America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

October 16, 2006

JPFO ALERT: Firearms Activist Prepares to Dismantle
Firearms Act in Court!

Toronto lawyer Calvin Martin will be arguing the
constitutionality of the flawed Canadian Firearms Act
October 16-20 in the Superior Court in Kenora, Ontario.

The stakes are high. If Mr. Martin succeeds, Canada's
gun laws will be gutted. If he fails, firearms activist
Bruce Montague could face over ten years in prison and
millions of Canadian firearms owners, not currently in
compliance with federal firearms laws, will have to
decide what to do next.

Given the Crown's actions in this case the decision may
not be pre-ordained. Stalling and intimidation tactics
escalated to seizing the family home in an attempt to
deny the Montagues the money they need to fight against
a government legal team paid for out of the deep pockets
of the Canadian taxpayer.

Who: Bruce and Donna Montague, Calvin Martin QC,
Government of Canada

What: Constitutional Challenge to Canada's firearms laws

Why: Millions of firearms owners have chosen civil
disobedience rather than surrender to Canada's firearms
laws; Bruce Montague was charged for his non-compliance.

When: October 16 to October 20, 2006.

Where: Superior Court, Kenora, Ontario.

For further information, visit our website at or phone Bruce directly at (807) 937-2197.

Clive Edwards (Director, Montague charter challenge).
(604) 858-1893


We at JPFO applaud Mr. Martin and Bruce & Donna Montague
for exhibiting the kind of courage every gun owner should
have. We wish them the best of luck in this lawsuit!

- The Liberty Crew

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Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2006 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746

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