Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Arrow My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    So much for the " no one hunts with an "assault rifle" meme.

    New Jersey--( With fall a mere few weeks away, and with it the start of the traditional hunting season Nationwide, I thought it would be timely to discuss another in the endless list of lies foisted on a largely ignorant public and intentionally myopic media by Gun Control Advocates, their supporters and Politicians.

    That being the trite and well worn buzz phrases that “no one hunts with an assault rifle” or “assault rifles” are not used for hunting or other similar, slightly altered, but massively imbecilic and obtuse comments.

    As with all things related to the arguments for and supportive of gun control, these arguments and justifications are not based on facts or actual knowledge of the subject, they are squarely in the realm of emotionally driven salesmanship.

    There is one thing the gun control advocates are right about though, and one thing only. They are right when they state “no one hunts with an assault rifle” , because true, actual “assault rifles” have been heavily regulated by the Federal Government since the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Owners Protection Act of 1986.

    The laws codified in these two pieces of Federal Legislation, applicable Nationwide, have created and ensured a highly restricted market for “assault rifles”, which are defined as select fire, fully automatic, military firearms. The process to legally obtain and own these firearms includes an extensive background check by the ATF/FBI, a process that can take up to 6 months, registration of the weapon with the Federal Govt, in most jurisdictions the signature of the local Chief Law Enforcement Officer on a Federal Form, attesting to the Chief’s personal knowledge that the person has no criminal history or violent tendencies (essentially a second background check), payment of a 200 dollar fee for the “Tax Stamp” to the Federal Government, the requirement to keep the registration paperwork/approvals with the weapon at all times and a requirement to notify the ATF anytime the owner wishes to take the firearm across State lines for any reason.

    Due to the above, the market for real “assault weapons” is restricted to the near exclusive realm of wealthy collectors and aficionados, with prices at retail starting at roughly 5,000 dollars per firearm depending on type and desirability and increasing exponentially from there into the price range of a new mid range luxury car or sizable down payment on a house.

    Given these facts, that literally anyone can verify with only a few minutes of searching the web, what then do the Anti Gunners and their acolytes mean when they claim “no one hunts with an assault rifle” ? What they are referring to are semi-automatic only rifles, that share only an outward appearance to their military counterparts, thus making them look “scary” and worthy of banishment.

    The shocking thing is, the various Anti gun groups have openly admitted to this !

    Josh Sugarmann, head of the rabidly Anti Gun Violence Policy Center said as much in a publicized interview.

    “Assault weapons — The weapon’s menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons— anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.” ~ Josh Sugarmann, Assault Weapons and Accessories in America, 1988

    Read that again. The titular head of one of the most zealous and deceptive Anti Gun Groups in the Country is publicly admitting to intentionally inventing a phrase out of thin air, in an effort to manufacture confusion and then take advantage of that confusion, to market his desires to the public at large and the media. A more pure example of unadulterated propaganda is difficult to imagine.

    The follow on question then becomes, if we know people are not in fact hunting with actual assault weapons, as should be abundantly clear, are they hunting with what the various Anti Gun groups and their supporters falsely label as “assault weapons”?

    Turns out, they are!
    California ( Gun Banner Heaven), Wisconsin, Indiana, Alaska, West Virginia, Texas, Illinois, New York State,Missouri, Nebraska, Florida, Utah, Minnesota, Oregon, Louisiana, Montana, Maine , Kentucky, New Hampshire, Michigan, Georgia, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona are all States where hunting with what gun control supporters like to call “assault rifles” is completely legal. This list is by no means all inclusive of every State that permits hunting with semi automatic “assault rifles” , but does show that no less then half the States in the Country allow hunting with these firearms, representing millions of hunters, from every geographical region imaginable and 100′s of millions of dollars of tax revenue and license fees that go back to Federal and State Wildlife Conservation efforts.

    For an incredibly detailed analysis of hunting, fishing and other outdoorsman related activities, feel free to follow this link to a report compiled by the US Dept of Fish and Game.

    Given what I’ve just related, it should be abundantly obvious that hunting with semi automatic “assault rifles” is the norm, not the exception, and certainly not the definitive “no one hunts with “assault rifles”" exclamations of gun control supporters.

    But recognizing such facts does not support the gun grabbers agendas. So they will loudly claim to anyone that will listen that millions of people equates to “no one” , just as they deny that hundreds of thousands of people defend their lives or the lives of their loved ones with a firearm in public annually.

    Or perhaps more realistically, the claims of “no one does” is really an unintentional revealing of their contempt and arrogance for anyone that does not agree with them, and we really are “nobodies” as far as they are concerned. It is this mindset, the hubris, bigotry and dismissive attitude towards hunters and gun owners that has led to the marginalization and eventually the destruction of the gun control movement as a viable force in American Society.

    Gun Control Groups and their supporters, including those in media and the halls of power are completely unable and or unwilling to grasp the fact that continuing to spout Great Lies on a grand scale, in the days of new media, where anyone willing can rapidly discover the facts is what destroys any credibility they might once have enjoyed.

    About Dan Roberts, Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights. As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    "Given what I’ve just related, it should be abundantly obvious that hunting with semi automatic “assault rifles” is the norm, not the exception, and certainly not the definitive “no one hunts with “assault rifles”" exclamations of gun control supporters."

    What are you calling semi automatic assault rifles? What type of platform are you calling the norm in the hunting community?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Telling someone that they can't hunt with an AR type rifle is like saying you can't own a BMW, Mercedes, Porsche to just go to work everyday.

    Hog hunters actually use AR-15's in Texas. Ive seen some setups that look just like a gun that came back from Iraq. Lights, lasers, NV.

    I understand that poaching might be of concern, but it's not like a bolt gun would prevent that. A bigger concern would be over excited hunters that will expend a mag in desperation from missing the first shot, but for some reason, it does not seem to be a problem in the states that allow hunting with semi's, so that argument to me is invalid.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Telling someone that they can't hunt with an AR type rifle is like saying you can't own a BMW, Mercedes, Porsche to just go to work everyday.

    Hog hunters actually use AR-15's in Texas. Ive seen some setups that look just like a gun that came back from Iraq. Lights, lasers, NV.

    I understand that poaching might be of concern, but it's not like a bolt gun would prevent that. A bigger concern would be over excited hunters that will expend a mag in desperation from missing the first shot, but for some reason, it does not seem to be a problem in the states that allow hunting with semi's, so that argument to me is invalid.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    I was asking specific questions for specific reasons.

    I didn't throw an opinion I was asking for supporting information.

    HOG hunting is a portion of hunting. In that case are you specifically talking about the AR platform? or what other semi auto platform? HOG hunting from a heli with ar 15 happens, but to say assualt type firearms as the norm I would like to see supporting documentation.

    Semi auto being allowed for hunting covers a wide variety of non assault type firearms. Examples being Remington 1187, 1100 being semi auto and standard shot guns for hunting. Also a browning BAR rifles as non assault type semi auto hunting rifles. 10/22 for squirrels... etc..

    Semi autos are used as a norm in the hunting community...

    Remember there are only a few firearm manufactures that specifically target hunters with an AR platform. Has anyone seen the norm to be AK's, SKS's, etc in the hunting community?

    I get hunting magazines, watch hunting shows, have traveled with hunters on paid trips, and am pretty involved in the hunting community. I am not discussing the use of AR's or other assault style firearms, or the philosophy, but rather assault style firearms being used in general, the norm.

    I am surprised by new things everyday. Example, I just found out about silencers for hunting. I have never seen this and do not know anyone who does this, but I would not call them the norm either.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Good article

    That reminds me of a discussion not I had not so long ago with an anti about so called assault weapons for hunting. Their argument was basically "What does a hunter need a gun that shoots so many bullets for, are they afraid to give the animal a chance. Hunters don't really hunt, they have so many advantages"

    After getting over my "that is one of the most idiotic argument I ever heard thoughts" I proceeded to point out that a hunter hunting their own food is giving the animal a much more sporting chance at survival than the animal that provided the steak we were eating earlier.

    The look on their face as I drove home the point that they pretty much never gave the animals providing the food they eat every day any chance what so ever pointing out the process by which the steaks got to our table. Who were they to criticize someone going out and killing an animal for food and what makes them so much better that they get their meat from the butcher shop.

    They really had no answer, but their argument was one of the most weakly thought out ones I've ever heard.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Quote Originally Posted by thefirstndsecond View Post
    I was asking specific questions for specific reasons.

    I didn't throw an opinion I was asking for supporting information.

    HOG hunting is a portion of hunting. In that case are you specifically talking about the AR platform? or what other semi auto platform? HOG hunting from a heli with ar 15 happens, but to say assualt type firearms as the norm I would like to see supporting documentation.

    Semi auto being allowed for hunting covers a wide variety of non assault type firearms. Examples being Remington 1187, 1100 being semi auto and standard shot guns for hunting. Also a browning BAR rifles as non assault type semi auto hunting rifles. 10/22 for squirrels... etc..

    Semi autos are used as a norm in the hunting community...

    Remember there are only a few firearm manufactures that specifically target hunters with an AR platform. Has anyone seen the norm to be AK's, SKS's, etc in the hunting community?

    I get hunting magazines, watch hunting shows, have traveled with hunters on paid trips, and am pretty involved in the hunting community. I am not discussing the use of AR's or other assault style firearms, or the philosophy, but rather assault style firearms being used in general, the norm.

    I am surprised by new things everyday. Example, I just found out about silencers for hunting. I have never seen this and do not know anyone who does this, but I would not call them the norm either.
    It would take forever to go through the websites for every State's Fish and Game or Wildlife Commission to identify all the different game that may be taken with semi auto " assault rifle " pattern long guns. Coyote immediately comes to mind right after hog, although I believe I also saw discussion of big cats (mountain lions, etc) in Western States.

    From personal experience I can say with certainty that I hunted regularly in Florida with a copy of an HK 91 chambered in .308, which I am quite confident any Anti Gun advocate would call an "assault rifle". I also knew lots of people that hunted with sporterized SKS's , Ruger Mini 14's and the like, all of which would certainly fall under the definition of an "assault weapon" as used in the vernacular of the gun grabbers and their supporters.

    Im equally confident an Anti would call the BAR you cited as an example an " assault rifle" .

    I think your missing the overall point of the column, which was to highlight and emphasize the fact that lots of people use, or are allowed the choice to use what the Gun Grabbers call "assault rifles" for hunting at a rate far more "normally" then their claims of " no one uses one to hunt" .
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    If I could hunt with an ar pattern I would be all over it. Limit me to five rounds I don't care bottom line is I'm comfortable with that platform and shoot it well

  9. #9
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Quote Originally Posted by thefirstndsecond View Post
    I was asking specific questions for specific reasons.

    I didn't throw an opinion I was asking for supporting information.

    HOG hunting is a portion of hunting. In that case are you specifically talking about the AR platform? or what other semi auto platform? HOG hunting from a heli with ar 15 happens, but to say assualt type firearms as the norm I would like to see supporting documentation.

    Semi auto being allowed for hunting covers a wide variety of non assault type firearms. Examples being Remington 1187, 1100 being semi auto and standard shot guns for hunting. Also a browning BAR rifles as non assault type semi auto hunting rifles. 10/22 for squirrels... etc..

    Semi autos are used as a norm in the hunting community...

    Remember there are only a few firearm manufactures that specifically target hunters with an AR platform. Has anyone seen the norm to be AK's, SKS's, etc in the hunting community?

    I get hunting magazines, watch hunting shows, have traveled with hunters on paid trips, and am pretty involved in the hunting community. I am not discussing the use of AR's or other assault style firearms, or the philosophy, but rather assault style firearms being used in general, the norm.

    I am surprised by new things everyday. Example, I just found out about silencers for hunting. I have never seen this and do not know anyone who does this, but I would not call them the norm either.
    You should get out of Philly more. Breath some cleaner air

    Here's some anecdotal evidence:

    For sure these states allow SA, some allow FA as well as Suppressed.

    MI, OK, TX, AK, GA, AL, LA, TN,CT,MO, HI, WI, NC, NY, ND, UT, KY, IN, OR, VA, NM, ME, KS, NB, WV, MN.....

    Once the Fudds die off, PA may enter the 21st century and allow SA hunting. So once the old ladies leave the scene, the newer hunters who are used to the AR platform (veterans for instance) will take control, and we may start seeing SA sporting rifles (which is the AR's designation) in use in this state.
    Last edited by spacemanvic; September 3rd, 2012 at 08:51 PM.
    Hold the Line...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My latest. No one hunts with an "assault rifle " right ? WRONG!

    Quote Originally Posted by spacemanvic View Post
    You should get out of Philly more. Breath some cleaner air

    Here's some anecdotal evidence:

    For sure these states allow SA, some allow FA as well as Suppressed.

    MI, OK, TX, AK, GA, AL, LA, TN,CT,MO, HI, WI, NC, NY, ND, UT, KY, IN, OR, VA, NM, ME, KS, NB, WV, MN.....

    Once the Fudds die off, PA may enter the 21st century and allow SA hunting. So once the old ladies leave the scene, the newer hunters who are used to the AR platform (veterans for instance) will take control, and we may start seeing SA sporting rifles (which is the AR's designation) in use in this state.
    The argument thefirstandsecond is making is that allowing semi auto firearm use for hunting does not equal hunting with "assault rifle" style SA platforms being the norm. PA allows the use of SA shotguns for hunting various species, but saying that PA hunters use assault rifles to legally hunt rabbits would be a lie. Semi-auto does not automatically equal assault rifle.

    While I agree that most "assault rifle" platforms would have a use in hunting, showing anti's that some people use AR's or other "assault rifles" to hunt doesn't accomplish anything. The people who claim AR's have no normal use aren't going to change their minds because Texans hunt wild hogs with them.

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