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  1. #1
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    Default The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes,2933,...est=latestnews
    Coming to America

    Hugo Chavez: No Singing in the Shower Amid Water Concerns

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told citizens Wednesday to limit their showers to three minutes because the country is having problems supplying water and electricity.

    "Some people sing in the shower, in the shower half an hour," he said during a televised cabinet meeting. "No kids, three minutes is more than enough. I've counted, three minutes, and I don't stink."

    Chavez said low rainfall caused by El Nino meant water levels were at critically low levels in the El Guri reservoir, one of the world's largest dams.

    "If you are going to lie back, in the bath, with the soap and you turn on the what's it called, the Jacuzzi ... imagine that, what kind of communism is that? We're not in times of Jacuzzi," Chavez said.

    He called on state-run organizations to immediately cut energy consumption by 20 percent and mentioned using airplanes to force rain from clouds.

    The leader also said the government would publish a decree forbidding imports of low-efficiency electrical appliances.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    What does this have to do with Obama?
    They are facing a drought over there, its no different that when they make it illegal to water your lawn when the same happens here.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    What does this have to do with Obama?
    Don't you know? EVERYTHING that goes bump in the night, could, should or would happen or even remotely has to do with a bear shitting in the woods is Obama's fault according to PP ... he's a tad obsessed

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Dah no one said anything about anyone's's about the power OMao aspires to gain. Obsessed with freedom?...yep you are right. Much better than drinking the Okool aid
    Last edited by PocketProtector; October 23rd, 2009 at 10:48 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    I don't think people who listen to O-hole take showers.
    "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws--that's insane!" -- Penn Jillette

    "To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." -- Ted Nugent

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Much as it pains me to defend a dictator, he's not wrong to encourage the residents of his country to conserve water during a drought. As described in the article, this isn't a decree he's making on a whim to screw with people, it's a perfectly legitimate response to a genuine crisis. No water = lots of dead people, and if you let those reservoirs fall far enough they don't refill overnight. It's useful and appropriate to criticize leaders when they do bad and stupid things, but counterproductive to adopt a scorched earth policy of criticizing their every move on mere principle. The undeserved criticism only causes reasonable people to dismiss your entire argument, valid points and all, as ranting.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    The water thing is not entirely absurd, but this

    He called on state-run organizations to immediately cut energy consumption by 20 percent and mentioned using airplanes to force rain from clouds.

    The leader also said the government would publish a decree forbidding imports of low-efficiency electrical appliances.
    shows the insanity that is Chavez.
    It's also much better to be an evicted survivor than an obedient corpse. -GunLawyer001

  8. #8
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt_M View Post
    Much as it pains me to defend a dictator, he's not wrong to encourage the residents of his country to conserve water during a drought. As described in the article, this isn't a decree he's making on a whim to screw with people, it's a perfectly legitimate response to a genuine crisis. No water = lots of dead people, and if you let those reservoirs fall far enough they don't refill overnight. It's useful and appropriate to criticize leaders when they do bad and stupid things, but counterproductive to adopt a scorched earth policy of criticizing their every move on mere principle. The undeserved criticism only causes reasonable people to dismiss your entire argument, valid points and all, as ranting.
    As a public servant (sic) I would venture that getting more water would be the thing to do. But then again, it's not about the water, it's about the power. Everything's a crisis, sound familiar ?? That would be Alinskyish huh? Not giving this asshat a pass.
    Last edited by PocketProtector; October 23rd, 2009 at 12:33 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt_M View Post
    (SNIP)It's useful and appropriate to criticize leaders when they do bad and stupid things, but counterproductive to adopt a scorched earth policy of criticizing their every move on mere principle.
    Look, if the target is worthy of ridicule then it's gonna get the shit beat out of it. Those are the rules of engagement and they have always been around, since the beginning of our Republic. So please don't hand me any of this horseshit about how its unfair to engage in scorched-earth.

    You think that fucking disgrace to humanity Hugo Chavez ever cared about being fair? He's been waging scorched earth against his opponents since he was elected.

    Our current child President and his unvetted, Trotsky-ite, Che-worshiping minions actually agree with the Chavista approach. Their aim is to control the media, and it starts with Obama, same as censorship started with Chavez in Venezuela. For evidence look no further than his recent appointment to the FCC and that agency's attempts to impose "fairness" on radio and the Internet. Censorship (in the form of localism) is priority one. Scorched earth tactics have been waged from day one. The only thing that holds them back is their sheer incompetence, which far exceeds even that of the Bush administration.

    So what point is there in self-censorship when your adversary is attempting to force actual censorship? What's the point of adhering to some idiotic concept of civility when your opponents are using Alinsky to bend your teeth?

    Are we members of a two-hundred-plus year old democracy, or do we live under the Khmer Rouge? Why the fuck should we keep silent?

    The undeserved criticism only causes reasonable people to dismiss your entire argument, valid points and all, as ranting.
    If telling the truth is something you consider unreasonable and undeserved, well, so what? Sometimes the truth is ugly.
    Last edited by kunsunoke; October 23rd, 2009 at 12:29 PM.
    These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. LMAO

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The power OMao wants:Chavez Limits Citizens' Showers to 3 Minutes

    Quote Originally Posted by kunsunoke View Post
    Look, if the target is worthy of ridicule then it's gonna get the shit beat out of it. Those are the rules of engagement and they have always been around, since the beginning of our Republic. So please don't hand me any of this horseshit about how its unfair to engage in scorched-earth.

    You think that fucking disgrace to humanity Hugo Chavez ever cared about being fair? He's been waging scorched earth against his opponents since he was elected.

    Our current child President and his unvetted, Trotsky-ite, Che-worshiping minions actually agree with the Chavista approach. Their aim is to control the media, and it starts with Obama, same as censorship started with Chavez in Venezuela. For evidence look no further than his recent appointment to the FCC and that agency's attempts to impose "fairness" on radio and the Internet. Censorship (in the form of localism) is priority one. Scorched earth tactics have been waged from day one. The only thing that holds them back is their sheer incompetence, which far exceeds even that of the Bush administration.

    So what point is there in self-censorship when your adversary is attempting to force actual censorship? What's the point of adhering to some idiotic concept of civility when your opponents are using Alinsky to bend your teeth?

    Are we members of a two-hundred-plus year old democracy, or do we live under the Khmer Rouge? Why the fuck should we keep silent?

    If telling the truth is something you consider unreasonable and undeserved, well, so what? Sometimes the truth is ugly.
    OMG !!! Someday who pays attention. Kudos

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