weeks so maybe I missed it.

    F Mike Doyle, and F everyone who is supporting any of the president's proposals. Just keep chipping away and see what happens.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Rep Doyle is probably the most vocal and outspoken of the elected officials on that list. Has been for a long time as well.

    read some of the oath violating stuff that Rep Doyle always advocates for more gun control on his gov web site.

    Doyle Statement on Gun Violence

    Dec 20, 2012
    Issues: Gun Violence

    The tragic elementary school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, have brought gun safety issues to the forefront of our public debate recently. Our region is no stranger to such horrendous incidents. In fact, over the last 13 years, we’ve had 5 mass shootings in southwestern Pennsylvania – two in 2000, two in 2009, and one in 2012. 16 people died as a result, and 17 people were wounded. At least 4 of the 5 shooters were mentally ill, and at least 3 shooters had multiple weapons. The shooters are all either dead or on Death Row, but many of our friends and neighbors still bear the scars, physical and/or mental, of those attacks.

    According to the US Centers for Disease Control, more than 16,000 Americans are murdered each year – and more than 11,000 of them are killed with firearms. The murder rate in the United States is three times as high as that of our next-door neighbor Canada (4.8 murders per 100,000 people versus 1.6 in 2011) – and four to five times as high as the other industrialized first-world nations (1.1 murders per 100,000 people in France and the UK, 0.8 per 100,000 people in Germany and Spain, and 0.4 per 100,000 people in Japan).

    Our region isn’t immune to this terrible trend; in fact, we’re above the national average. Between 2008 and 2012, there were nearly 500 murders in Allegheny County – nearly 100 a year. With a population of 1¼ million people, that gives us a murder rate of roughly 8 murders per 100,000 people – and 7 out of 8 murders in Allegheny County are carried out with firearms.

    Such a high number of deaths and injuries isn’t inevitable. I firmly believe that there are policies the federal government can adopt to reduce the number of homicides committed in our country each year, and I am working actively in Congress to have them enacted into law.

    For example, I am a cosponsor of the following gun safety bills:

    The Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2011, HR591
    Currently, the Brady Law requires criminal background checks of people purchasing guns from federally licensed gun dealers, but unlicensed sellers are not required to do background checks. This loophole causes particular problems at gun shows, which give unlicensed sellers a guaranteed venue. In most states convicted felons, domestic violence abusers, and those who are dangerously mentally ill can walk into any gun show and buy weapons from unlicensed sellers, who operate week-to-week with no established place of business, without being stopped, no questions asked. This bill would require a successful background check for any purchaser of a firearm at a gun show.

    The Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act, HR 263
    The so-called fire-sale loophole currently allows gun dealers whose licenses have been revoked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to convert their entire business inventories of firearms into personal collections and then liquidate the firearms in unregulated fire sales. By converting the business inventory firearms into personal collections, a formerly-licensed dealer can sell the guns without conducting otherwise required, instant FBI background checks that determine whether the purchaser is in a category of individuals prohibited from owning a gun. The Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act would require that any such firearms be transferred only to a licensed gun dealer or a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency.

    The Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act, HR 308
    This bill would prohibit the transfer, importation, or possession of high capacity magazines (that can hold dozens of rounds of ammunition) that are manufactured after the bill is enacted. Many of these devices are currently in private hands, and this bill would not ban their possession. Instead, the bill would prohibit the transfer of those devices currently in existence. This would allow individuals who currently own the devices to legally retain possession but works to prevent the spread of the devices by making it illegal to transfer them to other individuals.

    The Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011
    This bill would encourage greater reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for individuals with mental illness, domestic violence records, and histories of drug abuse, by increasing the penalties for states that fail to adequately turn over records for those who are prohibited from owning a gun. The legislation would also require that all gun sales, including those by private sellers, be subject to a background check, effectively ending the gun show loophole. The bill would also increase penalties for states that do not comply with the NICS’s current requirements. States that do not make available the data needed to assess those who are or may be prohibited from possessing firearms could face reductions in the amount of federal crime-fighting funds they receive. Another major provision of both bills focuses on the mental health issues of those seeking to possess firearms.

    In addition, I strongly support the reinstatement of a ban on assault weapons. A national ban on the sale, import, and manufacture of assault weapons was passed in 1994, but it expired in 2004. While I was not in Congress when this law was approved, I subsequently voted to oppose repeal of the Assault Weapons Ban, and I have cosponsored legislation to reinstate it.

    I also believe that we need to have a larger discussion in this country about mental health and the types of services that exist for people who need help. Maybe one or more of our local mass murders could have been avoided if John Shick, George Sodini, Richard Baumhammers, Ronald Taylor, and possibly Richard Poplawski had received the necessary help. I agree with President Obama that getting the mental health services one needs ought to be as easy as buying a gun.

    I look forward to the results of Vice President Biden’s interagency task force on gun violence in January – and working with my colleagues in the coming Congress to reduce gun violence in our country.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    No statement from Casey's office? I called and left a message with him yesterday just to reaffirm the many emails I've already sent that if he votes for any gun control measure in the senate I'll actively work to get him out of office in the next election.

    I wish Toomey would come out one way or the other. His vagueness is irritating.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    I am in touch with Toomey's office and they don't like this at all. They have been told he would fight any of Obama's executive orders. They are looking into this and say someone will get back to me. I told them we are counting on Toomey and I don't want people to get the wrong idea. He should explain to me his thoughts on this so we can support him because we have to stick together.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Quote Originally Posted by ungawa View Post
    I am in touch with Toomey's office and they don't like this at all. They have been told he would fight any of Obama's executive orders. They are looking into this and say someone will get back to me. I told them we are counting on Toomey and I don't want people to get the wrong idea. He should explain to me his thoughts on this so we can support him because we have to stick together.

    Please let us know asap "if" they get back to you at all. ( I have only been able to get the standard response from his office)

    I think (hope) Toomey is gonna keep a level head on all this stuff.

    He may favor stricter mental health guidelines or something in that manner,,,that would be an avenue for him to "do something".

    "Among other things," he said in December, "we need to implement more effective methods of identifying and protecting ourselves from dangerous and deranged individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities. I would also consider legislation that would make it more difficult for criminals and deranged individuals to acquire guns."

    Read more: When will America become America?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Quote Originally Posted by CenterTree View Post

    Please let us know asap "if" they get back to you at all. ( I have only been able to get the standard response from his office)

    I think (hope) Toomey is gonna keep a level head on all this stuff.

    He may favor stricter mental health guidelines or something in that manner,,,that would be an avenue for him to "do something".
    They already have gotten back to me. But it's not resolved yet, they are working on it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    So who's up for an AR15 walk around downtown Pittsburgh this Saturday?

    I detest that commie, boy mayor.
    "Having a gun and thinking you are armed is like having a piano and thinking you are a musician" Col. Jeff Cooper (U.S.M.C. Ret.)
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveM55 View Post
    So who's up for an AR15 walk around downtown Pittsburgh this Saturday?

    I detest that commie, boy mayor.
    Sounds almost as bad as Nutter. That ass attends a "hoodie" march for Treyvon but turns a blind eye to his constituants in hoodies running around killing each other (just shy of a murder a day last year). And then he has the audacity to blame the guns. Since we all know guns derive some sick pleasure out of killing people on their own with no one behind the trigger.
    5.56mm, 9mm, .40SW, .44 Mag, .357 Mag, .22LR, 12GA, .45-70, 7.62x54R

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Western Pennsylvania reactions to Obama's gun violence proposals

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveM55 View Post
    So who's up for an AR15 walk around downtown Pittsburgh this Saturday?

    I detest that commie, boy mayor.
    My AR is quite scary looking, in fact it looks quite "military type".
    FOAC Member, NRA Member

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