Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Public spankings and forums..

    Public spankings and forums..

    I find this an interesting concept, you spank some one into shame for doing, saying some thing then say its all in good love, and it is.

    I mean how many can honestly say they never had to yell at their kids, spouse, relatives; it is not because they are hated, but because you love them and want them to do better.

    Problem in a forum is where one person gives a good dose of loving, and others get involved.

    In the Bmarshal91 case recently, he was told right at the diner, it was not “cool” to do what happened. Never the less, the infraction is done, and the picture of the infraction was posted. Maybe the lesson was not learned 100%.

    So again some one came out and gave a dose of loving, problem is now, there is a mob effect, because people who would not have been otherwise aware of the situation are now bashing down the poor feller like wolves on a wooded deer.

    At this point it is not love, and to be honest, if 5 to 10 of what I consider my friends and possibly yet an other 10 to 20 whom I do not know decided to give me such a public show of affection, I am not sure I would stick around much longer.

    This happened a while back, a person posted a video, and in the video, he did some thing not “Safe” it was his first time handling a gun or close to the first time, no formal education on the matter, and people went wild bashing him on it.

    I suggested he take down the video, and apologize, mention that he did not know better but was willing to learn… And guess what, almost over night, this person started to gain some respect… Some members even asked if they could take him to the range and show him some basic safety and shoot a few with him.

    Today, although this person is still a regular to the forum, I could not even give you his name without looking it up!

    Being humble and saying “Look I messed up, but can some one give me the time of day and show me how to be better” goes a thousand miles into helping you recover face on a forum.

    Problem is, on a forum, when you have a mob breathing down your neck and you are at home and sleeping, then open the forum to see the shit storm that happened, it is not always possible to be calm and read through it all and be anything other then on the defensive in your next few posts.

    Heck, if I returned after a few hours away and 20 people jumped my posts, I am not 100% sure I would be anything but defensive, protective and argumentative of what I said.

    Compounding the problems is when Billy-Joe comes back from a 2 week vacation and hits the thread and decides he is allowed not to ALSO give more loving to the victim.

    I come out and basically say, OK it is enough, why not give the guy a chance to get straight and learn properly. Maybe no one showed him the proper safety of a gun before, maybe the excitement of it all got to be a bit too much and overwhelmed him, back off now and see if we can help a friend get back on track.

    A few decide they still can spank a little more but do so in a different way, the person in this case Bmarshal91 retaliates again because he is still very sore at the initial beating… Some come to his defense and get told they are making light of a very grave situation.. And then the thread gets locked.

    I for one do not agree with this. I do not agree with what happened at the restaurant as far as the picture goes, I do not agree with the humiliation the guy has had to go through over and again as he read through some 5 pages of bashing before he got his computer back on and I do not agree specifically with what I consider more experienced members who did not see what is happening and either closing the thread early so the damage was limited, deleting the picture in question so the “Love fest” would stop and possibly delegating some one near by to speak to him so he understand later the mistake so it is not repeated again.

    Now I do not remember the last person this happened to, but I do remember PA Patriot was the one who suggested he could take this person to the range and give him a semi informal gun safety course. Not some thing that would be extensive, but at least the basics so this person does not screw up again.

    Now I noticed BMarshal91 did say he is not the richest guy on the block, he does not have a computer at home.. Yada Yada Yada… maybe he does have bills to pay, and maybe suggesting that he takes a “Course” before he handles guns again is a good one, but not some thing he can afford right now.

    So here is my challenge, Is there some one near by who would donate an hour maybe two to give such training in a non formal way. Heck if there is not, although I am not NRA certified, I will. I am sure he will better understand afterwards, because every one is right, GUN SAFETY IS # one… but no one so far seems to be willing to help a fellow gun owner out.
    So what we need is one person to come to the plate, maybe suggest a place we can go to do this, then give a non formal lesson to a person when he is in need so that this can all be behind him and he can come back saying “You know what guys.. Thanks, Honest; I learnt some thing now” … “It won’t happen again.”

    If no one steps forward to help in this, I am off Sundays and Mondays, If no where else, I will meet BMarshal91 at the local state range, and we can go through some informal basics and get this past him. Because I believe it is more important to teach one person the right way, then to humiliate them to a point they never return and possibly never learn the proper use and etiquette of gun handling.

    Who is willing to step up?

    On an other note, maybe we can all learn from this, and next time such a public beating is given to a member who otherwise is appreciated the thread can be locked before it is too late to do any repairs.

    Just my .02

    PS I put march 01 because It is a sunday, but this can happen any time BMarshal91 is free to attend.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    So....since this is posted in the events place...are we having a public spanking event, or do you need to be spanked for posting in the wrong spot?



    The NRA first steps classes should be looked at, or even basic pistol.
    Last edited by Kaos; February 24th, 2009 at 02:06 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaos View Post
    So....since this is posted in the events place...are we having a public spanking event, or do you need to be spanked for posting in the wrong spot?
    The spanking in my humble opinion is done and over with, it is time to repair some wounds now.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    I think the mob broke up and went home.

    No need to grab the horn and call them back to the town center.

    Life will go on. we will find new posts to play with and respond to. All is good in the ballance of life again.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    First of all, post in the correct forum. "Events general" is not it.
    Second. The thread was locked, for now, due to the nature of the turn of events. It may or may not be re-opened.
    Third, as in the last case you mention, I would gladly offer Bmashall some safety training were he able to come out this way. Unfortunately I am not local to him.
    Fourth. Part of the reason for the lock was to let things calm down. Re-initializing what will turn into exactly the SAME argument as the locked thread is not cool. Please do not do that again.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    Moved to holding tank.

    Seriously, WTF is with Frenchy? He has done this on other threads that went in the shitter. If it's locked, maybe not a good idea to post a manifestation of the locked thread?!?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    I haven't understood Frenchy since he basically subtly accused me of stealing PAFOA's money a few months ago.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    Sadly, when I can understand him, including what I understand from this post/thread, I usually agree with him.
    I agree with a lot of what he posted in this post.

    But, as he has done in the past, he posts this as a way to circumvent a locked thread. Not cool.

    I sent him a PM explaining this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    I agree with im in one sense too, but not another.

    Pulling out your gun in a crowded public restaurant to take a "cool" picture is straight up stupid. That's how newspaper headlines like "Accidental shooting in restaurant has legislators contemplating new gun legislation restricting carry in public restaurants" happen.

    I'm sorry, I am quite positive that Bmarshall is probably a good guy, but he should feel stupid for what he did and I fault no one for making him feel that way. When people do stupid things that can easily affect my right to own and carry a gun should something bad happen, I want the mob to step up and help them understand in clear terms that we do not accept such behavior as a community.

    Granted I wouldn't (and didn't) say this publicly, but it's what I think.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public spankings and forums..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pa. Patriot View Post
    But, as he has done in the past, he posts this as a way to circumvent a locked thread. Not cool.
    I've noticed this too, half the time the new thread just brings up more drama than the original one did. Other's have done it as well.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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